e-book Silly Goose and The Avocado Moose: A Wonderful Adventure

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Silly Goose and The Avocado Moose: A Wonderful Adventure [David Shimones, Talena Streeter] on leondumoulin.nl *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.
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If it weren't so hard to find these days I'd consider handing out copies to companies I visit, companies that think there's only one way to do business -- the way everybody does it. Whenever I suggest trying something different, they'll say, "Well, I dooon't knooow The lesson here? As the little boy learns, trying different things can open up whole new worlds.

Petunia by Roger Duvoisin. Petunia was such a popular character that the author based a series of books on her, but the first is my favorite. Petunia is a silly goose who's convinced that carrying a book around under her wing makes her full of wisdom. The upshot is she doles out terrible advice to everyone. The lesson for entrepreneurs is obvious: Carrying a book or a touting a highfalutin business degree doesn't necessarily make someone an expert. It takes experience starting and growing a business, riding the ups and downs and taking a few slings and arrows.

The best advice will come from people who've been down in the trenches, out in the deserts, and up a few creeks, maybe even people who've spent their share of nights in a Mazda pickup. The opinions expressed here by Inc. Beaumont and the Man with a Hole in His Stomach. Anthony Ravielli, Wonders of the Human Body.

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Just a possibility Thanks for giving it a shot however your suggestions for the book in A are not the book. The book was oversized, probably " wide by 12" high. I'm still keen to track it down. I think the story about the rods and cones in the eye might be the key clue.

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  6. I had a book with this title as a boy, and it certainly included the story of the felloe with a flap in his stomach. I got the author's name and publication date from AbeBooks, so another book with this title is also possible. This is just a suggestion.

    Get Silly Goose and The Avocado Moose A Wonderful Adventure

    Willard Price, Amazon adventure , The boys are accompanying their zoologist father down the Amazon, to explore an uncharted river. They face the natural hazards of the jungle, hostile natives, an anonymous telegram, and a hunchback with bloodshot eyes.

    It's probably this book, since it has almost entered "classic" status, but there are lots with this plot. Another one published in , Ambush in the Amazon, by Walter Dean Myers, is about two brothers I don't know whether there are parents involved camping in the Amazon who try to save a tribal village from the attacks of what appears to be a reincarnated swamp monster. The brothers' names were Chris and Ken. They probably have to keep records of the copyrighted material that appears on the test and they would be able to tell you where it came from. Some of their material is really out there--my SAT reprinted some portion of an article on cloud formation.

    Rita Dove, Through the Ivory Gate, This is an alphabet book of things in the city. It's the only one I could come up with that the copyright dates fit. A I just checked McGinley. It doesn't fit. I think this may be too recent but worth a check. Diana Patrick, First Your Penny, Possibly this? The whole world, she believes, is hers to command. She had yet to learn the important lesson of life..

    First Your Penny is the story of her discovery of the important things in life -- and the meaning of true love". I'm not sure that this is the book being sought, but it is an extremely sentimental romantic novel with a lead character named Amaryllis! A strong-willed five-year-old named Amaryllis is neglected by her parents, separated from her brother and shipped off to live with Uncle Paul. The boy, John Guido, is about twelve and plays her the "Amaryllis, fairest flower" tune on his violin.

    They promise to meet again, and they do, each knowing from that moment that the other is their one and only and determined to keep themselves pure. At the end, you're supposed to think JG is dead but he isn't because he stopped to rescue a homeless dog. There was a film version made in with Joyce Coad and Philippe deLacy. Werner, J. This book has all the poems you listed. Although I can't be sure this is the book you have, this book does have the four poems you cited. My source is "Index to Children's Poetry, first supplement.

    It's possible you were looking in a later book with the same title that was abridged for example, the edition is only 68 pages long.

    Silly Goose and the Avocado Moose : A Wonderful Adventure

    The one that has them listed is Werner, Jane , ed. This book is 97 pages and is 28 cm. I hope this helps. Golden Book of Poetry. Is this the illustration for The Sugar Plum Tree? Colin Dann, Animals of Farthing Wood, c. This is probably a long shot, but could it be The Animals of Farthing Wood?

    Julia Donaldson books and activities

    In this series they are escaping a housing development, but I'm sure I remember a scene involving rafting down the river. Or else it could be Watership Down by Robert Adams, where something like that also happens. I posted this a few months ago.

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    My book was probably written in the s to s. Any other suggestions? Anyway, I was in the archives to see if I could solve anything and ran across A which sounds a lot like the book I'm looking for F I don't remember the raft or the map but the rest sounds the same.

    Curiously, my request is indexed F Is that on purpose? I have been looking for this book for several years. My sister and I used to check it out from the small library in my hometown in Michigan back in the 's. It must have been published in the 40's or 50's as the copy we used was showing its age. Is it possible that this is a book from Canada or England?

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    As I recall the illustrations seemed to be influenced by Milne. I hope someone can find this one. I would like to by a copy for my sister. Paine wrote several other books about the Hollow Tree animals, Mr. Crow and Mr. Coon and Mr. Possum, etc.

    Pancho Bandito and the Avocado Desperadoes

    I don't remember a fire but I do remember a flood. The line drawings do have a sort of Milne-ish actually Ernest E. Shepherd quality. Every book is a thick one on basically peaceful forest creatures, whom face war or disaster and are forced to fight. There are so many books in this series, but it sounds similar to Jacques's books.