Chosen (Chosen Trilogy Book 1)

NHAKIRA: Book 1 ~ "Chosen" (The Nhakira Trilogy) - Kindle edition by Jeanine Henning, Meg De Jong. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, .
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Because yeah, Mari is a terrible human being with no real personality or redeeming qualities. Had Cast been willing to make Mari face the consequences of decisions like abandoning the Clan that needs her, she could have made for an excellent anti-heroine. Alas, Mari is presented as flawless and faces no consequences whatsoever. Another character who could be incredible if they faced consequences and were interpreted differently: They need her to Wash them. The worldbuilding, in two words, is fucking disastrous.

Moon Chosen is a far-future post-apocalyptic tale.

See a Problem?

Though the Treeple live in trees, status in their tribe is dependent on whether you have a dog. As a final niggle: Dear God, you could make a drinking game out of trying to read these without laughing or cringing. Am I insulting Cast personally with much of this review? View all 55 comments. It was the second book from P. Cast I tried to read and Because what the fuck is this writing? I would have probably forgotten this book even existed if not for seeing it on the NY Times list. Not that it would surprise me that much, given that Red Queen made it its home and you all know what I think about Mare fucking Barrows and her woman hate.

But then I read reviews about Moon Chosen and In addition for being a terribly written novel taking place in a poorly crafted 'world-building' with a TSTL heroine whose actions make no sense, it had to include blackfaces and negative portrayal of dark-skinned and biracial characters? There's just not enough reading time in my life to waste it reading terrible books.

For more of my reviews, please visit: View all 7 comments. Fans of very well written dystopian stories. I loved so many things in this book, beginning with the whole new world PC Cast has created depicted with man 5 moonlit stars! I loved so many things in this book, beginning with the whole new world PC Cast has created depicted with many details, from the plants to the beasts and of course the clans and tribes. As she took the time to set the scene and the tone, the beginning was a little slow and I was lost between who was who but once I got my bearing, I was sucked in this post-apocalyptic world all ready to follow the main characters many adventures.

I walked right alongside Mari and Leda crossing heavily thorned brambles to get to their hidden burrow. I prepared healing potions with crushed leaves and flowers. I hunted with Nik in the dangerous forest to find the lost puppy, trying to avoid Wolf Spiders. I bathed in the moonlight or in the sunlight, depending on the tribe to gather strength and sanity.

I could see the colors, hear the screams of animals or men turned feral as they were plagued by the Night Fever, I could smell either the healing sage or the putrid odor of bodies affected by the blight. It was vivid, it was real… This particular world is our earth, many years after the sun destroyed all technology. Men tried to survive through clans and tribes. Each tribe had its own distinctive features. PC Cast is an experienced and gifted writer and it shines through this book.

Many side characters fill the book, each very well portrayed, each serving their purpose to sustain the story and make it a magical experience. Mari, the female main character is girl you will love very relatable with her doubts and dreams. Companions and Earth Walker cannot join, cannot love. She was also an incredibly talented artist and her true gift was more promising than anyone could have hoped.

Caught between two worlds, she did not fit in and longed for being accepted for who she truly was. My heart hurt many times for Mari as I could feel her longing, her hope but also her deep despair when a dramatic event hit her full force. For different reasons, he did not meet his people high expectations and was also always on the outskirts. He needed to belong, to be seen as worthy.

He also had his lot of drama. The most talented archer of his tribe, he could never be a leading archer and it was slowly eating him. He was also a very likeable character courageous, loyal to a fault and ready to change his mind and stray from his people way if it meant creating a better, fairer world. Dead Eyes with his barbaric and disgusting ways; Thaddeus with his arrogance and permanent anger, worsening by the end of the book as it turned to full hatred.

Mari had to discover who she was meant to be, Dead Eye wanted to save his people and Nik had to find the lost puppy, prove his worth. Their paths cross, clash sometimes for better or other times for worse changing the future of their respective tribes. I was carried away far from my day to day life living in this magical land and experiencing every joy, hope, pain or fear Mari and Nick felt.

