Destroying America - The Real Issues Politicians Avoid

In their new book How Democracies Die, Harvard political scientists Steven They've also decided to stick with Trump on topics like whether it's If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed .and we will deserve it. candidate Trump unfit for office would surely hold his actual conduct to a high bar.
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The first challenge is to develop your "political sensitivity"--observe and ask questions about how things are done in your business, where the power bases are, and who has hidden agendas. Every individual and leader has their comfort zone--behaviors, values, attitudes, fears, and drives that result in productive relationships.

The U.S. Constitution Is Over 95 Percent Destroyed!

Actions outside these comfort zones will likely lead to feuds, hidden decisions, excessive arguing, counter-productive lobbying, and back-biting. Before coming and launching a fully-fledged proposal at a committee or in a memorandum, it's smart to test opinion and find out how key people will react. This enables you to anticipate counter-arguments and update your proposal to answer objections and to accommodate political realities.

Facts and merit don't make decisions--people make decisions. Just as you do your homework on the facts, also it pays to do your homework by visiting the players in a given situation. Effective management is the process of harmonizing individual interests with the goals of all business stakeholders. Politically insensitive business people often try to steam-roll others with emotion, a barrage of facts, or a claim of high-level support.

What does that say about our religion and private morality? Anybody who understands the Bible knows how it condemns such sick, moral depravity! That is the beginning of all mankind being led into the Family of God forever. That is also the gospel, the good news of the coming Family or Kingdom of God. It is an abominable attempt to destroy the heart of the biblical message of good news for all mankind!

Request our free booklets Why Marriage! The main cause of homosexuality is the breakdown of the family. Where are the Christian leaders today who will even label homosexuality a sin? The Bible is Jesus Christ in print. A true Christian is one who follows Christ. The Bible labels homosexuality an abomination.

Where are our leaders who will speak out against family breakdown, pornography, U. Our drug addiction has turned Mexico into a war zone. Who is willing to hear what our own Founding Fathers prophesied?

All political parties are guilty of rejecting their warning. The Greek Empire tried to establish the rule of law. It failed and the empire collapsed. The Roman Empire also tried to build a society based on law. It was unable to do so, and it too fell. Many other empires experienced the same failure. It is mighty difficult to achieve. But until it is achieved, and established in the public mind with such vehemence that masses of individuals are prepared to die to uphold it , no other form of progress can be regarded as secure.

The Greeks had tried to establish the rule of law but failed. The Romans had succeeded under their republic but Caesar and his successors had destroyed it. The essence of the rule of law is its impersonality, omnipotence and ubiquity. It is the same law for everyone, everywhere—kings, emperors, high priests, the state itself, are subject to it. But have we learned that lesson? Failure to do so means we pay the supreme sacrifice: Johnson states that this is our only security! Early immigrants who came to this land were often persecuted in the countries they left.

They usually lacked religious freedom. They put political and religious freedom before riches ….

George Washington's views on political parties in America

They planned to establish the rule of God on Earth! That means they had the goal of each person keeping the Ten Commandments of God—the basis of all righteous law. How many Americans are willing to face that reality? Because then we would have to admit that we often fight not to establish law, but to promote lawlessness!

Consider some statements from the Founding Fathers. John Adams backed him up: What political or religious leaders would make such statements as these men did? Even the politicians who established our republic were more spiritual than most of our religious leaders today! The Constitution is the foundation of our republic. And the Ten Commandments were, in many ways, the foundation of the Constitution. It was much harder for our Founding Fathers to spill streams of blood winning our freedom, and to create and establish our constitutional law, than it is for us just to maintain it!

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So we ought to respect our Founding Fathers above ourselves. But we are too vain and arrogant to see how profoundly strong they were and how pathetically shallow and weak we are. That is why I believe it is the noblest document ever written by a government of this world. What a rare document it is. Our forefathers had the awesome opportunity to establish the rule of God in the wealthiest country ever. So they established a Constitution to protect all of us from the extremes of human reason.

