From Life to Death to Life

God is in the business of bringing life out of death. Nowhere is this seen more clearly than in the resurrection of Jesus Christ who offers us life if.
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God will do it. And he did it.

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Jesus was the Word made flesh John 1: He embodied that which Ezekiel witnessed in the valley of death, the firstfruits of what would now become true for all who looked to him by faith. It also became a reality that we can now experience in small ways every single day. For the same Spirit that raised Christ from the grave is the same Spirit that made these dry bones come to life. That same Spirit is also the one that is at work in the hearts of God's people, bringing the gospel to bear, gifting faith so vibrant and real to us that we are brought to spiritual life and know its fruits even today.

You were dead in your trespasses but have been made alive together in Christ, all by grace Eph. We see the world in color, no longer in black and white. It means not that things are perfect now nor that we will not mourn or suffer.


Why should I gain from His reward? I cannot give an an - swer. Intro 3x Verse 1 Halle lu - jah chains are bro - en Your death has spoken life to us and every accusa - tion, all our condem na tion silenced at the Cross Halle lu - jah, free sal va tion The burden of a world to us Lifted from our shoulders, carried by the Sav iors passion at the Cross Chorus There…. Verse 1 Giver of life, You never change.

All that is perfect comes from You. Your wonders never cease. Not even life, not even death Nor any power in heaven or earth Could separate us from Your love.

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Chorus For You are good, and Your mercies last a lifetime. By playing first, the attacking player can kill such a group. By playing first, the defending player can save such a group. There is an enormous range of formations that are unsettled.

A group can be considered "alive", "dead", or "unsettled" based on whether two eyes can be made regardless of how the opponent plays. Naturally, one space is insufficient. Two adjacent spaces are insufficient to make two eyes as well, since putting a stone in will create one eye only.

From Death to Life - Peter Howson

The opponent can simply fill in one of the two spots, threatening to fill in the other, forcing the player to capture that one by playing in the second one. Then, the opponent simply plays there again, killing the group. Usually this will not be done during the game, but at the end, during calculation, the group will be labeled "dead" and removed as prisoners. The only way to actually remove a group from the board is to fill its "eye space" with all but one, forcing it to capture the filling-in group by putting a stone in the last space.

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If the created group is not alive, then continuing this process will eventually kill the entire group. There are two possible groups of three, an "r" shape and three in a line. Both of these are unsettled, as whoever plays obtains the desirable result. The person trying to create two eyes can play in the middle spot the one connected to the other two and the other two are now eyes. If the opponent plays, he will play in the same spot, followed by an adjacent spot the other player's piece would be captured were he to play in one of the two open spots , leaving only one empty spot left. This forces the first player to capture, leaving the dead two shape.

The critical points are circled in the "Unsettled groups with three empty points" diagram.

From Death To Life

With four blank spots, there are five unique shapes. Three are alive, one is unsettled, and one is dead. The three alive ones are the straight line, L and Z shape. If the opponent plays in any spot, the first player can live by playing in the adjacent spot in the center two. In the straight line, for example, if the first player goes in either center, threatening to put an unsettled three-space line in, putting one in the other center one will do the trick.

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  7. In the diagram "Groups with four empty points" black's groups in the upper corners are alive. If the opponent plays any of the circled positions, playing the other circled position will secure the status of the black group. The unsettled shape is the four-stone pyramid, shown in the left bottom corner.

    Whoever plays in the circled center spot gets the desired result, so the player whose move it is wins. A two-by-two square space is dead: On the other hand, if white wants to capture the black group, white only has to play anywhere inside the square, and there will be no way for black to avoid capture. There are no dead shapes with more than four empty points, though there are a couple of unsettled ones. A five stone "plus sign" the X pentomino and a "bulky five" the P pentomino consisting of a square and one point off it, similar shape to a fist with the thumb extended" are the two unsettled ones.

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    Playing in the point that touches the most others four in the "plus sign" - center point, three in the "bulky five" - the one point in the square touching the outside point will give the desired result to whoever does so. There is only one unsettled six shape, and the rest are all alive. This one shape is the square, plus adding the two points touching any one of the corners.

    From life to death, beyond and back

    Similar to the plus sign five, but add any of the four taken corner points to get the unsettled six. The opponent playing in the center point threatens to fill all but one spot with a bulky five shape, and there is no defense. Any group surrounding more than six points is alive, but it may be necessary to respond correctly if the opponent attacks.