I have to wait months to know what will happen next! View all 31 comments. Moon Chosen is without a doubt the worst book I have read this year. I would have never picked this book up on my own. Cast and I do not have a good relationship , and she is just a terrible writer. The only reason I got Moon Chosen was because it was through a book subscription box.

Since I inadvertently spent money on Moon Chosen, I had to at least start it. First off, Moon P. First off, Moon Chosen makes no sense. It transcends House of Night of nonsensical worldbuilding. Moon Chosen is technically post-apocalyptic, but it reads as terribly written fantasy. There is essentially no plot, and it is just rambling about dogs and Mari being annoying for pages. There is a really weird, out of place subplot going on with Dead Eyes aka the villain who should've been left for the next book.

I am still confused as to what Cast was trying to accomplish. Cast does not know how to write beyond stereotypes, which is shown throughout Marked and the other books in her House of Night series. Moon Chosen is on another level. Mari lives with her mother's clan, the Earth Wakers, who are a group of the in universe PoC. Mari is biracial, and her father is a Companion minus 40 points for terrible names.

Because her skin color is not dark like the Earth Wakers, she wears a mix of clay aka blackface to disguise her heritage. Words like "dirty" and "unrefined" are used to describe the dark skinned characters while phrases like "the color of sunlight" referring to her blonde hair are used for Mari.

The Earth Walkers live separated by male and female because after all, there are only two genders because of the Night Fever. They also have specific roles based on gender like the women raising children, weaving, and, lawmaking while the men are hunters and protectors minus points for lack of creativity by following gender roles in a setting where you have the power to literally make anything else up. Now, back to the Night Fever. The Night Fever causes the men to become violent rapists and the women to become severely depressed every Third Night.

Remember, the Earth Walkers are supposed to be PoC. The WoC are literally incapable of happiness and spiral into severe depression while the MoC become violent. The only way to temporarily "cure" the Night Fever is through being "washed" by the Moon Woman, and it only lasts for a short amount of time. Mari, the current Moon Woman, ends up ditching them, essentially leaving the Earth Walkers to self destruction. This is only the tip of the iceberg for Moon Chosen. I didn't get far enough to get to the other problematic aspects like the Bury Your Gays trope, the sexualization of young girls, and even more racism.

Dec 13, Yodamom rated it did not like it Shelves: I do not like these authors' style, I find the narrators voice annoying and I just don't care about the characters at all. Major Gripes 1 Repetition: Every time a character speaks to another they use their name. Omg the "Mama, Mama, Mama.. Three red flags that hit me upside the head. This author is not one I plan on reading again View all 9 comments. Feb 15, Cyna rated it did not like it.

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This is a book founded on racist stereotypes, blackface, and justifiable slavery, and abominable characters framed as "the good guys". We did an in-depth discussion over at Papercuts Podcast , but I wanted to have a text entry on it, too, so here's notes dump. GoogleDocs formatting is better, but here's the text. For not all of the people were deaf, not all were deaf. Some left the soulless cities, the soulless cities. And followed the promise of green, of healing green, To the forest they turned!

To the forest they turned! It's like a fucking Atlantic article. You did what you believed you had to do, and the Elders did what they believed was best for the greater good of our Tribe. It's just so horrible. I can't imagine what it's been like for you carrying around this secret for all of these years. Why would you do that? He led me here. He won't let you kill this man.

I don't think he could make it much clearer that he wants me to help. So that's why I'm going to examine him—for Rigel. Her conscience wouldn't allow her to leave—to retreat back to her comfortable burrow and the friends waiting for her there—while knowing Earth Walker women were suffering and she had had the opportunity to relieve them of that suffering, even if it was only for a little while. Mari talks to painting, herself, dog, First scene is Mari and her mom explaining their naming conventions to each other. Nik exposits to father about things they already know, right up until the end.

