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We knew he'd not fail -- he's been the life and soul of the whole business and it all turns on him. Townsend, Eileen IN LOVE AND WAR () Unlike Hoffman.
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You want to dedicate your time doing what you love. But HOW? Wanting to know what the meaning of life is can be compared to opening a humungous can of worms: question after question comes spilling out. Sometimes, the more we search for answers, the more they evade us, leaving us feeling hopelessly lost and like victims of life. In this article, I plan to help you move through these complex and frustrating emotions to the best of my ability. By the end of this article you should:. People from all walks of life share an innate drive for meaning, direction, and purpose.

3 Soul Contracts You Signed Before You Were Born (You Forgot This)

This drive to understand our life purpose seems as important to our psychological growth as eating is to our biological survival. You probably use them interchangeably — and have heard others do likewise — but meaning and purpose are not the same things. When talking about the meaning of life we often confuse and mix up the subjective and objective or personal and impersonal. Hence why it can feel like our brains have been put through a blender when even considering the topic.

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Meaning is subjective. It is dependent on your personal tastes, desires, goals, and dreams. Purpose, on the other hand, is from Spirit. It is programmed into us. It is within our very cells. It is written into each and every destiny. And what does that mean for you? So … what is the meaning of life? To put it simply, meaning itself is very personal and varied. For one person, their meaning in life may be to raise kids, for another, their meaning may be to create a charity, breed horses, become a world-renown artist, live off the grid, write a book, teach others, meditate deeply, travel the world, and so on.

Ultimately, your core essence your heart and soul will know your true meaning in life. This is an exciting process that can also be frustrating and disheartening if the voice of your soul is getting drowned out by the stress of daily life. In an earthly sense, our purpose is the same as everything we see around us: to grow, change, and expand. Just look at the plants, animals, and trees; they all go through cycles of metamorphosis. The planets also go through cycles, as do the seasons. And the Universe is expanding every moment!

Live the Life Your Soul Intended

We too are destined to go through these cycles of expansion. Why reduce the complexity of life in that way? I have personally experienced the spiritual dimension of reality many times, and that is enough for me. And so too have millions since the dawn of time.

The Meaning of Life (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

Hence why there are thousands of spiritual movements and religious ideas in the world. Personally, I believe that our purpose in life is to mature on ALL levels: the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

The spiritual awakening process is an expression of that maturation process: our souls are expanding and growing just like the galaxies. And like pregnancy or childbirth, this growth can be a painful process. As professor of cultural anthropology and religious studies, Bonnie Glass-Coffin wrote ,. Like the making of a body during nine months of gestation, soul-making is also a process. For, although we are born with it, our soul continues to develop with every life experience.

Our sufferings are simply the secretions that add to its luster—like a pearl inside an oyster. Making soul is the process of a lifetime, or several lifetimes. Mystics, saints, and shamans of ages past and of today, from places far and near, refer to this eternal sojourn in many ways, yet whatever terms are used implies a conscious engagement with our true potential as divine partners in creation. Ancient spiritual traditions all throughout the world have agreed and referred to this by many names: Enlightenment, Illumination, Self-Realization , Heaven, Oneness, Nirvana, Bliss, Wholeness, Moksha, non-dual awareness, Buddhahood, and so on.

Read more about Oneness. Meditation is a common and recommended path. Inner work is another powerful practice that we heavily focus on within this website. It is a non-dogmatic practice that can be integrated into any belief system. The healing and inner transformation it can produce is quite amazing. Life has no meaning. Each of us has meaning and we bring it to life.

It is a waste to be asking the question when you are the answer. To find your meaning in life, you need to learn how to find yourself. When you were a child, you were attracted toward the things that brought you the most joy.

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The most interesting clues can be found within the activities you did the most as a child. Perhaps you liked to read a lot, construct things, dress up your dolls, care for your toys, climb trees, talk to your pets, pretend you were a police officer, construct imaginary realms, and so on. Take some time to carefully think about what you most enjoyed doing. Get a journal and make some notes. Look for the activities you did for the longest amount of time and most consistently.

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The answer may not slap you in the face immediately, but think about what was the heart and core of the activity you did. What quality were you attracted to the most?

16 unique signs you’re an old soul and wise beyond your years

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  3. What does your soul mean to you and how do you feed it?.

Expanding your mental horizons means widening your circle of competence. This could mean exploring a topic you know literally nothing about.

What Does it Mean to Have Soul?

Take a moment to think about what you would like to learn about if you were given a chance. What thought first pops into your mind? Whatever that thought is reveals the place you need to go next. Even if you feel silly, be an explorer. We are each given a set of experiences in life. The experiences are neutral. They have no meaning. It is how we interpret the experiences that gives them meaning.

The interpretations of experiences shape our beliefs and theories about the world. Our beliefs and theories, in turn, determine what we observe in the world to confirm our beliefs, which, in turn, reinforce our interpretations. Do you ever give them a higher meaning? One of the most powerful ways to find your meaning is to reflect on the entire timeline of your life. What have been the major highs and lows? What successes and tragedies have befallen you? For example, if you believe all your experiences have taught you to surrender and let go , you might become interested in studying Zen Buddhism and make that your meaning in life.

This activity may at first appear morbid, but it holds within it the seed of true insight. When death is upon us, everything becomes clear, crystalline, precious. Get into a quiet and dark room. You may even like to wear a sleeping mask or blindfold so your vision becomes pitch black. If you want to put yourself into an even deeper mindset, you can play some funereal or ethereal music quietly in the background.

And just in case you feel too uncomfortable, ensure someone is in the house with you. When you think of your biggest achievements, what comes to mind? What are you the happiest to have done, practiced, or committed to? Think about something simply amazing you have done. What is that? If nothing comes to mind, you can always return to this activity later perhaps in the early morning or late at night.