Manual One Deep Breath (Reader’s Choice 2017)

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His words were like cactus needles driving deep into her flesh. He walked off and Lydia blew out a pent-up breath. Curtis droned on, “I want to thank all the Gazette readers for writing in with your votes and expressing the reasons you think your choice is the right one for our marriage-minded cowboy—Mr. Zach Dalton.
Table of contents

A journalist, historian, photographer, and author with a fascination of the world around him, he enjoys researching and writing about lost stories from the past.

Classen makes his home in the oldest city in Michigan, the historic Sault Ste. He is also a collector of out-of-print history books, historical photographs, and prints of Upper Michigan. At Northern Michigan University, he studied English, history, journalism and photography. He lives with his wife, Mary L. But somehow I went through the next few decades barely thinking about it, until one Sunday morning last year when I went to report on a communal exercise class on a basketball court in Runyon Canyon, LA, hosted by a group of wellness bros who call themselves the Wildfire Initiative.

I was expecting a gruelling session of weights, cardio, humiliation. In fact, it was quite pleasant. He asked us to lie down and put us through a breathing exercise in which we hyperventilated, then held our collective breath. Not when our phone has died. As we hiked up the canyon, Ellis told me that he can hold his breath for six minutes, despite smoking 10 cigarettes a day. Hof is also known as the Ice Man, which comes from his penchant for encasing himself in ice, swimming under bits of the Arctic and climbing up mountains in shorts.

He holds 26 world records for withstanding extreme temperatures, partly thanks to his breathing technique, and runs retreats in Holland, Poland and Spain; he also sells online courses, while giving away the basics free in his app.

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The endocrine system! The lymphatic system! The immune system! The vascular system! But we have shown that you can tap into them. Our ancestors used to be fine mooching around the tundra in loincloths. But as humans have learned to control our environments — with central heating, insulation, coats and so on — we are losing our ability to respond to nature. And there is some evidence that he may be on to something.

The most credible evidence came in , when a team of researchers at Radboud University in Nijmegen in the Netherlands studied 12 subjects who had followed the Wim Hof Method and found they had an increased ability to resist infection and fight inflammation. Still, the notion that breathing is good for you is one of the least controversial things you could say about the human body.

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Similar techniques are at the heart of hypnobirthing classes, which are becoming increasingly popular. A little more on the edge are the consciousness-altering breathing techniques adapted from various Buddhist practices by the psychedelic pioneer Stanislav Grof at the Esalen Institute in California in the s — now seeing a comeback as part of a wider psychedelic renaissance. Holotropic breathwork is not recommended if you have prior heart conditions, as Pollan had.

A British entrepreneur, Poppy Jamie, 28, tells me she was so inspired by the holotropic breathing workshop she attended in LA that she decided to reassess her whole career.

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And it was such a release, I cried for two hours afterwards. It grounds you in the present moment. In my dreams, there would be a breathing centre on every street corner. Intrigued, I visit a breathwork practitioner named Federica Ferro at her home in London. She used to work in fashion in Milan and New York, but became disillusioned. The idea is not to pause between exhaling and inhaling, so every time you breathe out you cut it a little short and breathe in again.

This induces a trance-like state in which the conscious mind quietens down, apparently allowing the subconscious to do a little rewiring.

Exhaled breath analysis: a review of ‘breath-taking’ methods for off-line analysis

Her own first experience was life-changing. It came up through me and I felt this spiritual liberation. After a while, I saw galaxies, darkness, stars, and felt this sense of belonging. I had this incredible peace of mind. It was my body, my breath, all of my dimensions: everything. Good for series readers I enjoyed this novel a lot, having read the ones prior in the series.

I was already committed to the characters and had to know what happened next. Those loyal to the series will love the ending and connecting the dots. Sep 01, S.

Take a deep breath

Suspense and romance I love the characters in this series. This book has so much mystery and suspense that it kept me reading.

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And the romance with the HEA ending was good. Enjoyable book. Amazing I love how this series just keeps getting better, and surprised by the entire story and plot ties each book together even though each is separate. An amazing story full of adventure, sparing, secrets, and love. Aug 13, Lynette rated it really liked it. The story line is good the alpha men are hot and the women give them a run for their sanity. Good series. Aug 10, CJ rated it really liked it. A wonderful book. Nov 12, Lynn Mullan rated it liked it.

One Deep Breath

Good read. May 31, Dawn Myers rated it liked it. This book was a lot confusing for me. I sort of had people behind dossier, then out of nowhere somebody else is thrown into the mix. Somethings were explained that cleared some questions up from previous books. I did not like how Harry handled things with Georgia towards the end. The questions I had with the book kept me turning the pages. The story was a struggle for me. Good Good storyline with characters wit life like features. Recommend this to anyone. Didn't quite understand the ending. Enjoy yourself.

Jul 07, ElaineY rated it did not like it Shelves: covert-ops-undercover. Deep Breath was frustrating to read.

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I found out later, in the Romance Reader Teview, that it really should be read with the NEXT book because that book continues the story. Update Aug I never got round to buying Deep Breath was frustrating to read. Update Aug I never got round to buying the next installment which I think was called Beyond A Shadow because when it made its appearance, the synopsis didn't sound as if it was a continuation of Deep Breath.

Thinking it there was no point buying another book which would only increase my confusion, I told myself I'd have to read ALL the SG-5 books from the start to do Ms Kent justice. Unfortunately, I was not impressed by the earlier installments - Samm's Agenda, The Shaughnessy Accord, The Alibi but because the reviews were raving about how hot and action-packed they were, I thought it was just me and decided to give Ms Kent another go.

I bought Larger Than Life and still couldn't see what the fuss about. What other reviewers found 'sizzling hot' left me cold; what they found gritty and thrilling, I found vague and convoluting. Still believing those reviewers were right and I was wrong, I decided to try Deep Breath. I'm such a sucker for romances involving sexy covert ops heroes and Ms Kent always got a 'Burning' rating on AAR so how could I resist?

Oct 04, Krys rated it really liked it. This was a good novel. At first it wasn't at all what I thought it would be but later on Kent met my expectations, though I couldn't help but roll my eyes at some points and gag at others because the enticingly strong Georgia McLain seems to become more and more soft throughout the book. For example the steamy scene at the gallery. I understand that that was a good time to throw in a little sexual toy to the readers to play with and mull over but after wards Georgia should regain her composure This was a good novel.

I understand that that was a good time to throw in a little sexual toy to the readers to play with and mull over but after wards Georgia should regain her composure and be able to keep a poker face.