Actually, this was an impromptu acknowledgment of pride in my daughter. Mari stifled her irritated sigh and spoke up before her mother could respond. Then I'll sketch Mama," Mari said. Clutching the charcoal she started making notes about the screams. Her face was still beautiful , even though it showed lines of age, loss, and regret. Leda was thick-browed, wide-nosed, and narrow-lipped. But in Mari's sketch, her mother's thin lips were lifted in a brilliant smile that was reflected in the one feature of hers that was truly remarkable , her wide, silver-gray eyes.

Her standards of beauty would align with theirs, what the fuck kind of shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit writing is this? He was standing beside a waterfall smiling at a plain young woman. She wanted to run down the bank, take her place at her mother's side, and once and for all claim her birthright without being frightened that she would be cursed for her fair hair and sunlight-absorbing skin. She was just so pitiful and ugly! Her hair had been dark and matted — her skin the dirty, earthy color of all Scratchers -Mari re: She looked from his hair to his face, and was even more intrigued.

His features were so different from those of the Clansmen. Nik was more refined , with strong cheekbones and full lips. Had his jaw not been so square and his neck and shoulders not so powerfully built, Mari would have been tempted to call him pretty. Women tended to group their burrows together. Men, even those who were mated, lived apart from the Clanswomen, as Night Fever made cohabitation as dangerous as it was difficult. But the Clan didn't hide from one another. The women simply controlled day-to-day life—raising children, growing crops, weaving and counseling and lawmaking. Men hunted and served as protectors.

No room for people who don't fit the gender binary. Somebody take away PC Cast's pen and computer and fucking human being card.

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  • Moon Chosen.

Earth Mother aid me with your magick sight Lend me strength on this full moon night. Come, silver light—fill me to overflow So those in my care, your healing will know. I've been trying to find you for days. But I forgive you because you were carrying your dead mother. Sora was standing by the hearth with a blanket wrapped around her, bruised and bloodied, but whole. Sora thinks it's better to let Nik - a member of the clan who enslaves and kills them for sport - die, and SHE'S in the wrong.

Are they genuinely well-written, or do we just like them more because they're the only ones with the balls to be mean to the MCs? The creature is disgusting. Wagging, his tail, he gulped the rest of her sneeze-covered stew. Jan 03, Fangs for the Fantasy rated it did not like it. I blame Cynna, Olivia, Maverynthia and Paige for my pain and suffering. I will be joining them on the Papercuts Podcast to discuss this atrocity we have all endured.

Because this book is just so very… typical. It was utterly awful in several ways. Nooooo, stop this Save the Pearls awful! This means the book is very very very very careful not to outright label skin colour of anyone. The physical descriptions have several markers — the Earth Walkers have black, coarse hair, broad noses; the Tree Tribe has blond hair, small noses. And these are just some examples — Mari spends most of the book hiding her mixed race identity using dark hair dye and darkening her skin and disguising her features with mud — which screams darkening her skin.

Sure she could be disguising herself by being the person who is literally and clearly blathered in mud all the time But… really? I mean can someone even live like this? She thinks the tribe ostracises her — but if she is this filthy all the time is it any surprise everyone backs away from her. Ultimately, another character openly comments that her skin is a different colour. The woo-woo which causes the POC to rape and be enslaved is an appalling, insurmountable part of this book which pollutes my tablet with its presence. This is the objective description of the two people — the beautiful blonds and the ugly, coarse POC who are rapists and enslaved.

This is awful — and a lot of this awful comes from Mari, our protagonist. Oh how I hate her. She was raised by her mother, Leda, an Earth Walker. She has never ever met her father who died when she was born. She knows of them only as brutal slavers and the heritage which forces her to hide inside and plaster herself in blackface mud. Where has she even got this beauty standard from?

