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Divine Revelations Of The Third Millennium [Yor Glory] on leondumoulin.nl *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. While the book Talita Kumi Years Later.
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War has been a consistent part of human history from the very beginning. There would be a siren, and it would help prepare people for the on-going conflict at that time. War has always been part of our conversation, but there will be no war when we get to the Millennium. Not having to lock your doors?

How peaceful is it going to be in the Millennium? Egypt and the Assyrians and the Jews are all going to be allies. They will work together in cooperation. It appears that life spans will revert to those of the era before the Flood, when humans lived to be more than nine hundred years old.

Disease will be abolished. The crisis of death will be experienced only by those incorrigible individuals who rebel against the law of the kingdom. The ordinary hazards of physical life will be under the direct control of the One whose voice even the winds and waves obey. Some people find it surprising to think of rebellion during the Millennium, but here is how it will happen.

Everybody who goes into the Millennium will be righteous—they all will be saved. But during that one-thousand-year period, there will be marriages. Children will be born and some of those children will rebel the things of God. Just like today, each person born during the Millennial Age will make a personal decision for or against Christ.

The One who is in charge will know the intent of every heart, and there will be swift justice for every wrong.

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The Bible says our Lord will rule with a rod of iron. There will be immediate justice based upon the holy reign of King Jesus. And part of our heavenly reward will be to reign and rule with Christ upon this earth during the Millennium. Rather, John says that Satan was bound so that he should no longer deceive the nations v. And the language John employs in makes it clear that there is no possible way for Satan to do so during the thousand years.

The restriction on this particular aspect of his sinister ministry is absolute and invincible. But the exalted Christ, through the agency of an angelic being, has temporarily stripped Satan of his ability to orchestrate the nations of the earth for the final battle. Although Satan may and will do much in this present age as the epistles clearly indicate , there is one thing of which John assures us: Satan will never be permitted to incite and organize the unbelieving nations of the world in a final, catastrophic assault against the church, until such time as God in his providence so determines.

That event, which the Lord will immediately terminate with the fiery breath of his mouth Rev. It is designed solely for one purpose, to prohibit and prevent a satanic plot to deceive the nations into a war which, in view of the prophetic plan and power of God, is both premature and futile. The universal expansion and embrace of the gospel Matt. The nations or Gentiles may now receive the forgiveness of sins and the divine inheritance. During this entire period he is prevented from causing the nations of the world to destroy the church. Though Satan still blinds the minds of the unbelieving 2 Cor.

Satan may win an occasional battle, but the war belongs to Christ! So, to sum up thus far, I believe Revelation is telling us that during the course of this present church age Satan is prevented from orchestrating a global assault against the Church. It is during this time that all who die having believed in Jesus join with him in heaven, in the intermediate state, where they share his reign and rule over the affairs of earth.

Just before the return of Christ, the restriction placed on Satan will be lifted and he will once again deceive the unbelieving nations into launching a war against the Church.

The Millennium, the Final Battle, and the Final Judgment - Revelation 20:1-15

We know this war to be what Revelation calls Armageddon. At that time, Christ returns from heaven with his saints and defeats them all, Satan is judged and cast into the lake of fire, the unbelieving dead are all raised to stand judgment, and are in turn cast into the lake of fire to suffer the second death. In this way John encourages all believers who are facing martyrdom to remember that although they may die physically at the hands of the beast they will live spiritually in the presence of the Lamb. Especially relevant in this regard is the letter to the church at Smyrna in Revelation 2 and its emphasis on the blessedness of Christian death.

To the believers in Smyrna Jesus speaks these words of encouragement and comfort:. Behold, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and for ten days you will have tribulation. Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. There are several other things to note in this passage, each of which draws our attention to the obvious parallel in Revelation This is precisely what we find in Revelation ! Consider also the promise to the overcomer in Revelation that he will be enthroned with Christ.

But as we have seen repeatedly in our study of Revelation, in virtually every instance where a number is mentioned it is symbolic of some theological truth. This is true whether the context is non-temporal Ps. What is the significance of the number 1, here? His point is that there are countless cattle on countless hills and he owns them all! So why the number 1,? The sacred number seven is combined with the equally sacred number three, pointing to the number of holy perfection, ten.

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Ten is then cubed to equal 1, to remind us of absolute completeness. The saints live and reign with Christ for an exalted and perfect period of time. That John is talking about the intermediate state in Revelation seems obvious once the parallel with Revelation is noted.

A careful examination of these two passages will reveal that they are describing the same experience of believers who die and enter into the life of the intermediate state. That John is describing the same scene, namely, that of the blessedness of the intermediate state, seems beyond reasonable doubt. Where are these thrones upon which the saints sit, which is also to ask, what is the nature of their millennial rule? In every other instance 40x the word refers to a throne in heaven , either that of God the Father, of Christ, of the 24 elders, etc.

Let me briefly sum up what I believe Revelation is saying. John has a vision of the binding of Satan that is designed to prevent our ancient enemy from leading the unsaved nations into a premature provocation of the final battle, Armageddon. In addition, so long as Satan is restrained in this way the gospel may spread beyond the borders of Israel to bring salvation to the Gentile world.

John also sees the martyred saints: those who had refused to worship the beast but instead remained faithful to Jesus Christ. In spite of having lost their physical lives, they are raised to life together with Christ in the intermediate state as disembodied souls where they rule and reign with the Lord for the duration of the present church age cf.

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In this he has succeeded triumphantly. This is a fine section and readers might be less keen to use Revelation as a handbook of history if they saw how others have been mistaken in the past. The bibliography will take the interested reader further afield. In all, this is a refreshing and very useful publication, breathing life and sense into an admittedly difficult book of Scripture.

It will do much to renew a thirst for faithfulness to Christ and His Gospel. John Dunn, in English Churchman The first third charts the history of Millennial hopes within the church. Of special interest are his observations on the links between an understanding of the Millennium and the rise of missionary activity.

The remaining two-thirds give a concise exposition of contemporary scholarly thinking on Revelation, historical and rational overall, untangling the many-layered strands of imagery, symbol and metaphor, and showing how they can be conjoined into a coherent scheme for the last things. Throughout he takes a robustly scholarly view; yet he also acquaints the reader with the possibility that St John provided the symbolic representation of underlying themes which Christians of any era may reflect upon to their advantage.

Dr McKelvey's book provides the reader with a sane and sensible understanding of a part of the New Testament which all too often is used as a springboard for religious fantasy rooted more in the id than in faith, hope and love. John D.

Revelation 20 - Wikipedia

Plenty of food here for those in search of a future hope and a present agenda. He brings the suspicion of a sturdy common-sense to forecasts, and not only explains 'The Revelation' carefully, but demonstrates its relevance for today. McKelvey is a guidebook to a text. The wide-ranging survey of millenarianism and millennial emphases in religious thought is illuminating and lively, a fascinating survey of the social and intellectual history of the topic and the movements it spawned.

The value of this is both historical and sociological. Beasley-Murray, in Ministry Today The author offers a context that assists in understanding the thinking behind millenarianism. It is a concise and helpful introduction to the thinking behind St. John writing on Patmos and could be used by anyone who is preparing a study of this strange and yet moving biblical text.

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It does offer insights that challenge our cultural understanding. IM Agenda This kind of background is not covered in the standard commentaries; it provides a valuable example of how circumstances can influence interpretation, and how interpretation can find expression in Christian action.

  1. The Millennium and the Book of Revelation.
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  4. The Millennium.

McKelvey's breezy style is also applied to his commentary on Revelation. For those who are mystified by the origins and practical consequences of pre-, post- or a-millennialism, this short book provides an enjoyable introduction.