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A tugboat or tug is a type of vessel that maneuvers other vessels by pushing or pulling them either by direct contact or by means of a tow line. Tugs typically.
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These tugs are capable of undertaking the tasks performed by larger vessels. They also demonstrate sea-keeping capabilities. The tugboat design incorporates monohull. The outer structure of the boat is built with steel. The hull form was designed to optimise the power and performance of the boat.

‘Key to sustainable shipping’

These boats are compact azimuth stern drive ASD tugs. In an ASD tug, the thrusters that can move horizontally creating thrust in any direction, are placed beneath the stern.

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The Ulupinar boats are fitted with fire-fighting equipment and winches on the forward and aft sides. Primarily designed as harbour ship assist vessels, Ulupinar Series tugboats can also undertake long delivery trips.

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The compact overall dimensions of the boat provide adequate space for crew accommodation. The noise and vibration levels have been reduced to increase crew comfort. The Ulupinar tugboat has an overall length of The bollard pull of the tugboat is 45t. The boat can sail at a maximum speed of 12kt. The Ulupinar Series tugboats are equipped with towing and fire fighting equipment.

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He works in San Francisco, but is originally from Vermont. Manager of Audience Development Twitter.

Featured Video. He's spent lots of time on the boat, and it's in his blood, just like me. It's late afternoon when the Edward and the Princess, now under escort by a U. Coast Guard helicopter and two Coast Guard rigid-hull inflatable boats, close in on the LNG terminal, a long concrete pier parallel to the shore. These terminals have long been controversial, but all LNG tankers are double-hulled, and during 33, voyages over the past 30 years there have been only eight leaks--none of them resulting in fires.

LNG won't burn unless it becomes a vapor and dissolves into the air at a concentration of 5 to 15 percent. The worst accident occurred in in Cleveland at the world's first commercial LNG plant, when a tank failed and spilled its entire contents into creeks and sewers. When the air-gas concentrations were right, the vapor caught fire, killing and injuring Since then there have been four accidents worldwide that resulted in fatalities, all at plants.

We're traveling at 9 knots, and it's time to slow down. From here on, Magwood, the docking pilot on the Princess 's bridge, calls the shots.

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  7. The Edward shudders violently--it feels as though we're bumping over a washboard dirt road. The meter registering the load on the Edward 's line shows 54 tons. The Edward slows to 8 knots, as the Bulldog swings round to the Princess 's bow. At 7 knots, Groover shifts to starboard. When the Edward , straining and digging, slowly pulls the Methane Princess's stern around, 94 tons register on the line. The Edward 's bow is pushed down, its stern lifted up; it shudders as it backs against the strain. Bit by bit over the next half-hour, we slow the Princess down to 4 knots.

    Two more tugs join us, the Bulldog "end on"--bow forward and perpendicular to the ship--against the Princess 's bow and two older Moran tugs amidships. The berth is now about yards ahead. As Magwood guides the behemoth in, a dance based on years of experience and intuitive knowledge between docking pilot and tugs commences. Over the next 45 minutes, the closer we get to the dock, the faster the commands come.

    Easy on the stern tugs, easy. Stop, Edward. In position. Groover smiles. Hey, Rodney, nice job! When the Princess is safely tied up, the Edward and the Bulldog lie a few hundred feet away; they stand by for the next 24 hours of unloading.

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    The two older tugs return to Moran's dock in downtown Savannah. John Johnson emerges from the engine room, and the smell of his homemade enchiladas soon fills the galley below the pilothouse. The galley is better equipped than my kitchen at home, with a full-size stainless-steel fridge and oven. Out here on the water, as the sun dips below the river's green banks, it's easy to see why generations of men have plied the tugboat trade. The river is serene, ever-changing.

    Media Luna Tugboat

    The crewmen are removed from the world but also connected to it in a way merchant seamen in the open ocean never are. With such small crews, even deckhands get a chance at every job. And though they're on board for a week at a time, they remain in home port, and modern conveniences make the job less lonely--cellphones connect to friends and family, and flat-screen TVs in the galley and cabins and Wi-Fi keep the world at hand.

    Late the next afternoon, it's hot, bright and blue, and the Princess is empty, ready to disembark. The Bulldog noses into the tanker's starboard bow and ties on.