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Logan takes his time gutting and cutting up members of the Hulk Gang one by one. By the way, the.
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  • Old Man Logan Reading Order Guide.
  • Until the Day Breaks (California Rising Book 1).
  • Wolverine: Old Man Logan Giant-Size #1.
  • Giant-Size Wolverine: Old Man Logan Giant Size 1 (Marvel Comics) -;

Some parts can be confusing or over-explained. I'm already pretty deep into the reading order, but I just now joined the site. So I'm going to go back and rate and comment on the issues I have read so far. This was a good issue. It was the origins to the FF and Moleman 'nuff said. Trebek Says:. Not a bad start to the Fantastic Four.

I am a little disappointed with the Mole Man in this issue simply because his powers seem to be a stick and a really bright room.

  1. Wolverine – Old Man Logan (TPB) (2011).
  2. THE GIFT?
  3. Old Man Logan Reading Order.
  4. The Michael Muir Story!
  5. I don't care what all you criticizers have to say. It might be campy, okay it's definitely campy, but it started the silver age. A comic that is so monumental that it effectively ends the old era of comics is not something to look at with mockery.

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    • Wolverine: Old Man Logan Giant-Size #1 | Old man logan, Wolverine, Hulk marvel?

    I like this comic. It has a good beginning to the fantastic fours origins and the mole man is a really good super villain. Doesn't that make complete sense anywar, though? FoxyShoxzy Says:. I appreciate the slight nod towards Jules Verne. At The Gates of Dawn Says:. This is the beginning! Words can't describe how I love this issue! I will always regret reading this later in life.

    Even 50 years after the story and the characters are entertaining as always! I realize this was the issue that started it all but honestly, that was pretty terrible. I realize that nostalgia and the landmark event causes some leeway when rating this thing, but really it's a weak story and a great introduction to the grind I will have to endure while trudging through the silver age.

    It's gonna be a long road Henda Says:. The origin of the Fantastic Four was carried out very well. The relations between the members of the Fantastic Four were also described in more depth and emotions than I had expected from the first Silver Age comic. Although the story concerning the Mole Man was sometimes really absurd and naive but honestly, what in Silver Age is not , the overall feeling from the first Silver Age comic is really great!

    Durango55 Says:. The one that started them all. Even with it's imperfections, this issue had some many elements in place that would end up defining Marvel. Flawed heroes, spectacular action sequences. Plus a good dislike of the "commies". All we need is some crazy device powered by "magnetism" Fun things about this issue: - the vaguely futuristic looking sewer. I wonder if he ever got reimbursed? I guess this could be explained with Ben's discomfort at his appearance, as at this team his transformation had happened in the recent past.

    Makes Sue's future waffling between Reed and Namor in upcoming issues a bit more distasteful. Maybe Sue did have her reasons for waffling Oh yeah, Reed got them in. Launch site Security was a lot different back then. It was so arbitrary when he'd run out of flame.

    Comic Wolverine: Old Man Logan Giant-Size issue 1

    Glad this limitation of his power was eventually disguarded. Tarquinnff3 Says:. Locust75 Says:. This is the grandaddy issue that started it all. So, it gets 5 stars from me! Cover me bad - I always wondered who tied up Reed? The monster perhaps? Imperius Rex - When Reed causally tosses the nuclear missle out to sea. He's lucky that Namor has amnesia during this time period! Gentle Ben - On page 13, panel 6 you meet the Ben we all know and love! Check out his swinging pad! Yeah Baby, Yeah!!! Everywhere it is the same! I live in a world too small for me!

    Product description

    Bramwell Says:. I absolutely love the first page of this book - it is a great introduction to the early Marvel style of storytelling. Central City : 3. Good character intros 4. Check the three panels at the top of page 7 - beautiful 5.

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    Page 10 is a masterpiece. Great visual balance. Commence creature feature Page 18 - the first Mr. F parachute : 8. Page 23 - "Now, before I slay you all, behold my master plan! This book may be epic for historical reasons but it also stands on its own.

    Man, I'm reading these on Marvel unlimited and starting at the beginning, but it's so hard to read some of these early issues. For a first issue, especially during the 60's, it did what it needed to It introduced the heroes, showed off the power each one had, and gave a sort of mission statement That being said, it also had the problems some comics from the 60's had The worst, to me, being how easy they seem to adjust to the powers they were given I know later on, things will get harder, but that would be my only real complaint! I know the origin story here, but I never read most of the early Silver Age until now going through The List.

    And since I was aware that some characters started in anthologies, like Thor in Journey Into Mystery, the first couple of pages threw me for a loop. I thought the FF started in their own book, so where's the rocket story? I actually went searching through the Internet for a few minutes before going back to my tablet and finding out the origin tale was actually shown in a flashback. Seemed like an odd way to start, but you can't argue with history.

    Schabenc Says:.

    Wolverine: Old Man Logan Giant-Size #1 – Review

    You just have to love this campy adventure and the origins of the Fantastic Four! The Silver Age of Marvel Comics has begun! A goofy comic looking back on it in , but it's a nice introduction to the Fantastic Four, an equally goofy team. TheAmazingGatorMan Says:. Great first issue of one of the best comic groups in history.

    It gets 5 stars because the story could be released today with some minor shakeup of the dialogue and it would still hold up today. Amanda Says:.