The Contract of the Soul

Yep, that's a soul contract in your path—for sure. I recognized my soul contracts with certain people pretty early on in my life. I didn't have a.
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Rewrite Your Soul Contract | Articles at

So when you are particularly challenged, ask yourself: Our soul contracts are like little twists and turns, dips and elevations on the roller coaster of life. Dina Strada is an L. She has most recently been featured as a Contributing Author in the powerful new book, "Simply Women: Dina leads Empowerment Workshops that deep-dive into the topics she writes about. She walks her talk and inspires others through her willingness to be vulnerable, raw and real. Connect with Dina on her website or follow her on Facebook and Instagram. I just went through the same experience with a man.

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The rejection made me realize I've never fully dealt with my abandonment issues. I never knew how much it truly had affected nearly every area of my life. I actually thought that I wrote this article for a second… Thank you for putting my thoughts in to words. Wow, this has happened to me on two occasions.

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The first was when I was 21 and I had just started University and I looked at someone who was in class with me and I just knew that something was going to happen between us. This thought bothered and confused me because I wasn't attracted to him in any way.

In fact he annoyed me. Surprise, surprise, 4 months later we began a relationship and he broke my heart. I took so many lessons away from that relationship that prepared me for my next soul contract. One summer in Paris while heartbroken and trying to get over the soul contract I just mentioned I got a gut feeling telling me that everything was going to be ok and that I was going to embark on something else in and get married in In I was in class again at a different university.

The teacher said one of the students' names out loud and I had a vision of us old together.

Soul Contracts: Divine Agreements Between Souls and Source

I looked at him and had a feeling something would happen between us. He was the furthest thing away from my type but I always felt drawn to him in social situations wanting to find out more about him until eventually I began having feelings for him and months later in , taking the lessons I've learned from my previous soul contract we embarked on a tumultuous and intense relationship. We're not together anymore. Based on my vision I thought we'd get married.

It made sense to me as everything felt right and in sync with him. But like your article stated free will can keep things from happening. We don't even talk anymore and things between us are pretty bad so I don't see our paths coming together anymore. But I think that soul contracts are amazing and I've grown through mine so much. Naturally you meet your mother and father at the birth event, and the major critical souls involved usually are your family. It is difficult to figure this in human terms, but imagine someone sitting down at a computer and fixing their parents, and fixing their brothers, sisters, friends and all the people they will be working for.

Every day of life is a cycle day in what we call the souls Akashic pattern. Before you were born, the Soul is totally aware of all of its past lives, and all of its experiences. It is also aware of destined patterns for what every lifetime it is about to enter. That is why I believe that the people you meet, the places you go to school, work, live, visit, and vital areas where relationships occur, are areas where you are encouraged to partake, because of prearranged decisions and contracts you made prior to your birth. This has much to do with the time, date, place and time we choose to be born in order to create a certain pattern of vibration to fulfill the necessary vehicle which entail upon this quest.

For example, you are at a party and there are people there, you might be destined to meet one or two. It is hard to imagine how powerful the human Soul really is. The human brain has , times the power of the greatest computer ever built. We are talking far beyond Cray or IBM here, understanding this God consciousness and the potential Soul growth, evolution, and overall awareness is phenomenal.

Also recognizing that we do have tremendous consciousness before birth and are allowed to qualify into this dimension. Before birth you must go through a great qualification. It could also be a Karma for the parents. I tend to believe that whatever you run into in your lifetime, you have to believe, if you believe in New Age Metaphysical thought, that you have created it all, and you have prepared it all in many ways. You have made contracts with many beings. Lets take a person out there who has had sex with many people, say about 40 people in their lives.

