Guide The Equation Of Life: As I See It

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A day before the attendees were to arrive, Drake sketched out a way to focus the scientific discussion on the likelihood of detecting alien civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy. He used the term N to describe the number of those worlds. The Drake equation, formulated in , estimates the number of alien civilizations we could detect. If I plug in numbers and multiply the terms together, Drake reasoned, it should give me the value of N.

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On November 1, Drake kicked off the Green Bank conference by scribbling his equation on a chalkboard in the observatory's conference room:. He couldn't know that what he'd just written would not only serve as a lauded framework for a meeting of brilliant minds Calvin did end up winning the Nobel, by the way but would also continue to be known, a half century later, as the Drake equation. Frank Drake right and colleagues visit the National Radio Astronomy Observatory's foot telescope in More than 50 years after it was written, the Drake equation still guides ways of thinking about how to find E.

As the years have passed and instruments sharpened, astronomers have started to refine and fill in numbers for the equation's variables. But the variables themselves have stayed the same. My dad is repeatedly asked whether any factors are missing, he tells me, but "as far I know, they're not. This is in part because astronomers no longer count only sunlike stars.

New Equation Tallies Odds of Life Beginning

Smaller, redder, and cooler stars known as M-dwarfs have emerged in the past decade as being potential hosts for life-bearing planets. The value of f p — the fraction of stars with planets—was completely unknown in They'd seen no planets at all outside of our solar system," says Steve Dick , astrobiology chair at the U. It was a very daring thing to do. Now, after many thousands of hours spent searching the skies for planets outside the solar system, and only two decades after the first exoplanets were found, we know that basically every star has planets.

In other words, the value of f p is close to one. But how many of those planets are suitable for life? Interactive: Goldilocks worlds are just right for life—how many harbor intelligent life? Exoplanet searches are getting closer to determining the frequency of Earthlike planets. One recent estimate, based on data produced by NASA's Kepler spacecraft, suggests that around 20 percent of sunlike stars have at least one Earth-size, habitable planet.

But the habitable zone is slippery and hard to define, and it's too soon to say whether Earthlike planets are as common as we suspect.

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The Drake equation originally defined the term n e as the number of planets in a system that could support life. But Drake has contemplated tweaking the definition of n e to use the words "objects" or "bodies" rather than "planets. Read about the possibility of discovering life on Europa and beyond in this month's cover story in National Geographic. If there's one thing we've learned about life on Earth, it's that organisms keep showing up in surprising places.

In the driest of deserts, buried beneath Antarctic ice, or at the extreme depths of the ocean—it's hard to find a place where life hasn't gained a foothold. But scientists still don't know how life got started on Earth and whether similar processes are common in the cosmos. F l , the fraction of potentially life-supporting worlds where life has actually evolved, is still an open question. In the coming decades, as scientists continue to peer more closely at the exo-Earths in the galaxy and try to sniff out the signatures of life in exo-atmospheres, they'll eventually inch toward filling in the value of F l.

But the real point of all this calculating, of course, is to find planets or satellites where the conditions are ripe not just for the evolution of extraterrestrial microbes but for the evolution of life as intelligent as ourselves—or more so. The last terms in the equation, those framing the grandest question of whether humans are alone in their conscious curiosity, will be impossible to define until we detect extraterrestrial intelligence itself. Until we hear those alien murmurs, all we can do is estimate the value of N by plugging in the numbers we know and making educated guesses about the numbers we don't.

It's this kind of guesswork that tends to inflame the Drake equation's critics, those who complain that the equation isn't predictive, is too open-ended, and doesn't provide any answers. But "predictive" isn't really what Drake ever intended. It just helps you dissect everything. Seager has written her own version of the Drake equation and applied it to a different astrobiological question. In d , negativity blackness engulfs value, and in e it destroys it.

Taking this a step further, it might be possible to move away from dialectics and its deployment of effectivity, which cannot but reproduce violence, by dividing life by blackness:. Instead of the sublation d or obliteration e of the form, this procedure has no result because it is impossible to divide something by zero.

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What I hope this move against determinacy—the very notion presupposed in the question that Black Lives Matter sets out to challenge—makes possible is an appreciation of the urgency of bringing about its dissolution. For the work of blackness as a category of difference fits the Hegelian movement but has no emancipatory power because it functions as a signifier of violence which, when deployed successfully, justifies the otherwise unacceptable, such as the deaths of black persons due to state violence in the US and in Europe and capitalist expropriation in Africa. That is, the category of blackness serves the ordered universe of determinacy and the violence and violations it authorizes.

