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NEONATAL INTENSIVE CARE is a controlled circulation publication sent to 22​-2, Neonatal Intensive Care Magazine Volume 22 Number 2. March/April
Table of contents

Carter BS, Levetown M. Baltimore, MD. Johns Hopkins University Press, Carter B. Comfort care principles for the high-risk newborn. NeoReviews, Vol. Journal of Perinatology. More than medication: perinatal palliative care. Acta Paediatrica, Volume , Issue 11, pages —, November Pediatric palliative care in infants and neonates. Journal of Palliative Medicine.

Catlin A. Catlin A, Carter BS. Home Care for the High-Risk Neonate. Home Healthcare Nurse. Perinatal Hospice Care during the Antepartum Period. Thinking outside the box: Prenatal care and the call for a prenatal advance directive. J Perin Neonat Nurs Vol. A primary care provider enhances family support in perinatal palliative care. Paediatr Child Health, April; 20 3 Chichester M, Wool C.

The meaning of food and multicultural implications for perinatal palliative care. Child Bereavement U. Best Practice Guidance: Taking photographs following the death of a baby , Issue 49, November Issue topic: Perinatal Palliative and Hospice Care.

Neonatal Intensive Care

Issue 30, February For Debate: Continuing a pregnancy after a diagnosis of lethal abnormality: experience of five couples and recommendations for management. British Medical Journal Aug. Clark WD. Pregnancy care: An apprenticeship for palliative care? J Am Board Fam Med. Cobb AD. London: Routledge; Cobb A.

Acknowledged dependence and the virtues of perinatal hospice. Coffing J. Let the little children come to me: A perinatal palliative care experience. Chaplaincy Today Vol. Published online Jan. Multidisciplinary perinatal palliative care plan for a pregnant woman carrying a fetus with Trisomy 13 and her family.

Archives of Palliative Care and Medicine. Collura C. Fetal Positions: Empowering the role of palliative care in maternal-fetal treatment centers. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, February ;55 2 Connelly CF.

Levels of Maternal Care

Finding a way when there seemed to be no way: The journey to palliative care for our son, Silas. Pregnancy continuation and organizational religious activity following prenatal diagnosis of a lethal fetal defect are associated with improved psychological outcome. Prenatal Diagnosis, August — Corr C, Torkildson C eds. Perinatal Loss. Amer J Perinatol ; 32 08 : Journal of Palliative Medicine Vol 13, No. Soc Sci Med. African American and Latino bereaved parent health outcomes after receiving perinatal palliative care: A comparative mixed methods case study.

Applied Nursing Research. Online ahead of print 25 October Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons. The Warsaw Hospice for Children Foundation.

Davies V et al. Psychological outcome in women undergoing termination of pregnancy for ultrasound-detected fetal anomaly in the first and second trimesters: a pilot study. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. Davis DL. Dean B, McDonald K. Building an interprofessional perinatal palliative care team.

Resources for Caregivers

NeoReviews, Oct 1;15 10 :e -e J Palliat Med. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, Feb;43 2 — Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, Feb;49 2 Parents' experiences with ultrasound during pregnancy with a lethal fetal diagnosis. Perinatal grief following neonatal comfort care for lethal fetal condition.

Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine. Devereaux M, Kon AA. Experiences from the first 10 years of a perinatal palliative care program: A retrospective chart review. Engelder S, et al. Advances in Neonatal Care, February ; 12 1 Evans N. Updated perinatal palliative standards emphasise choice and bereavement support.

Nursing Children and Young People. Falke M. Implementation of a Perinatal Hospice Program. Fenton LJ. Trisomy 13 and 18 and quality of life: Treading "softly. Experiences of women in gestating and giving birth to anencephalic fetuses: the multiple faces of obstetric violence. Ferrell BR. The unborn baby with no chance at life: Perinatal palliative care. Medscape, Aug. Washington, D. Perinatal Palliative Care: A qualitative study evaluating the perspectives of pregnancy counselors.

Palliative Medicine. Gale G, Brooks A. Adv Neonatal Care, Feb;6 1 Implementing a palliative care program in a newborn intensive care unit. Adv Neonatal Care Feb;6 1 Obstacles to optimal palliative care in the labor and delivery unit. Primary palliative care in the delivery room: patients' and medical personnel's perspectives.

J Perinatol. Goulette C. Perinatal palliative care following prenatal diagnosis of severe fetal anomaly: a new family-centered approach in a level III Portuguese hospital.

Economic assessment of neonatal intensive care

Our children are not a diagnosis: The experience of parents who continue their pregnancy after a prenatal diagnosis of trisomy 13 or Moving toward a shared process: The impact of parent experiences on perinatal palliative care. Hawthorne F. The Journal of Pediatrics.

  1. Lion Heartbreak;
  2. Be Polite and Kind (Learning to Get Along) (Learning to Get Along®);
  3. Sonnets on Sundry Notes of Music;
  4. The Meteorologist (Grantaburgh).

Hochberg T. Touching Souls: Healing with bereavement photography. The lived experience of families who are told their child will die at or shortly after birth. Journal of Undergraduate Nursing Scholarship. Fall , Vol.

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  • Hospice Letter, "Perinatal hospice programs provide support for families facing a newborn's death," June , pp. Hostalery L, Tosello B. Outcomes in continuing pregnancies diagnosed with a severe fetal abnormality and implication of antenatal neonatology consultation: A year retrospective study. Fetal Pediatr Pathol.

    The natural history of pregnancies with a diagnosis of trisomy 18 or trisomy 13; a retrospective case series. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. August Howes V, Muscat H. Lethal fetal anomalies: A case of bilateral renal agenesis. Survey of the definition of fetal viability and the availability, indications, and decision making processes for post-viability termination of pregnancy for fetal abnormalities and health conditions in Canada.

    J Genet Couns.