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Apr 8, - Take a look at the two following sentences. Why do we use were in the first sentence and was in the second. If I were rich, I would buy you a car.
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Cause those fries will cool up on ya like that! This is hilarious, one of the best posts in weeks. There seems to be a relevant Simpsons scene or quote for just about everything in real life. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy.

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All rights reserved. TheSimpsons comments other discussions 5. Want to join? Log in or sign up in seconds. Submit a new link. Submit a new text post. Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. TheSimpsons join leave , readers 1, users here now About Everything related to The Simpsons! Images, videos, quotes, news, articles, thoughts, trivia, etc.

Hate that it has to be said, but personal attacks, racism, slurs, etc are not allowed and will lead to a ban.

How to Survive Being Cooped Inside With Your Kids With a Good Old-Fashioned Fort

Let's just laugh at the Simpsons. The Simpsons has always had politics within the show.

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  4. We no longer will allow you all to shill the MALK company's products and now remove them. We get it, MALK is a real thing. Threads of Fame Supposedly, writer, John Swartzwelder stops by the sub. Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. Become a Redditor and join one of thousands of communities. Want to add to the discussion? Post a comment! Create an account. May I see it? You'll be given cushy jobs! Old family recipe. Trump's talking to the ketchup again. So,you call them white house burgers despite the fact that they are obviously Mcdonalds.

    If I Were or If I Was: Which is Correct?

    The reputation of the white house is on fire! My white house correspondence dinner is ruined! Delightfully devilish, Donald. Good pull! It was for the Clemson Tigers football team, who just won the college championship. Wendys, McDonalds, Burger King, and an unknown to me Pizza joint Trump allegedly paid out of pocket due to the shutdown.

    Tax returns would tell us, but he won't release them. I could be wrong though. What region? Petersburg, it's a Moscow term. And when they get in, I'm back on the streets! I never said they would be steamed! Doesn't Trump know you don't win friends with salad?! Delightfully devilish, Donald! President, I made it - despite the government shutdown. Welcome to DJTs America. It's just the northern lights. Is not that the tipical American dinner? Where are the steamed hams? Steamed Hams for all effort! Or brand-name clothes.

    Live cheaply. If you make sure your rent is low, you can still go out, have nice food etc. This is the hardest of anything to do in your 20s. Having sex is free. Going for hikes is free. Talking to friends is free. Materialism and consumerism is a farce. Unhappiness unfortunately generates a need for material possessions and more wealth. For this reason, unhappiness and materialism reinforce each other; materialism breeds unhappiness and vice versa. Happiness comes from intangibles, like experiences, relationships, activities, not stuff.

    Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: 'Can people please stop telling me feminism is hot?'

    Stuff can amplify it though e. You probably live in an expensive place. If you do: go travel and move around places every few months. Become a cheap traveler and be smart about it. See Asia, see South America, see parts of Africa. See how you develop when you travel and how your identity is shaped by each environment with its own smells, people and buildings.

    Beyoncé - If I Were A Boy

    Sleep in hostel dorms with other people. Also remember to eat healthily on the road. Stay fit. Learn about compound interest. Put that straight into a market tracking ETF by Vanguard. This is a long-term fund that will invest the money to follow the market. Yes, I said that correctly. Except for your own labor hours, costs in software are almost 0. Market tracking ETF funds have a higher average return than owning a house. Overall, houses only match inflation.

    Your friends and family will tell you owning a house is smart and how they made lots of money with it, but they will not tell about the people that lost so much money with it or about how most price increases with houses is merely inflation. Houses cost a lot in tax and maintenance.

    Having a spare million on your bank account means freedom the rest of your life if you continue to live humbly.

    If I were you, I would + (verb)

    Legalese, but this is not financial advice. I know nothing. If you lose everything, your fault, not mine, kthxbye. Go for it. It seems very boring to pay attention to money so much as such a young age. YOLO right? Age is a social construct and is increasingly irrelevant.