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National Comics Publications v. Fawcett Publications, F.2d (2d Cir. ). was a decision by the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in a twelve-year legal battle between National Comics  Court‎: ‎United States Court of Appeals for the S.
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Fire and explosions destroy or damage all of the nation's arsenals except the one in Mammoth City, so Uncle Sam decides he's going to defend it. While Sam is inside confabbing with the officers, Buddy Smith is left outside, where he meets the security detail and their guard dogs. The dogs alert on a passing stranger, seemingly an old tramp, but Buddy notices that he has nicely shined shoes. Buddy leaves behind a clue for Unc, then shadows this guy, but soon loses him.

Searching around, he finds a box that the tramp was carrying, next to an abandoned old house, in terrible condition. Buddy sneaks in and explores it, and almost falls through a big hole in the floor, then has to hide because he hears voices in the house. With some difficulty, he finds a good hiding place from which to observe the bad guys, as five sinister gangster-looking enemy agents compare notes on how much destruction and chaos they've caused. One of them trumps the others with his announcement that tomorrow the arsenal at Mammoth City will be destroyed.

Then Buddy gets discovered, and after a brief scuffle, is caught. Just like that, Uncle Sam is in the room, smacking thugs and shedding bullets, ridiculing them the whole time, until four of the five are well and truly subdued, except for the spy gang's leader, who has set fire to the building and locked everybody inside, then escaped.

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Unc breaks down the door and gets everybody out, turning over the spies to the arriving police. Sam and Buddy enter the arsenal, and there's the spy, throwing a bomb at them. The bomb looks like a dog bone, but explodes like a bomb, and Uncle Sam is momentarily rattled but unhurt. Buddy survives because Unc flings him straight up into the air, out of blast range, then catches him. Before fleeing the scene, the spy has strewn about some more of these bone bombs, and Unc has to intervene quickly to keep the guard dogs from blowing themselves up by biting them.

Meanwhile the spy has gotten to a nearby airplane, and is taking off. Carrying Buddy, Uncle Sam sprints in pursuit of the flying plane, and when it reaches its destination, he's nearby. It's a secret military base, hidden in a forest. He eavesdrops as the spy's boss berates him for flying here and compromising the hideout's security, but the spy has worse news for him, Uncle Sam is right behind him. That old man? A platoon of troops charge in, and are scattered like chaff.

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The commander runs to a kennel and releases an extremely mean-looking attack dog, but it refuses to attack Sam, who befriends it completely in just a few seconds. The commander and one underling pause in their flight only long enough to throw a time-delay destruct switch, to destroy the whole camp, but when they turn to run way, they are tripped by the dog, who ran to just the right spot for that to happen. By the time they get untangled and back on their feet, they've failed to get far enough away from their own blast. Sally is sent undercover to Caliente, Mexico, to investigate racetrack crime.

There she meets handsome Manuel, who woos her ardently but in vain.

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She doesn't catch his last name. The next day, in Mexico City, the Presidente's son turns up missing. Sally decides to volunteer her help with that problem, and on her way to the police station she randomly encounters an old New York acquaintance, Pancho, who ran the chile con carne restaurant on 10th St. Pancho warns Sally that the police are not to be trusted.

Sure enough, two Mexico City cops decide right then to arrest Sally and Pancho; Sally steps up and starts slapping the cops, telling Pancho to run. They run all the way out of Mexico City, then ride by ox cart to Pancho's rancho at Ixtaco. Pancho knows for sure that somebody is being held at the old Spanish villa near his home, and suspects it may be the Presidente's missing son.

In broad daylight, Sally scales the vine-clad tower wall of this old Spanish villa. At the top of the tower she finds a cell, with handsome Manuel in it.

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Sally and her police revolver do some damage to the bars in the window, and Manuel wrenches them free. They get spotted on their way down the wall. Manuel borrows Sally's pistol, and shoots one bad cop dead. By dint of an unlikely stunt, they both get safely to the ground and escape. Manuel turns out to be Manuel Cardos, the Presidente's missing son, and they all share a good laugh at the Presidential Palace. A cave-in at the Carney Coal Mine traps 36 miners, who seem doomed, until Wonder Boy shows up to help out.

The mine owners scoff, briefly, at that idea, until they see what he can do. One old miner teams up with the kid, but three uniformed security guards block their path to the mine, briefly. As they ride the rickety elevator down into the mine, an unseen person snips the lift cable.

Wonder Boy is able to stop the car and the old miner is able to get out of it. They crawl through Shaft 6, which has gas in it, until they hear some tapping, but right then a mass of huge shale boulders rumbles down the tunnel toward them! Wonder Boy grabs the old miner and leaps up a ventilation shaft in the overhead, and from there they work their way to Shaft 5. There is another explosion in the mine, and the shaft behind them is caved in, so forward they go.

They encounter a runaway mine cart and a stampede of mine mules. Wonder Boy wrangles the mules into helping him pry out a high-pressure bulkhead in the mine wall, and this opens a path to the trapped miners. They tell their story: The miners had discovered a vein of pitchblende , and the Carney Brothers wanted to keep that a secret, ruthlessly turning their own mine into a giant deathtrap for dozens of men.

The brothers try to escape in a car, but Wonder Boy easily apprehends them. A large-scale theft takes place at the Great Warner Grain Elevator, on the Western Shore of Lake Michigan, in which a watchman is murdered, and at least ten loaded grain trucks get away. They were big, and their advertising strips were a big deal all over the country. Creig Flessel [important early DC artist] was already working for them.

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As a matter of fact, I had an incident that taught me a lesson for the rest of my life. I thought that, if you freelanced for one person, that was all you were allowed to do. I don't know where I got this idea. One day I brought work in to DC. Flessel was working there and asked me if I'm doing any other work. I said something to the effect that I got a job at Johnstone and Cushing.

I thought I was covered because I wasn't freelancing. He said, "Where are you sitting? Flessel said, "That's strange. I haven't seen you. I work there. After that, I decided I wouldn't lie anymore. Creig's an awfully nice man and we are still friends to this day. I went over there and he said, "Do four samples.

He said, "These are fine.