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In literary criticism, stream of consciousness is a narrative mode or method that attempts "to depict the multitudinous thoughts and feelings which pass through.
Table of contents

A memory journey through the Redwoods. Related posts:. Interesting Neuroscience Links. Mnemonic Images for Punctuation Marks.

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Muppet Mnemonics for Letters. Further Experiments with My Mnemonic System. Should Mnemonic Images Be Pleasant? Experimenting with a Category-Based Ben System.

Chapter 7 – The Subconscious Mind

The Psychological Effect of Memory Techniques. Josh 28 June Thanks, I will check it out. Are there any books you recommend? Donalp 21 January Josh Cohen 22 January Steven Kidd 25 December Shahzabad 1 May Thanks again, bro! Sign up or Log in. Indirect measures may, therefore, be more feasible in the determination of the maximally acceptable audio-visual spatial offset. Nevertheless, any kind of limit definition should be based on realistic, ecologically valid stimuli to justify their application. Table 1. Summary of papers on the limit of ventriloquism in audio-visual application settings.

Out of the different available indirect measurement techniques, such as emotional judgments or electroencephalography EEG measurements and functional magnetic resonance imaging fMRI scans, RT measurements offer the possibility to evaluate the perception of audio-visual coherence using realistic speech signals. They have also been used in a variety of neuroscientific tests on cross-modal integration processes and tests using RTs have uncovered pre-attentive and short-lived interference in speech perception Pisoni and Tash, In order to adopt RT measurements for the assessment of spatial features, the separation of information for different use cases within the brain can be exploited.

Research has shown that both visual and auditory information is processed in two main streams within the brain, each fulfilling different functions Arnott and Alain, ; de Haan et al. The ventral stream, shown in green in Figure 1 , is known to work on object recognition and analysis of the meaning of the outside world with a close link to memory and consciousness.

It is also called the "WHAT"-stream. The dorsal stream or "WHERE"-stream, shown in red in Figure 1 , is linked to action responses that are usually conducted subconsciously. These incorporate a wide range of motor responses, encompassing head and eye movements, reaching movements, and also control of the voice. The dorsal stream also includes the superior colliculus in the midbrain as first integration part of auditory and visual spatial information. It is also linked to reflexive head and eye movement, and directing attention to external signals Stein et al.

These subconscious mechanisms can be used to assess the influence of spatial misalignment on human perception. Tasks can then be designed along one path meanwhile an indirect measure is used to monitor the other path; such as a speech recognition task on the ventral path and RT for the dorsal path under varying spatial offsets. Due to the dual path organization across the brain, no effects are expected along the ventral path as previously shown by Suied et al. Across the dorsal path, however, subconscious priming of responses, known as the Simon effect , and the alteration of spatial attention may lead to changes in the RT.

These two effects could contribute to describing subconscious processes during the presentation of audio-visual signals with and without spatial offset. Both effects are based on the subconscious interplay of multimodal spatial attention and preparatory movements toward targets Eimer et al.

Figure 1.

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The figure shows the schematic description of the close link between areas in the midbrain processing spatial information, directing movement and the two processing streams. The first stage of combined spatial processing is found in the tectum with the visual spatial information in the superior colliculus SC ; the auditory spatial information in the inferior colliculus IC ; and the direction of head and eye movement in the tectospinal tract TT. In direct neighborhood the cerebral aqueduct CA controls the eye, the eye focus and eyelid movements. The tegmentum T on the other side is responsible for reflexive movement, alertness, and muscle tone in the limbs Waldman, Following the processing in the midbrain, visual and auditory spatial information is forwarded to the lateral geniculate nucleus LGN , the pulvinar, and the medial geniculate nucleus MGN respectively, followed by the according visual and auditory cortii VC, AC.

Within the two cortii spatial and feature information is separated into the ventral stream green across the temporal cortex TC and dorsal stream red across the parietal cortex PC. Decisions on motor reaction are then executed by the motor cortex MC , the premotor cortex PM , and the basis pendunculi BP in the midbrain Stein et al. The Simon effect describes the observation that responses in two-alternative forced-choice-tests 2AFC , in which space is a task-irrelevant parameter, are faster if the stimulus presentation and response side match i.

This effect has been measured for visual and auditory tasks, and for responses given with the corresponding fingers from the left and right hands as well as for responses given with the index and middle finger of the same hand Proctor et al. The strength of the Simon effect is usually given as the difference in RTs between the congruent and the incongruent stimulus presentations Proctor and Vu, The Simon effect has been measured for bimodal signals in the context of divided or unimodal attention, in which responses were only given to the relevant modality, intending a suppression of the irrelevant modality Lukas et al.

Both studies found a cross-modal effect where the Simon effect was elicited by the unattended stimulus. The cross-modal influence of the auditory signal onto responses to the visual stimulus was weaker than the influence of the visual signal on the auditory signal.

God and the Unconscious

For realistic stimuli and bimodal perception a Simon effect size of 14 ms has been reported Suied et al. It, therefore, cannot be concluded at which spatial offset the Simon effect starts to be elicited nor whether it changes with increasing offset angles. In contrast to the Simon effect, the misdirection of spatial attention may affect the speech processing.

