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A mystery-thriller about a big, beautiful SUV that is top-heavy and has bad tires. The company that manufactures it knows it is dangerous, but they made it and sold it anyway.
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I really like this series.

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This type of badge is new this year. Very challenging. Looking forward to more like this! I completely don't understand, because I have found a book the follows all of the guidelines, but when I search it in the catalog, I guess the library doesn't have the book?

I am so confused. Try finding the year of the earthquake, then find a book published in that year by the proper Bronte sister.


The library DOES own the book. It's not the first item on the list tho'. It was down around 7 or 8 on the list for me. I know the author is Charles Dickens except for I can't figure out the book. I need help! I'm loving this series of badges! Google the Author's favorite quote to get the author. Then search for the author in the catalog.


Limit the format to books. It's within the top 10 results. Thanks so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I believe I have completed four of five clues but completion of the fourth clue did not take me to the fifth clue and the clues I have completed aren't reflected. Do I need to use a particular browser?

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Cover Up to Cover Up It's a quiet day at the bookstore. This badge has been awarded to players Sign in to see your progress on this badge. Comments Challenging Challenging. I am so challenged, I am… I am so challenged, I am totally stuck on the 2nd clue; Tried every word to no avail. If you haven't found it yet,… If you haven't found it yet, try googling the last phrase under "about. This was a nice break from… This was a nice break from the challenging riddles!

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So fun and challenging! Great Badge! In mid July. On Friday, July 20! Thanks… On Friday, July 20! Thanks for playing!

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I really like this series… I really like this series. I loved this one! The village of Guernica is the cultural capital of the Basque people of northern Spain, seat of their centuries-old struggle for democratic ideals and independence. On Monday, April 26, , this charming town took an undesired place in history. Monday was market day, which was always like a fair in Guernica.

The streets were jammed with townspeople and peasants from the surrounding hills and countryside who crowded onto the town square. At in the after- noon, the busiest hour of the week, the church bells of Santa Maria rang to sound an alarm.

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It was too late. Suddenly bombers appeared overhead and released , pounds of highly explosive and incendiary bombs on the village, slowly and methodically pounding it to rubble. Reports say that those trying to escape were cut down by strafing machine gun fire from fighter planes. The fires that engulfed the city burned for three days. Pieces of people and animals were lying everywhere.

Guernica was essentially chosen for bombing practice. The awful news reached Pablo Picasso, who was stunned by the stark black and white photographs of the bombing. As a response he painted Guernica , which is so large that he had to use a ladder to reach the top of the canvas. It depicts a hodgepodge of animal and human body parts.