How does someone grow up, ostracised in a society, having to hide their features and decide EVERYONE in that society is grossly ugly except her precious self? Any my gods is she self-centred and hateful. She has no exposure to Tree Tribe culture, so how has she heard their slurs? And why, good gods, why, is she using it all the damn time? Why has she absorbed this level of contempt for her own people that she psychically learns insults about them?! Aug 11, Andrea rated it it was amazing Shelves: Mari is half Earth Walker and half Companion.

She must pretend to be a sickly full-blooded Earth Walker by dying her hair, skin and avoiding sunlight at all costs. Nik is a Companion who has not been chosen by a canine. When a pup escapes the Tribe on his watch, Nik feels responsible and takes it on himself to track the dog. When he goes into Scratcher territory, he crosses paths with a unique girl who can harness the power of the Sun. And this change could endanger both their families. I have been a fan of P.

Cast since I found her House of Night books my freshmen year of high school. Cast has created a beautiful reality with three distinct cultures that are trying to coexist with each other. Mari was an interesting character. I liked her because she was so brave and willing to do things for those she cared about. In the beginning, Mari is very afraid of what makes her different and the powers she may have. Over the course of the events, Mari grows up and in to those powers.

She also begins to trust herself and believes in her choices. It was wonderful to see this change and watch her become such a strong character. I hope she continues her growth in the next novel. My other favorite character was Sora. At first glance, she seems shallow, flirtatious and lazy. We come to find out there is much more to Sora than her appearance gives her credit. She deeply values the friendships she develops and she has an appreciation for her own culture and future role in the Clan. The book is long, but it never felt like it dragged for me.

I loved learning more about each culture and what they do. Especially when Mari is healing, I found those sections the most intriguing since she uses a lot of herbs and her powers.

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There was a lot of thought put into developing this world and making each culture unique. Jul 18, Carrie rated it really liked it Shelves: Mari has been raised by her mother who is an Earth Walker. Calling on the power of the moon her mother can heal the clan and needs to name a replacement for her position. Mari should be the one chosen but Mari has had to hide half of herself her whole life because her father was not of the Earth Walkers.

When an attack happens Mari decides to stop hiding the other half of herself after she is chosen by a canine from her father's clan. Nik is from the clan that Mari's father had come from and is o Mari has been raised by her mother who is an Earth Walker. Nik is from the clan that Mari's father had come from and is out with other members from his tribe searching the lost pup when he sees Mari call on the power of the sun. Nik finds out who Mari might be from his father who was friends with Mari's father and is determined to track her down. Unfortunately what brings the two together is Nik needing Mari's help.

Moon Chosen was an intriguing read that had me hooked with parts of the story and a bit confused and bored with others. Early on the story jumps POVs rather quickly and it almost feels like you've managed to switch books mid-reading. It was hard to figure out just what each section meant to the others until fairly late in the book.

I think for me personally I would have enjoyed this one a lot more without the slow build and confusing start.

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  8. The length of the book is over six hundred pages and it felt there could have been a more direct approach to the world and character building that could have cut the book down quite a bit and not had me wondering if I should continue on reading in the beginning. I think around midway through or perhaps a bit farther everything began to make sense in the story and the parts that I had been enjoying in the earlier sections merged with the parts I was a bit iffy on and it became a much more enjoyable fantasy read.

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    An enjoyable fantasy read with interesting concepts to the different tribes of people but a very slow pace that could get a bit confusing. I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. For more reviews please visit https: I found this book thoroughly enjoyable, even with the vast world building which I usually do not like.

    The characters are interesting and there is a good amount of them so you get many different perspectives. I am glad I already have Sun Warrior here because I am very much ready for this story to continue! Overall, intriguing and a good pace. Dec 09, Maverynthia rated it did not like it Recommends it for: THis book contains rape, threats of rape, racism and homophobia and thus I will be highlighting them So if you love racist as hell books like "The Continent" have we got a book for you!