Her academic writings and artistic practice address the ethical questions of the global present and target the metaphysical and onto-epistemological dimensions of modern thought. If the virtues of restraint, industriousness, thriftiness have tended to be characterized as white, blackness is often construed as a desiring in whose meaning excess, or luxury, signifies a sociocultural impoverishment that is morally bankrupt. This trope takes on the amplitude of an all-encompassing theme in the discourse of anti-blackness in the West.

It compels a view of blackness that, in relation to sovereign life, reveals an experience of excess enjoyed beyond consummation and one that is socially irresponsible. So what of this extravagant expenditure itself? Black is a being that is somehow both useless and endlessly driven by consummation: bling bling.

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Both the anthropological and sociological versions of racial knowledge transform the consequences of hundreds of years of colonial expropriation into the effects of efficient causes the laws of nature as they operate through human forms bodies and societies. Mixture as power: but how? Black is what you get when all the primary colors are present equally in the mix. It is what you get when there is equality among colors.

By emphasizing abstract and conceptual artistic practices, my definition of black radical aesthetics builds upon the notion of blackness as an originary abstraction—a category created in the service of devastating material, corporeal, and psychological violences that trafficked through the Middle Passage and whose afterlives are still active today.

“Without Properties”

The bonds that new modes of resistance establish with previous historical sequences are scratching loose their very own world-disorganizing potential. Constituent history has never submitted to the tyranny of the textual. The sonic moves audiences-cum-comrades, fleshy things that, in feeling and moving communally, call up the specter of the common project. This is the surplus of their corporeal, anti-transactional transactions. Of their uprising against even minor miseries. Whether one is thinking of music, spoken word, coded patois, scratched records, effective and affective oration, glitching at mechanical interfaces, the multidimensions of performativity in and around sounds—the sonic has always been a most active field in bonds-making.

A kind of goddammed Mississippi, seeded with tragedy and resilience, to the frigid Northeast of more buttoned-up organic intellectuals who prefer the tabloid and the blog.


What we got, what we are still getting, as the thing unspools its textured strands, is our increasingly derelict Now, compressed and distilled, the good shards extracted from it, into a flexible terrain that flickers in and out of different configurations. At one moment, it is riot-space; at another, thinking-space; at yet another, chill-out-and-recharge-space; and at yet another, historical-space. At all times it is a delicate synthesis of multifarious strands and an enterprise in gauging dirt patches in this mad moment, in exposing little bits of hard ground on which our desires for another world, certainly for the end of this one, can continue to find traction.

More to the point, the outsiders could potentially combine heterogeneous forces of social protest into a universal movement. Today the concept of Black Power expresses the new revolutionary social force of the black population concentrated in the black belt of the South and in the urban ghettos of the North—a revolutionary social force which must struggle not only against the capitalists but against the workers and middle classes who benefit by and support the system which has oppressed and exploited blacks.

It is also a measure of time, for however long we are alive is a life.

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Many human lives have been and are considered disposable, surplus, or without value, so the movement speaks of each life as mattering. When black life matters, time itself is altered, creating revolutionary time. These temporalities have become entangled with the crisis of earth-system time known as the Anthropocene. No one has been more aware of this dynamic than the anti-black reactionary right.

The text below represents a transcription of the script Pendleton prepared for Rainer to read during their day spent filming at the Ridgeway Diner in Chelsea. Click to start a discussion of the article above. A reminder to the speculative realists: wishing the subject out of existence by holding onto an independent object without attending to how one informs the other is not enough for announcing a whole new philosophical age.

Recording provided to the author by Clare Molloy. For descriptions of the four causes, see Aristotle, Metaphysics London: Penguin, In mathematics, x is the construction of a, in experience it is the concretum, and with regard to an inherent representation or thought in general x is the function of thinking in general in the subject. The appearances can have no other order and do not otherwise belong to the unity of the power of representation except insofar as they are amenable to the common principio of disposition.

For all appearance with its thoroughgoing determination must still have unity in the mind, consequently be subjected to those conditions through which the unity of representations is possible. Only that which is requisite for the unity of representations belongs to the objective conditions. The unity of apprehension is necessarily connected with the unity of the intuition of space and time, for without this the latter would give no real representation.

The principles of exposition must be determined on the one side through the laws of apprehension, on the other side through the unity of the power of understanding. They are the standard for observation and are not derived from perceptions, but are the ground of those in their entirety. Subscription pending.