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Such developments are expected to increase silica Sci. News, v. , No. 18, May 2 V. 74, No. 7, June , p. *Ceramic Industry (Solon, OH). Fiber-​optics Market To Grow. V. , No. Other Sources Ceramics Industry Magazine​.
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Property Address or area. Signup for newsletter. The code you entered is not valid. Close Send. Setup a property alert. The Country column is a great candidate for these because there are fewer and more well-defined distinct values in this column. Clicking Next creates the index and starts the first crawl to put data into the index. You can examine the progress of your search instance on the overview page. Certainly, all this information is also accessible via the API.

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You can execute search queries directly through the Azure portal. Remember this is for you, the administrator, to test the queries. The value of the header is the query key. So, if you have a Web front-end for the search results, place it in the same data center as your search instance. That way, you only pay for the data egress once. Under the search explorer button, as can be seen in Figure 1 , type in a search query.

Just like that, I was able to search for all customers that had the word "London" anywhere in their entity. Also note that the returned object, as can be seen in Figure 4 , contains all of the columns that you marked as retrievable when defining the index. Remember that the Country field was special? You made it filterable. Sure, just use the search query like this:.

This simple query should now show you the customers with the pattern AR only from UK. Integrating this within your application is also quite trivial. And remember, this example that I showed used an indexer to query the Northwind database. You can still push the objects in, in a neat and clean JSON format that matches your index. We all know that the real world is hardly neat and clean.

The real world is messy. Put simply, Cognitive Search is a bunch of skillsets that leverage the power of AI to make sense out of unstructured data.

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For instance, you can OCR text out of images and make those images searchable. You can submit a bunch of pictures and have AI recognize celebrities in those pictures. Or you can do speech to text and so much more. For this part of the article, I had a hard time coming up with a good example, so I just took a screenshot of this article I am writing. Seriously, the text you see here, unedited so far by the editor, is a screenshot I took of it and decided to make it searchable. The goal is, via OCR, I want to be able to search through the text of this article.

Back in the search service instance, go ahead and delete the previous index. Now choose to click on "Import data" as shown in Figure 1 and choose Azure blob storage as the data source. Choose to go with the default parsing mode and choose to extract Content and Metadata and point it to wherever your image is located. Click Next to add cognitive skills.

Depending upon your input data, which may be more than just images, feel free to check whatever seems fit. Next, choose to customize the target index. Clicking the submit button causes the search engine to crawl the document. You can click the Refresh button you see in Figure 1 to keep up to date with your progress. Once the search crawling is done, visit the search explorer and execute a search. For instance, I used the phrase "Seriously, the text you see here", so let me just search for the word Seriously.

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This is truly mind-blowing. I just did an OCR search of an image. For instance, if you were a media company and all your photos, audio, and video were in Azure BLOB storage, just through a simple point-and-click, you could make all that media searchable. Search is a great feature to have. Users find it useful. So much so that they almost demand to see it in your applications. But building a search engine is a non-trivial task.

And they need hardware, expensive and powerful hardware. Azure Search eliminates all such complexity by providing you with a search-as-a-service solution, hosted in the cloud. This means that you can now bring the power of search into your applications with ease. Did you notice that there was no code in this article? And then you add AI to the mix and the power multiplies exponentially.

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Now you can search any kind of content. You can issue search queries in various languages. You can make sense of completely unstructured data. Have you ever run into a law firm saying, "we have so many documents and we wish we could search through them easily" and they wish to keep their data private? My Subscriber Account Advertise Write. Training Home Classes Mentoring State of. Staffing Home Looking for Staff? Looking for Work? If you don't, record your top sales person giving a mock sales presentation. Get that sales presentation transcribed and go back through and turn it into your first version of your closing script.

Technology & Innovation

Now slowly test out different elements of the script and see the impact on your closing percentage. Try out several of the ideas below by building them into your sales script. Not only will this help you develop the best closing script to increase your current sales, but it will also protect you from the loss of a key sales person as a good degree of your sales knowledge will be captured in the written script, not just in the head of one key sales person.

Set and hold your prospect and you accountable to an upfront agreement. An upfront agreement is a formal or informal oral contract that you and your prospect both agree in which you both agree to give each other a clear decision - yes or no - whether you want to take the next step in the sales process. This next step could be to purchase right then and there, or it could be to set up the next sales meeting. No "think it overs" allowed. Plus, it is your way to clarify that your prospect has the ability authority and or money to make a purchasing decision.

An upfront agreement might sound like: "Now Mark, I am more than willing to give you my time and really work with you to find out exactly what the best solution for you and your specific situation is, I'm just going to ask for one thing in return As we go through this, if you don't feel that what we have is a good fit, are you okay telling me that? Great, I want you to know that you're not going to hurt my feelings. On the other hand, if after going through this it's clear that we really do have a great fit are you okay telling me that too here today?

If I don't think you're the right fit to own our product I'll let you know that straight out. And if on the other hand I do think you are the perfect candidate from really benefiting from our product, then I'll let you know that too. Optimize your offer.

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Test your price point. Test the terms you're offering. Test the way you frame your offer - as what you'll gain