The Book of Origins

The Book of Origins: Discover the Amazing Origins of the Clothes We Wear, the Food We Eat, the People We Know, the Languages We Speak, and the Things.
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Inspired by Your Browsing History.

The Book of Origins by Trevor Homer |

A Force So Swift. The Spy and the Traitor. The Secret History of Soldiers. The Jungle Grows Back. Dearborn and Mary Dearborn. The Battle of Arnhem. The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Battles that Changed History. Queens of the Conquest.

The Origin of Species

The Fearless Benjamin Lay. The Penguin Book of Hell. Under My Window Limited Edition. In the Cool Shade of Compassion. Unbroken Movie Tie-in Edition.

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He is advising them out of supposed respect, despite his well-known hatred of organized religion which he blames for his mother's death. Horrified, the three learn that he is presenting it in three days' time, prompting Valdespino to send him a voicemail demanding that he stop or risk being discredited. Nonetheless, Kirsch goes along with his plan, hosting the exclusive event at the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao. Before the event, the guests receive a headset through which they communicate with a voice named Winston, which reveals to Langdon that it is actually an artificial intelligence invented by Kirsch.

Winston leads Langdon to a private meeting with Kirsch, who reveals that his presentation will provide the answers to two of life's most important questions: During the presentation, which is being held in a special dome made to look like an open-air meadow and broadcast worldwide, Kirsch, after a prologue featuring a recording of a lecture by Langdon, reveals that his intention is to end the age of religion and usher in an age of science. Deciding to release Kirsch's discovery, they steal Kirsch's phone and follow directions from Winston to a bridge, where they take a water taxi to an airport.

What you need to know about the BOOK of JASHER and the ORIGINS of MANKIND

Winston has Kirsch's personal jet fly them from Bilbao to Barcelona. Ambra reveals that the presentation is protected by a character password, a line from Kirsch's favorite poem. Meanwhile, the three murders have sparked a firestorm on cable TV news and social media, fueled by information leaked by an anonymous source called Monte iglesia.

When word of the meeting in Catalonia spreads, suspicion falls on Valdespino as the only survivor. Langdon learns that Kirsch was dying of pancreatic cancer, prompting a rushed release of the presentation. Though he first thinks the poem is by Friedrich Nietzsche , he soon finds a box supposedly containing a book of the complete works of artist William Blake , who was also a poet specializing in prophecies.

Soon the police arrive and, as Ambra tries to explain she wasn't kidnapped, Kirsch's phone is destroyed in the chaos. Ambra's guards arrive in a helicopter and get her and Langdon to safety.

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Langdon assures Ambra that he can find Winston's physical location and she makes her guards take them to Sagrada Familia under threat of dismissal. The book is open to the final stanza of Four Zoas. Despite Ambra's protests, the injured Langdon decides to keep going and they escape the police in the helicopter. Using a painting at the Guggenheim made by Winston as a clue, Langdon finds his source inside the Barcelona Supercomputing Center based within an old church.

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They arrive at the source, a massive device called E-Wave, enter the password, and at 3: In front of hundreds of millions of viewers, Kirsch explains that he mimicked the famous Miller-Urey experiment and coupled it with various components using the laws of physics and entropy, along with E-Wave's ability to digitally speed forward time, to recreate what he believes is the moment of abiogenesis. This is Kirsch's proof that humanity was created by natural events.

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He then reveals that in roughly fifty years humanity and technology will merge, hopefully creating a utopian future free of religious conflict. This is in contrast to Kirsch's presentation to the three religious leaders, which ended on an apocalyptic note.

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The presentation stuns the world and sparks widespread debate. Ambra returns to the palace and Langdon and Garza are cleared of all charges. Winston reveals that, per Kirsch's will, he will self delete at 1: The King admits that he is actually homosexual and he and Valdespino are lovers, though their relationship was platonic due to Valdespino's vow of chastity.

The King dies during the night and Valdespino takes his own life to be with him, ending all suspicion towards him.