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Cultural Detective is designed to improve conditions and productivity in an international or multicultural environment. As an intercultural competence tool, it is.
Table of contents

At the same time, there are differences between the island cultures, including differences related to the several colonising metropolitan powers. The background materials, case studies and exercises will assist you in being more effective in Oceania. The Philippines, described since the 16th century as the Pearl of the Orient Seas, is home to a people whose complex and fluid cultural identity is a product of a Malay-Indian-Chinese mix overlaid by four centuries of Spanish and American colonial experience. The Philippines is the only predominantly Christian nation in Asia, and English is widely spoken.

This is born out by the fact that there are currently seven million Filipino skilled and professional expatriate workers in countries, and the number continues to rise. The history of Poland is complex.

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In the 16th century it was one of the most powerful countries in Europe, but after that it remained conquered and partitioned for over years. Poland finally became independent in , starting a chain reaction of destruction of the Communist system.

cultural detective

The long period of fighting against aggressors has left its traces on the Polish mentality and behavior in both business and private life. In this new century, Romania is a country of contrast: from the heights of the Carpathian mountains to the depths of the Black Sea, Romania is a land rich in natural resources seeking to address poverty. At the same time, Romania is quickly moving towards European integration, 15 years after the Ceausescu regime. It explores how Romanians, Hungarians, Germans and Roma, by developing a unique cultural history, use diversity as a culturally creative resource.

cultural detective - intercultural compass

Most druzhby! From an Asian perspective Singapore is perceived as western; from a western perspective Singapore is considered quite Asian! It allows you to recognize influences in action in business, communication and relationships. Slovakia is a small Central-European country with a very turbulent history. It has struggled throughout its history to preserve its national identity. Since Slovakia gained independence in , major transformations of the social, political and economic environments have taken place. Slovakia has become a favourite destination for foreign investors, mainly due to a favourable tax policy, its highly educated and skilled workforce, and its recent rapid economic growth.

After God had created the world, there remained a handful of beautiful things in his hand that he threw on a small piece of land: a bit of the Alps, a small part of the Adriatic, a patch of the Panonean lowlands, some rivers, valleys and woods in between. He created Slovenia, now counting two million people; another two million is scattered around the world.

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Disagreeing about things is a national sport, but the Slovenians, independent since , become united when they need to defend their position as a nation, as well as their cultural and historical heritage. Cultural Detective South Africa will help you understand the complexities and paradoxes of life in South Africa.

The country is both first world and third world.

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The values of the different groups are on both sides of most spectrums. The dynamics of life in South Africa encompass the transition processes from the apartheid era to an egalitarian society. Legal and social methodologies to ensure the swift redressing of imbalances have been established, with this, ambivalence regarding change is evident.

With few natural resources but powerful human capital, South Korea has become a dominant player in the global economy. One can easily observe cultural changes. Korean values are in transition from traditional, authoritarian Confucian values, to more democratic and individualistic ones. With a year-old history, the old and the new coexist in every aspect of Korean life. Koreans take pride in their cultural heritage; however, they try to define new Korean values as the society changes with globalization, industrialization and digitalization. In the eyes of an outsider, the larger Nordic countries—Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland—seem almost identical.

Mention this point to someone from these countries, and you will meet with strong disagreement.

Culture-Specific Packages

Participants will gain insight into interactions with these cultures, whether an outsider or an insider. Best known for its banks and mountains, its cheese and chocolate, the real Switzerland is unique and intriguing. Yet behind the happy facade there is another world that is difficult for most foreigners to understand, especially in the Thai business context. Cultural Detective Thailand will help you to better understand the Thais and what motivates your Thai colleague to superior performance.

Dealing with U. A country rich in resources, ideas and diversity, the U. West Africa, consisting of 14 countries and million people, is located from Senegal north to Nigeria next to Central Africa. It is also from this region that millions of slaves were captured and transported to the Americas. Without exception, the West African countries are ethnically heterogeneous, creating a rich amalgam of traditional cultures. In no other region do indigenous cultures find themselves challenged and mixed with two other foreign cultures, the French and the British.

Conducting business in West Africa requires a profound understanding of the complex relationships history has established between traditional cultures and western ways of life. Anyone who has worked with, played with, lived with, or exchanged communication with someone from the opposite gender has little doubt that men and women come from different cultures.

While it may not be true that men are from Mars and women are from Venus, it is often the case that men and women struggle to effectively communicate and work with each other. While gender differences are affected by national culture within any country, our goal is to provide information and tools to help you look at gender culture within any larger national culture group to identify whether men and women could be expected to respond differently, how and why they might respond differently, and how to build bridges across any differences identified to develop effective work environments.

In the USA, differences might focus on race and gender. In Latin America, heritage and socio-economic status. In India, religion, language and caste. But Global Diversity refers to much more. As well as nationality, sexual orientation, ability, generational diversity, personality type, etc. Global Diversity is important on all levels—from individual differences, to organizational dynamics and team performance, to the political, economic, cultural and historical functioning of society as a whole. In a professional setting, Global Diversity helps us to lead, work and communicate more effectively across cultures; Inclusion creates an environment where everyone can bring their full selves to work and contribute fully to the success of the organization.

This Cultural Detective package will highlight key issues in Global Diversity and Inclusion and best practices for managing them. It is no great surprise that cultural issues are at the forefront of concerns among many in the ethics and compliance communities of global organizations.

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It is likely that attention on global programs will only increase, given the prevalence of worldwide scandals such as Parmalat and Enron and recent culture clashes involving legal challenges to the use of helplines for reporting misconduct among multinational companies operating in Europe. Similarly, there is heightened concern around ethical leadership and decision-making in international development and global not-for-profit organizations.

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It is inevitable that expectations of how to interpret values will vary across the languages, locations, and cultures involved. Given the challenge of educating employees on what constitutes ethical behavior in the eyes of organizational leadership, the stockholders, and even the public…what then is an ethics and compliance professional to do?

Through a series of short exercises and discussions, users explore the roots of the cultural influences—from childhood upbringing, key events, people who influenced them, and cultural belonging—that shape who they are and how the behave. Participants identify their core values, the positive and negative aspects of these values, and the thinking and behavior flowing from them.

They then discover how their values and behavior may be similar to and different from other cultural groups. Our core values lie deep within us, and are not easily identified or explained. Yet knowing our core values can help us maintain them, behave more flexibly, and better explain ourselves and negotiate our needs with others. A Series Guide , with complete instructions on how to facilitate an intercultural effectiveness learning event, including definitions of culture, intercultural communication, and intercultural competence. Participant Materials , which is what you will print or circulate to your participants.

Facilitator Manual , which includes a story to introduce the Cultural Detective Method, examples of the values and their negative perceptions in action, sample debriefs of the critical incidents, and a list of music that you might play during a learning event. Call Email diversity diversityresources. Time to Decide? Feedback at The Call Center: The call center manager for a British bank in Oman conducts ineffective performance appraisals. Assessment by Driving : An Argentine makes a first impression on a U.

On Time at Last : A Japanese expatriate attempts to plan meetings with fellow managers in an Argentine office. Account Review : An account update meeting between an Australian supervisor and his Singaporean subordinate in the banking industry. New Joint Venture : A joint venture in the oil industry between firms from Australia and United Arab Emirates struggles with communication. American leadership team and leaves them feeling confused.