It has been established that auditory spatial perception can direct eye movement and visual spatial attention, especially for sound sources outside the direct field of view Arnott and Alain, ; Alain et al. In the case of mismatching spatial position of an audio-visual object, such an involuntary eye movement may draw attention away from the attended visual object and thereby alter the bimodal integration process.

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Especially, speech processing is optimized for bimodal perception Ross et al. This natural integration may be interrupted when the visual signal is not fully perceived. Consequently, the bimodal integration process will be adapted, shifting the weight in the speech processing toward the auditory signal, thus being closer to the unimodal auditory RT. In the literature the relationship of unimodal and bimodal RTs following audio-only A , video-only V , and audio-visual AV stimulus presentation is described by three contradicting models, suggesting that bimodal RTs can be faster, slower, or the same as the faster unimodal one—usually the auditory-only RT in word recognition settings.

The expected direction of RT change following the attention shift toward the auditory signal, therefore, remains unclear as shown in Figure 2.

How do you apply a stream of consciousness technique in practice?

In a syllable identification task, for example, RTs were faster for bimodal stimuli compared to unimodal signals Besle et al. This model assumes that there is a statistically significant effect of facilitation in the bimodal condition so that bimodal RTs are faster than either unimodal RT Miller, By contrast, an effect of inhibition on RTs with bimodal speech signals is described by Heald and Nusbaum In a word identification task with either one or three talkers, participants showed slower response times in the audio-visual presentation compared to the audio-only presentation, especially in the case of multiple talkers.

This phenomenon is also known as the Colavita visual dominance effect Colavita, and summarizes that RTs to audio stimuli slow down in the presence of a visual stimulus, even if participants are specifically required to or would be able to respond to the audio signal alone Koppen and Spence, Savariaux et al.

For other consonants, however, RT remained as fast as in the faster modality. This effect of equal RTs across unimodal and bimodal conditions is described in the race model Miller, and assumes that bimodal signals are processed in parallel.

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The faster processing chain wins the race and terminates the decision so that the bimodal RT is as fast as the faster modality. Figure 2. The time course of each of the discussed RT models is depicted showing the relation between unimodal and bimodal RTs, where typically in speech recognition the faster RT is measured in the A condition and the slower RT in the V condition. A summary of the multitude of effects is given by Altieri who compared several different models of RT change. He showed that none of these models can exclusively describe the range of effects in speech recognition when stimuli are degraded e.

Throughout his experiments he also showed that large inter-participant differences existed in the time course and direction of change in RT under varying conditions, leading to contrary distributions of RTs between individuals. These inter-participant differences should thus be accounted for during analysis. A drawback of RT measurements and the two described effects is that both, the Simon effect and effects of spatial attention, have been shown to decrease in conditions of high perceptual demand.

Ho et al. The Simon effect decreased in a study by Clouter et al. Even though these task-related differences in perceptual demand are not examined in the present study, the perceptual demand may vary in multimedia contexts due to variations in the presented sound scene due to e. These changes in the background sound scene are also linked to reduced performance in working memory, learning or recall tasks. Haapakangas et al.

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In order to verify the audio-visual offsets obtained through the measurement of RTs for general application in multimedia devices, different experimental conditions will be evaluated. The present work contributes to research on the understanding of bimodal spatial perception by adopting the indirect measure of RT measurement to investigate the exact offset angle at which an audio-visual spatial offset begins to affect reactions. Even though it has previously been shown that RT measurements differ between spatially matching and mismatching audio-visual stimulus presentation, these methods have not been applied to assess the limits of the ventriloquism effect.

RT measurements were chosen to overcome the biases outlined for direct measurements. As no knowledge is gathered about the actual participants' perception through the use of RT measurements, the current experiments will serve to show whether a spatial offset leads to measurable changes in RTs or not. It cannot, however, indicate whether the ventriloquism effect still persists. Following the influence of the background signals on speech processing and RT effects, two experiments are designed to evaluate the test method in two different experimental environments.

The paper is structured as follows. In section 2 the two conducted experiments will be described. The analysis of the RT data in section 3. The findings are collated in the final summary.

Various mechanisms were discussed to influence RTs following audio-visual stimuli presented with a spatial offset. Two experiments were designed to test whether the outlined effects can be used to study the effect of audio-visual spatial offsets on RTs under realistic conditions.

Both experiments used a word recognition task in a 2AFC paradigm, requiring participants to recognize which of two visually indicated words was presented in the audio-visual test signal. The visual signal was presented centrally whereas audio stimuli were presented either centrally or at different offset positions. Audio stimuli were presented directly through loudspeakers to enable natural spatial hearing, and to avoid artifacts and unnatural alteration of localization cues. In the first experiment, pink noise was presented as interfering background signal, whereas a multi-talker speech signal was used in the second experiment.

Both sets of results are analyzed in section 3 thereafter. The first experiment was conducted to test the effect of audio-visual spatial offset in a condition with pink noise interference. A description of this experiment in combination with tests on unimodal RTs was previously published by Stenzel et al.