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Murder Mistress (Prologue Books) - Kindle edition by Robert Colby. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like.
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Tormented by a satin-skinned package of dynamite who offered him ecstasy unfettered by convention. Bedeviled by another woman who wanted a master. Given 12 hours to get out of town - and then framed for murder. If he cleared out of town he was sure of safety. If he stayed, nothing was certain except more trouble with the police and a deepening involvement with the Vollmer clan - Austin, who owned everything in town including the cops. Get our latest book recommendations, author news, and competitions right to your inbox.

By clicking 'Sign me up' I acknowledge that I have read and agree to the privacy policy and terms of use , and the transfer of my personal data to the United States, where the privacy laws may be different than those in my country of residence. Kinney estimated he had been dead for four to six hours, meaning he was killed sometime between p. She also examined the body for rigor mortis, the stiffening of the joints from lactic acid in the muscles. Rigor mortis starts in the smaller muscle groups of the fingers and jaw and works its way toward the larger muscles of the legs and arms.

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The more active a person is before death, the more lactic acid is generated and the greater the extent of the rigor mortis. Again, since the man appeared to have been inactive when killed—rigor mortis was not as advanced. Kinney found stiffening in his fingers, wrists and jaw. These findings also were consistent with the man being dead for four to six hours. After more than an hour spent on the man, Kinney turned to the body of the woman. By now it was Sunday morning. Unlike the man, the woman was not in a seatbelt, but flailed across the seat with her feet out the door.

From the blood smear on the door outside and the blood drops on the ground, it appeared she had been moving around after she had been shot. She looked like she put up a little bit of struggle, Kinney later recalled. It looked like she was outside of the car and kind of diving into the car. This apparent activity seemed to account for the more advanced stage of rigor mortis, with stiffening found in her knees as well as the fingers, hands and jaw.

Lividity was the same as with the man. Kinney concluded, then, that despite the differences in rigor mortis, the woman had died during the same time frame as the man. It appeared that the woman had been shot, probably in the torso and arms, then somehow gotten out of the car and dove back in, before she was finished off with the wound to the head, which would have been instantly fatal.

At some point during this, the man was shot in the body and head, never even getting out of his seat. Deputies kept the highway closed until the following Sunday afternoon, searching the surrounding brush- and rock-covered fields past the barbed wire for more evidence. All they found were some faint footprints and old beer bottles that seemed to have nothing to do with the shootings. There was no gun found in the car, ruling out a murder—suicide.

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This was clearly murder. But why? The best clue was actually a non-clue. Deputies found no bullet shell casings. Next of kin were notified.

They said the Stahls were a married couple; he was a physician and anesthesiologist, and she was an optometrist. It gave the basic details—that between 9 and 10 p. Kenneth Stahl and his wife, Carolyn Oppy-Stahl, in their vehicle. Stahl pulled over on the Ortega Highway about nine miles east of the freeway, when an unknown suspects shot both occupants in their vehicle, it read. Anyone driving in the area around this time is encouraged to call homicide investigators. Local Los Angeles television news quickly picked up on the double murders of the physician—optometrist couple, emphasizing the mysterious elements of the crime: how there was no obvious motive.

As The Orange Country Register noted in its brief story on Monday, November 22, nobody could understand why the respected pair would be killed. They were nice people. Obviously successful. She was very outgoing and ebullient. He had an interesting sense of humor. The next day, the Register ran a longer story, this one by police reporter Bill Rams. It was the first of numerous stories by Rams, who would be pulled deeper and deeper into the bizarre story.

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Rams tracked down family and friends of what he called the well-respected, well-liked doctors who were beloved by those who knew them. Stahl-Polley, as saying. Nobody can figure it out. Rams listed the key biographical details. The couple were hard-working professionals, routinely putting in six-day weeks, he at a Huntington Beach hospital, she at an eye clinic.

They had been married for fourteen years and had no children together, though Ken had a grown son from a previous marriage. Ken also had a history of serious health problems, having even undergone a quintuple bypass about four months before his murder. But the violence of this. These were two innocent people. Born on February 15, , Ken had grown up in Pomona, in eastern Los Angeles County, the son of a prominent surgeon named William Stahl, who in addition to his osteopathic practice also owned a small hospital.

Family life revolved around home, community, church and medicine. They attended First Baptist Church of Pomona, where the minister, interviewed years later by Rams, remembered Ken as an intelligent, intense "straight. Upload Sign In Join. Home Books Society.

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