Building Websites with ExpressionEngine 1.6

Building Websites with ExpressionEngine A clear, concise, and practical guide to creating a professional ExpressionEngine website [Leonard Murphy] on .
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Learn more and introduce yourself. If you keep up with Inspire you've probably noticed that we use Expression Engine for many of our non-Rails sites. Expression Engine is a very powerful content management system with a lot of great features and functionality, but it isn't the most intuitive CMS to jump into. When I first came to Viget I had no knowledge of EE and found it pretty confusing until I really wrapped my head around it.

Building a website with Expression Engine

I learned the basics pretty quickly thanks to some great online tutorials from BoyInk and a lot of help from my fellow designers, but a beginner book would have been helpful. Web tutorials are great but I like to do lots of highlighting and underlining. I'm one of those tree-killers that still prints things out to take notes on. It's the only Expression Engine book on Amazon right now, perhaps because the EE user base is so much smaller than blog platforms like WordPress.

I was really hoping it would help make sense of some bigger questions I have about EE, like sorting out the many different ways to organize and build your site structure. Unfortunately for me, neither Leonard nor the Expression Engine team offer much insight about that.

Everyone seems to have their own way of doing it, and even here at Viget our strategies vary from site to site. While it didn't answer my theory-based questions, it offers a good introduction for a true beginner and showed me to quite a few capabilities I hadn't explored. The book takes an exercise-based approach, walking you through the steps you might take to build a full site in EE.

Building Websites with ExpressionEngine 1.6

The site you will build includes static pages, a blog, a calendar, a members-only area, and a simple store. Topics include installation, the templating system, using weblogs, and working with modules such as members, discussion forums, and simple e-commerce with PayPal.

Despite the fact that it's written for absolute beginners, I did learn some new things. Stay up to date with what's important in software engineering today. You don't have anything in your cart right now. ExpressionEngine is a flexible, feature-rich open-source content management system used by thousands of individuals, organizations, and companies to easily manage their websites.

This book is written for ExpressionEngine 1.

Book Review: Building Websites With Expression Engine 1.6

If you're eager to start creating websites with ExpressionEngine, this is your book. This book gives you clear, concise and, of course, practical guidance to take you from the basics of setting up ExpressionEngine to developing the skills you need to create professional ExpressionEngine websites to be reckoned with. This book will take you through the process of setting up a website with ExpressionEngine with the help of an example site. By creating a site for selling toast online, you will learn all the stages required for building a professional website in a plain, articulate manner.

This book is aimed at beginners new to ExpressionEngine, but will allow readers to advance rapidly up the learning curve to the point where they can tackle any task with confidence.

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Once you're set up with a basic installation of ExpressionEngine, you will move on to learn about creating and managing your content, customizing the look of your site, managing users and groups, allowing visitors to post comments and feedback, building an events calendar, and building a photo gallery. The book also covers the discussion forum module, the simple commerce module, and the wiki module as well as basics such as creating search-engine friendly URLs, "page not found" pages, removing the index.

Leonard Murphy was one of the earliest adopters of ExpressionEngine when it was first released in , and was the author of a series of free tutorials that helped other new users to see what ExpressionEngine had to offer. The tutorials were a hit, and over the years, ExpressionEngine became more and more popular, so in Leonard expanded his tutorials into the first edition of Building Websites with ExpressionEngine. Two years later, with the release of ExpressionEngine 2, Leonard is back with a completely revised new edition.

In , he moved to the United States and currently works for Summit Credit Union a not-for-profit financial institution headquartered in Madison, Wisconsin. He also provides consulting and technical support for small business websites. Sign up to our emails for regular updates, bespoke offers, exclusive discounts and great free content. Log in to your account.

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