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Tyrants, unjust judges and biased leaders were controlled by this law. Did our Founding Fathers know that the Bible interprets itself? To some extent, I believe they did. And they probably patterned the Constitution after the Bible, in that sense. The Constitution is a document that interprets itself probably better than any book or document, other than the Bible. We see indescribable confusion about the Bible today. But Britain has no constitution. Our persecuted forefathers wanted their protection spelled out in detail.

They had suffered intensely at the hands of tyrants. Will we have to experience indescribable tribulation before we can appreciate our freedom, which is given to us by the rule of law?


When Robert Bork was appointed to the U. Supreme Court by President Ronald Reagan, it created a firestorm in Congress, and he failed to get confirmed. Shortly thereafter, he wrote The Tempting of America, which I believe is the best book about constitutional law in a century—perhaps ever. The founders of the Constitution put in place the walls, roof and beams of our Constitution, as Mr. Instead, the lawyers and judges are changing the very structure of our representative democracy. The Constitution is being altered dramatically.

And it is the foundation of our republic! Your future is being changed for you, and often you have no input. Why did our Founding Fathers work so hard to establish the Constitution? Because it was to be the supreme law of the land.

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  2. NASA wants to save the United States from Yellowstone super volcano.
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  5. The Republican Obsession With Dismantling Social Security And Medicare | HuffPost.

But notice what the Constitution itself states: A Harvard law professor is actually stating that the Constitution is not even law! That view comes from our most prestigious university. The very fact that he would even make that statement shows that we are already getting into extreme lawlessness!


The majority of our leaders now agree with the Harvard law professor. He made a statement that shows we are failing to establish the rule of law. The real issue here is lawlessness. It establishes a class of philosopher kings who determine the rights of the people and shreds the Constitution as a document that conforms people to unchanging principles that promote their own and the general welfare. Their intention was that the law, rooted in objective and unchanging truth, would be preeminent. And now most lawyers and judges reject their foundational work. Here is what he stated in the Wall Street Journal, Feb.

Permitting a culture of lying to take root in the justice system would ultimately destroy the system. Why did the Founding Fathers keep pointing back to these fundamental building blocks? Adams himself answered that question in , while serving as president: It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. There is the answer! They kept referring to religion and morality because, as Adams said, our Constitution was made only for moral and religious people! Now the question is, why? Why was the Constitution written only for moral and religious people? Why was it inadequate to the government of any other?

After touring America for two years in the early s, he returned home to France and wrote his political classic, Democracy in America. Like the Founding Fathers, Tocqueville acknowledged that religion and morality were indispensable to the maintenance of the American republic.

Are the political parties destroying American politics?

He said that while the constitutional law of liberty allowed Americans complete freedom to do as they pleased, religion prevented them from doing that which was immoral and unjust. In short, Tocqueville surmised, liberty could not be governed apart from religious faith, lest there be anarchy. Without the moral restrictions of a higher spiritual law, the liberty afforded Americans in the Constitution would be abused. The Yellowstone supervolcano is twice as big as we thought. A much smaller event in Indonesia, about 75, years ago, named the Toba catastrophe, pumped some tons of hydrogen sulphide gas into the atmosphere along with about cubic kilometres of ejecta.

The End of Liberalism? - The American Interest

This produced a global volcanic winter that lasted a decade. It appears to burst roughly once every , years. The most recent was , years ago, with other events 1. A geyser and hot water pool at Yellowstone National Park. Supervolcanos only spill over when the molten rock is hot enough to become highly fluid. To achieve this, the Jet Propulsion Labs team calculated a super volcano on the brink of eruption would have to be cooled some 35 per cent. Drill too deep, and the vent could cause an explosive depressurisation that may set off the exact kind of eruption the scientists were trying to avoid.

Heated water rising from deep under the surface of Yellowstone is already serving to cool the magma pool. Here Old Faithul erupts. Instead, the NASA scientists propose, a 10km deep hole into the hydrothermal water below and to the sides of the magma chamber.