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A collection of short stories written over a span of 10 years, this book is a journey through the evolution of the author's voice. These stories are about every day.
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This is also a show of her liminality because she was a Christian woman raised by a druid. Green notes this significance because colored animals were only symbolic to the Otherworld the Tuathe De Danan Green The monk knew well that Brigit was admired and worshiped by both sexes, there being little no discrimination among the deities in old Celtic religion.

This was happily leaked over into the Christian story as well. Men did not look down on Brigit and when they dared to try her in her life stories, they ended up begging her for forgiveness. She healed lepers, turned water into ale, healed broken women, multiplied food, and most like Christ, her blood healed as well when she was wounded. She also parted a river.

While journeying with some female companions, they came to a river in a rival land and the army refused to help them cross so Brigit parted the waters and left according to some scholars. According to Cogitosus though, she moved a river to wash over thieves who had stolen her cattle She never did preach like a man or administer the Eucharist, but she never complained about it and it never daunted her followers.

However, she often spoke to crowds and had her own monastery at Kildare. Her commanding crowds showed that her follows saw her as a liminal, powerful figure. She did not have the claim to royalty like her fellow female saints. These were two normal ways gained influence. Brigit did it all herself through her own abilities, not taking on the roles of men.

She gave birth to the child whilst passing through a door way and then washed in some stories the child in the milk from a white cow with red ears. Men did not look down on Brigit, and when they dared to try her in her life stories, they ended up begging her for forgiveness. While journeying with some female companions, they came to a river in a rival land, and the army refused to help them cross so Brigit parted the waters and left according to some scholars.

She never did preach like a man or administer the Eucharist, but she never complained about it, and it never daunted her followers.

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Her commanding crowds showed that her followers saw her as a liminal, powerful figure. She was also equal with Patrick and was his partner in some stories. Not even close. He often took Brigit with him so she could interpret nature and perform miracles Bitel , While Patrick was busy expelling snakes, Brigit was taken into wars and battles, most notably the invasion of the Ui Neill. When the Christians adopted Brigith, they kept her meaning and triple goddess form.

She is always depicted with some form of a flame.

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In this image, we can see she is surrounded by crops as well, showing her power over the Earth and her abundance. The book in her arm is most likely the Holy Bible, and that can be equated back to her goddess form of poetry. For the pagan cross, we see it has three points. This is also to represent the triskelion, a magic symbol used to represent the goddess or the three top gods depending on the celebration and use of cross.

When it transferred to Christian religion it now has four points, like most Christian crosses, and also symbolizes the cross of Jesus. This was a symbol used in many ancient religions in astronomy and astrology. It may have also been a symbol of a chariot wheel of many sun gods. However, the tie to Brigith lies in that the Celts tied the symbol around their crops for protection Green Lastly, Brigith and Brigit are prophets, wise teachers normally seen as men. Brigith and her poetry are often associated with prophecy.

As Sheehan-Johnson says in his article, the druids were teachers of poetry and orality. They were also practitioners of magic and divination. They believed that power was in their words. Green calls the poet-seers filidh and not druids, however. In her young age, Saint Brigit would mutter prophecies in her sleep, and the druid who raised her and the holy men who brought the news of her sacredness to her adopted father pointed the omens and portents that showed her future as a holy woman.

Victor Turner wrote a book in called Dramas, Fields, and Metaphors. In this work, Turner shows how liminality is a cultural manifestation of communitas , or an unstructured community. In this work, he relates liminality from where he says it started in ritualistic cultures to modern day communities. We know from study that the Celts had very structured societies and governments but their gods and goddesses came from a much more unstable world perhaps.

So instead, Turner says that these communities had marginality. He emphasizes, however, that marginality should be concerned with being a true outsider.

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He says that outsiders are not liminal; they are not straddling the line. They are outside. This can be seen in both versions of Brigith and Brigit. She is not just one or the other. Even the woman herself is both immortal goddess and the mortal woman. What Turner is saying is that liminality originates within a societal community.

Brigith originated inside the Celtic religion and at some midpoint transitioned into Christian story as well.


She is not an outsider, whom Turner says must start outside the community. An Outsider is not recognized in a certain society, but both societies recognize Brigith. She is not an outsider. According to Turner, she is a liminal figure. According to Turnr, marginals are to not be confused with what he calls liminers or liminal entities. This is the kind of liminality Brigith and Brigit are. There is no resolution an they have not faded away.

They have a very strong cultural assurance. Both existed in two different kinds of mythos, but both are ambiguous. Especially if one wants to know which act was Brigith and which act was Brigit. The stories intermingle and spread over continents, assuring her place of power and memory. He says that if we investigate a cutler, we can see the influence from other cultures and how the ideas have been combined to create the society we see now.

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He says that is the true characteristic of liminality. Where today, keyboard warriors would call that approbation, researchers and open-minded investigators would call it liminality. That can be argued. After all, Brigit is still the saint of crops, fire, and poetry.

The recombination in any and every possible pattern is what makes a new society, no matter how strange, Turner says. Brigith and Brigit have lasted through Romanization and Christianization and the test of time considering the lack of writing the ancient Irish did , coming out as even more liminal than before. She is a pied puzzle of many places, people, and times. We can only really understand her through liminality.

Liminality means endless structures, endless ideas, and societies to be made.

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  8. Like a story teller gathers ideas from life, other stories, songs, or ancient legends for one single narrative, so a society may gather parts of other societies. Turner repeated that liminal communities are gathered from unstructured societies, but that is not necessarily true in all cases as we see with the Celts, they were a very structured society.

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    It could instead be said that liminality is the gathering from structured communities into an unstructured community of ideas in order to create a new one. This sharing of ideas opens up new ideas, and lets learners see through various lenses. She was always liminal; between two ideas, two religions, two gender roles. She has given willingly to many cultures. Rather than saying she is appropriated, we can say that she is liminal.

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    As we have seen, her liminality has been displayed through even her goddess life. She was not stolen or appropriated. She is liminal: between and among, belonging to both, created from the societies she has belonged to. She shared her culture rather than condemning those who wanted her. Liminality helps societies be more understood and more easily accepted. It also opens the doors for greater knowledge and shared ideas.

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    Ancient Irish history shows us that women had power typically associated with men before the Roman invasion and the Christianization. Some of the ancient power has survived through Boudicca, the living St. Brigit, and the pagan worship of Brigith in modern times.

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    The goddess Brigith was liminal in her power, wielding fire, prophecy, and fertility.