    First of all we have Earth Walkers who are the black, maybe dark skinned Asian people based on the fact that "but her eyes were wrong. They were bigger and almost almond-shaped. Then there are the Companions. I don't remember if there was a vulgar term for Companions.. Shephard are better than Terriers. What happened to all the other dogs? Finally we have the Skin Stealers. They are the cannibals that don't really do anything except paint themselves like Native Americans, have lots of sex, skin people and eat them.

    We don't have a vulgar term for them either. Now takes all of this together and add a lot of filler and you'll have this book. This was a very tedious book to get through having so many words that don't add to the story at all. We have Mari that whines that she's not the Moon Woman, yet she fakes being sick and doesn't really practice.

    Compare this with Sora that does want to be the Moon Woman, but we are supposed to see her in a bad light because she makes eyes at the guys and acts like a typical person. She's kind of the princess type that's weak and is going to need Mari to save her later. She also almost gets raped just to put her in her place. Then there is Nik the Companions that is also part of the white savior trope that we have going on here.

    Mari is basically the other half. Oh then there's the Night Fever that strikes the Earth Walkers. We don't know what causes it, but Drawing down the moon can cleanse them of it. This needs to be performed every 3 days or the women turn into a depressed crying mess and the men turn into violent rapists. Now comes the fun when a shepard pup escapes the Treeple and runs off to Mari. So all the Treeple get together to find the pup leading to Mari's clan where then eventually leads to Mari's mom dying, Jenna being enslaved, Jenna's dad being killed, Danita being "raped so bad she might be unable to have children" and pretty much all of Mari's clan being murdered by the Companions.

    Where do the Skin Stealers fit into this? They kind of bait the Companions and set it up for Mari and Nik to meet. The lesbian couple is broken up by one of them dying. Oh and they make Thaddeus evil, even though he was on the path because "Terrier people can't be leaders so I'm going to kill everyone to make a point. Then there is maybe a trans person, or a trans cat?

    Right at the end. All amongst this is Mari calling her people Scratchers the derogatory name for them that she leart from somewhere. Now amongst this is just endless spewage of words that you can honestly skim past and still understand what's going on. Spiritual growth can be painful, but comes with lasting joy.

    Seven (Book 1 of the Chosen Trilogy) - Contest: New Cover - Wattpad

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    Trilogy of the Second Age 1: Chosen of the Sun

    There are no other books comparable to it, but the closest would perhaps be Ben-Hur. On another level, it portrays a great human drama held in the magnificent court of king Nebuchadnezzar. Yet, on a deeper level, it is about the spiritual journey of Daniel from youth to maturity. It is about living a life of complete, pure Faith in a heathen world. Page after page, I was elevated to see events from the vintage point of the growing prophet, always startled and inspired to discover his utterly unexpected responses and actions. Another gem is the love story of Daniel and Najeen, weaved beautifully into the story.

    Chosen by the Alien Audiobook

    Can love between man and women be so noble, so uplifting and down to the depth of souls? You will have to go through it to realize the magnitude of this possibility. How on earth do you go into the lions den and come out alive? How do you walk out of a furnace, unharmed? How in God's name, our elder brother Daniel, did you manage to stay calm, peaceful and full of joy, in the midst of severe trials, a menacing uncertain future? Well, he says, a secret it is not.

    Reading this extraordinary book, the reader feels he is right there, with prophet Daniel and his close and saintly companions. Yet it doesn't feel like ancient history. As the preface says: And indeed, to a reader from a land Israel continuously threatened by fanatic enemies and a planet resembling a madhouse, this book is uplifting and encouraging.

    It shows the spirit of prophet Daniel, his heart, which is peaceful, loving and full of joy, in the midst of chaos. Did you know the author was nominated for the Nobel literature prize? The complete book is quite long, yet feels too short. And yes, that means that Seven will not have a second book until I complete this next one. The new book will be called Vengeance.

    The same rules and prizes will apply, and will be posted with the winning covers for Seven on a chapter labeled, "Winning Covers". Please disregard Note 2. I haven't received any covers and it's been a month. I'm beginning to look into making my own cover through apps or websites.