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The Fashionistas. Taboo III. Taboo Charming Mother Vol. Stars: Misako , Kazuhiko , Yosuke. Poor Little Shyla.

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Rather like a trip around a race track! I started subbing manuscripts in the fall of Then I discovered that Mary had her own publishing company and was looking for dragon shifter stories.

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So I wrote her one. That was Shifting Winds. She got back to me within a couple of weeks—October 30th, , the day before my birthday, with a contract offer. After that came the sequel, Hot Water, that I spat out almost as soon as I finished Shifting Winds, and a contract for Silver Lining from a different publisher. Things sorta snowballed after that. They decided they would each take a day of the week and send in a proposal. They encouraged me to pick one of the remaining days. Six months later, I had a contract offer for it.

Fire Season took off like a firecracker. Emmy: Wow, just reading that makes me giddy. Well done, missus!

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I admire anyone who is dedicated enough to keep plugging on in the publishing world. Was there ever a time when you considered giving up on your dream to become a published author? It was more of a wistful reverie. That first contract was sorta like winning the lottery. You want to win, but you know it will never happen.

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Emmy: Indeed. What advice would you give to aspiring authors? Lex: Do your homework when it comes to writing and never stop working on the craft.

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Make sure your stories have a sound foundation of grammar and usage. Do your homework when it comes to publishers. Make sure they have a solid reputation, decent sales, and will support you as an author. Make sure you know who you are dealing with by asking authors who have been in the business a long time and by reading. A pretty smile of veeners that dazzle and promise you the world, but behind them are either rotted teeth or razor-sharp rows of shark teeth.

With all the contract issues, bad editing horror stories, and publisher closings that have gone on in the last year, you should do yourself a favor and take a deeeeep breath…and replace your desperation with caution. Emmy: Damn good advice! So how did it feel to see your book in print?

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Lex: I cried. I was unabashedly shell-shocked. When it sunk it, what I held in my hands, a few tears escaped. I remember wanting to run up and down our street, waving it about for people to see. I just showed every person who visited. My neighbour brought round a bottle of champagne and some chocolates.

She was more excited than me! What is the best part about being an author? Lex: Always having work to distract you from the crappy things in life! LOL And bringing stories to life for the enjoyment of others.

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I want stories filled with characters I can identify with and love. And, of course, there is that HEA that warms your heart. Emmy: Bless you. Would you mind telling us about your latest release? Lex: I have three releases in October.