  1. What Is a Soul Contract?;
  2. Soul Contracts: Recognize Them & Buckle Up, It's Gonna Be a Wild Ride. | elephant journal!
  3. A Contract for the Soul? - BELLA New York Magazine.
  4. The Islamic Middle East: Tradition and Change.
  5. Five Common Soul Contracts You Want to Release and How to Start!
  6. If you take a look at how complicated it is to get intimate with even one person, it is not easy for a person to go out there and score a relationship, but for one person who is maybe 40 or 50 years old or a female who has slept with maybe 40 or 50 people. Take a look at the lottery for you to get close to those many people it is hard.

    Animals & Humans Soul contracts - Danielle MacKinnon, Boston MA

    I figure if you are meant to get intimate with someone, I sense that it is really meant to be. It is like having a mini-marriage situation. It is then that all the higher minds, the intuitive minds sense the vibration, and you end up working where you are supposed to be. Now free will choice does play a big role in my mind as far as life is concerned.

    But Astrologically, we vibrate to the vehicle that we have earned, depending on the Karma, as well as the positive and negative actions and reaction we have set forth in past lives. This is an automatic process, its like water running down the drain, it is an automatic magnetic flow, when you throw a rock in the ocean and the ripples just balance right out.

    Have you ever met someone and felt as if you’ve known them before?

    You just adhere to that certain birth point that you are most qualified to embrace. You make thousands of major contracts with other beings to meet with them at a pre-destined time. Life is really fascinating the way it works, when people come into your life. I believe that much of this stuff is predestined, set up and pre-arranged before life, because consciousness before life is so powerful that it sets up certain situations. It is like creating a major play, or a soap opera that will take place in your life, that you will be granted certain choices, so perhaps you could reach your highest possible evolution and Karmic growth.

    If you look at this Soul-contract philosophy, then you think wow! Then prepare for the next experience or contract.

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    Sometimes, people just wait around for these things to happen, and people just seem to pop in and happen at the right time. Often, I wish I had the consciousness that I had before birth, so I could see all of this stuff before it hits. But no, that is not the way it works. The higher mind of each of us hypnotizes us, and removes this pre-consciousness every morning when we wake up, and at birth we have lost most of it. We are not granted those easy hints, we have to do with intuition and emotion and experiences and try to make these decisions, and wade through this Karmic whirlpool we were born into.

    It would be too easy if we all knew what we were meant to do, and who to meet, and what the situations were, But each situation still gives us the potential for maximum Karmic growth experience. No food, no shoes, no socks. Drugs and alcohol used in the family, and right off the bat, there are early decisions of whether to take drugs and drink, because it is just lying around the house.

    As they grow older, they experience rejection by the kids in school, feel lonely and insecure like outcasts, and also they are given a choice to join a gang. Beyond that, when older, they are given a choice to rob a liquor store, to steal a car, to commit grand larceny, rape, murder, dealing in drugs, and even beyond that, their choices are taken away because they are taken to prison. You may have not expected to learn to master patience until you were well into your golden years. But let's say you exceeded your own expectations and learned it much sooner.

    While this is a wonderful accomplishment, the contract you agreed to is still in effect. So even though you have now learned the life lesson that you committed to learning, you will continue to experience situations that test your patience, making your life far more difficult than it needs to be.

    These patterns are likely to persist until you consult with a trained psychic who is qualified to help you rewrite your contract and choose new, far more valuable and satisfying pursuits to follow. Another example might be if you chose to experience heartbreak in this lifetime, because in the past you were always the one breaking hearts. You may have wanted to learn this lesson so you could be humbled and become more compassionate toward other people.

    But now you have had your heart broken so many times, you don't think you can bear to go through it again.

    You have two choices: In the process, you can use the wisdom of a professional psychic to help guide you toward a new, much less agonizing goal. Your psychic will be able to tell if you have truly learned the lesson that you set out to learn, and if you have, he or she can lead you in a more satisfying direction.

    The wisdom that your soul acquired in the past has been formulated to guide you in your current quests. You made this choice with confidence and insight, which means that the destiny you have been following has been a wise one. However, one of the most magnificent things about being human is that we have free will.