PDF A lazy way to getting promoted: How to rise in any organization (Business Book 1)

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Organizations don't prosper unless managers in the middle ranks, like Healy, raise issues to a “strategic” level early in the decision-making process—if they gain entry In light of those benefits, executives no longer blamed laziness for the a unit head presenting one of your directors to top management for promotion.
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Word of mouth marketing is incredibly powerful — when things are going well. In niche marketing, you need to listen carefully to what people are saying, and act immediately to rectify your mistakes.

As one of the most awesome companies out there, video hosting firm Wistia rarely have to go groveling for forgiveness on social media. In this example, Wistia recently expanded the number of videos that members with a free account could host on the service from three to fifty. The response on social media was immediate and overwhelmingly positive — and Wistia was quick to act on the goodwill. Since launching their free plan just two years ago, Wistia has expanded its user base from 3, to more than , This kind of responsiveness not only generates a lot of positive buzz, it also helps businesses with small or nonexistent budgets grow, a win-win for everybody.

So, there you have it — seven tips for nailing niche marketing. Originally from the U. Home Blog. Last updated: August 29, Marketing Ideas.

Dan Shewan. Find out if you're making mistakes with Google Ads. Sign up to get our top tips and tricks weekly! Sign Me Up! Related Content. The 16 Best Marketing Strategies to Try in I think we all know what this is by now. But look out for Office Flirts who do their flirting 21 st Century-style. You may become involved in an email back-and-forth or IM conversation that turns flirtatious before you even know it. Bottom line: keep all of your office conversations professional—whether it takes place by the water cooler or online.

End of story. Nothing good can come from it. The Networker. They believe that the road to success is about whom you know, not what you know. I have watched people do nothing but network all day long. One guy worked from a. Initially I thought he was a very hard worker. One afternoon, a few of his coworkers showed up at happy hour, and I asked them why he worked so much.

It turns out that he was spending the entire day walking around the office, socializing with everyone and then doing his work after hours. They name-drop and appear to be connected. In reality, they are just time thieves. They burn up a lot of your valuable time with meaningless office chitchat. Hanging around them will not add much to your value. The Taskmaster. Have you ever come across someone at work who spends all of his time worrying about what everyone else is doing, while at the same time complaining that no one else in the company ever does anything and that he is saddled with all the work?

This is the Taskmaster. Taskmasters are quick to assign tasks to other people to avoid having to do anything—and yet as soon as a task is completed, somehow the Taskmaster is there to take credit for getting it done.

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In reality, he has a lazy streak a mile wide, and he works harder to get out of work than most of us do to get our work done. How to protect yourself: Beware of him. Keep him at a distance or you will spend your days doing his job. The Wakeboarder. Watch out—coming through! Wakeboarders are similar to Taskmasters in that they like to pass their work on to others; however, unlike Taskmasters, Wakeboarders hide their BS behind an outgoing personality. Coworkers like them, so they are more willing to help, and the Wakeboarder knows this.

She spends a good deal of her time socializing, not to network, but to find gullible coworkers to whom she can pass her work. You will know when the Wakeboarder has an impending deadline because you see her rallying her troops and bringing together every possible resource to help her complete her task or project. How to protect yourself: Like the Taskmaster, steer clear of Wakeboarders.

Although Wakeboarders are typically good employees and produce high-quality finished products, they leave a wake a mile wide as coworkers bust their humps to help them complete their projects. Just imagine what these workplace BSers and the rest of their ilk are costing in productivity, not to mention the overall morale of their companies. The important thing is that you not get bogged down in their nonsense. Work smarter, and you can get ahead every time. Fast, convenient, and reliable employment background checks for small businesses. He has consulted with thousands of companies over the years, from enterprising individuals of mom-and-pop shops to executive officers of some of the largest corporations in America.

There was no evidence that people who went home early were seen as less productive. In a second experiment, students took the role of a manager in a fictional scenario to rate staff performance.

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They were told that the employees' performances were identical but their start times varied. Late start times led to lower ratings, even though productivity and total hours were the same. The study is to be published in the Journal of Applied Psychology. Aggrieved employees allege that their promotions are not being done in accordance with prescribed regulations, which prescribes merit, suitability and seniority of employee should be considered while promotions. In response to this, the honourable High Court of Andhra Pradesh issued interim stay on the promotion of employees.

The economic Times, dec Seniority-cum-Merit as basis: As both seniority and merit as basis suffer from certain limitations, therefore, a sound promotion policy should be based on a combination of both seniority and merit. A proper balance between the two can be maintained by different ways: minimum length of service may be prescribed, relative weightage may be assigned to seniority and merit and employees with a minimum performance record and qualifications are treated eligible for promotion, seniority is used to choose from the eligible candidates.

Types of Lazy Employees

March, In the other case women officers recruited in short service commission of Indian Air Force, filed a petition in the Delhi High Court for making them eligible for promotion and permanent job. Demotion is used as a disciplinary measure in an organization. The habitual patterns of behaviour such as violation of the rules and conduct, poor attendance record, insubordination where the individuals are demoted. Causes of Demotion Demotion may be caused by any of these factors:. Promotion may be temporary or permanent depending upon the organizational requirement.

Purpose and Advantages of Promotion Promotion stimulates self-development and creates interest in the job. In this case next senior employee will be promoted to the vacant job.

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Favouring family members leads to employee disengagement: Study In a study conducted by TJinsite, research and knowledge arm of TimesJobs. And, they feel disengaged when relatives are given a key position or promotion, bypassing talented employees.

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The study highlighted that nepotism policies -favoritism towards family members- degrade level of commitment, loyalty and the sense of ownership amongst employees and leads to higher attrition rate. And, family run businesses FRBs constitute most businesses in India. While favouring family members is very common in family businesses, it runs the dual risks of demoralising non-family members and increasing complacency among family members.

The after effects of favouring family members for a senior level position on the existing employees are severe Types of Promotions Different types of promotions are discussed below. Out promotion usually leads to termination of employee and joining some other organization in a better position. For example, when an university professor is made Head of the Department, there is no increase in salary. Paper promotion is an employee promotion given to the employee belonging to the parent department, but indeed working in another department on transfer, on request of employee or due to exigency of work.

The reason for giving paper promotion is, generally in government sector, employee promotion will be given in order of seniority of employees subjected to the vacancy position created.