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So rise a few minutes earlier to solve your own wardrobe problems before Then plant ten kisses in her hand and remind her that she can find them of the way you carried the bread and milk out of the store all by yourselves! . Another idea is making a tape recording of yourself reading or telling your child a favorite story.
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Jelajahi semua edisi Feb Mar Apr Mei Jun Jul-Ags Sep Okt Nov Ags Des-Jan Jun-Jul Ags-Sep Apr-Mei Feb-Mar Isi The Nanny Clause. Virtual Doula at Pregnancy Page of About. Robin Elise Weiss childbirth and postnatal educator. Break the Bank. Women Economic conditions , Banks and banking , Personal finance. As mothers, we might not always agree with all of the choices our daughters make, but in the interest of promoting healthy communication, they still need to know that when they come to you, they'll be heard. Personally, I want to be the one who she goes to when she needs support—to talk about her relationships, her struggles and her dreams.

Even if they're different than the dreams I may have for her. And although young girls do often turn to their peers for advice, studies show that mothers are still the most influential person in their daughter's lives through young adulthood. So keep being there for her, mama. And remember that those validating phrases offered before you give your opinion or advice , will help her feel safe enough to be open and vulnerable.

Mistakes happen, especially in relationships. Trust is broken, feelings get hurt, and words do damage but working our way back from that is what matters most.

That's why it's crucial that our daughters understand the importance of seeking resolution in order to repair your relationship, and that we assure them that mistakes aren't the end of the world. We can do this by initiating connection even when we're hurting, and by serving as an example of how taking ownership of the hurt we've caused others can help start us down the path to healing. Just make sure to respect her own internal timeline and give space when needed.

Much like when Aurora mistakenly accused her mother Maleficent of casting a spell on King John and Maleficent had to move past the feeling of betrayal from her distrust, dealing with hurt can take work—it totally spoke to me. That's why our daughters knowing how to forgive and patch up our relationships is an invaluable tool. I met my daughter, who is biologically my stepdaughter, when she was three, but that doesn't change the deep love I have for her.

I will always regard her as my daughter and I will never treat her any differently than my own. That's why the part of the movie where Aurora declares Maleficent as her mother really spoke to me. It teaches the great lesson that the love between a mother and her daughter is fierce, even when the relationship might look a little different.

And loving someone unconditionally and without bounds is a bond that doesn't rely on the ties of birth. Sure, we'd love it if our daughters always saw us as the center of their universe like they do when they're younger.

Special Words For My Mother

Right now you might be her world, her best friend, but as she gets older, starts exploring the world and finding her footing, the nature of that dynamic might feel like it's changing on the surface, at least. But though it may feel like you're suddenly less important in her life, it's not really true.

Growing up or not, our daughters still need to hear that they are capable, worthy and supported by your love. Independence breeds confidence, mama, so reminding her of her value ensures that your words will become her inner voice. While we've all likely been told by our own mothers when we were younger, "You'll understand when you're a parent one day" or, "I'm doing this for your own good," those types of phrases just send the message that your daughter can't possibly grasp the wisdom behind a decision you may be making on her behalf.

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Case in point, when Maleficent did what she thought was best by deciding not to reveal the truth about her biological parents, it was an attempt to protect her—a motivation to which most mamas can relate. Instead, making the point that it's not about her limitations but rather her capabilities by elevating her to a position of maturity like being asked to instill trust sends her a more empowering message.

So even though she still may not love all of your parenting decisions, she'll definitely know they come from a place of love, and in the end, that's all you can really ask for, mama.

The Lumineers - Sleep On The Floor (Official Video)

Bring home the new Disney's Maleficent : Mistress of Evil to share these special moments with your daughter. This article was sponsored by Disney's Maleficent: Mistress of Evil. Thank you for supporting the brands that support mamas and Motherly. Aside from Instagram plantfluencers making plants pretty popular these days, indoor plants are a great way to invite nature indoors. For starters, they are aesthetically pleasing and make any space feel more homely.

Indoor plants also purify the air and minimize stress , which, if you have toddlers around, it's nice to be surrounded by many.

Loving Parents Quotes and Sayings About Family and Support

But the challenge is: how do you enjoy beautiful plants in your home while making sure the little people in your life don't destroy them and get hurt? Unfortunately, many of the popular houseplants are not only toxic to pets but also people—especially little ones. Kids are tactile by nature and want to touch things, so avoid plants with thorns, spikes or prickly hairs that can hurt or irritate the skin if touched. A good example of a plant to pass on is a cactus. Alternatively, if you are okay with your children touching your houseplants, African violets make great kid-friendly plants, says Enfield.

Not only do they have beautiful flowers, but their leaves are fuzzy. Haworthia is another great alternative because it resembles an aloe but isn't toxic. Find a well-lit spot for your houseplants that are also out of reach of little hands. The top of a bookcase, a shelf, or the top of the refrigerator are all good options for plants if they receive enough light, says Enfield. Many decorative pots for houseplants are made of heavy ceramic or even cement which can shatter when dropped or cause injury if it lands on a child.

If your child does pull a plant off the shelf, the container won't break as easily and won't hurt as much if it lands on them. For heavy floor plants, Enfield suggests using large pots like decorative cement so children can't knock them over. Perhaps the best thing to do if you have houseplants and children is to get them involved in helping care for the plants.

When they are older preschool-aged , get them their own houseplant to care for so they can practice what they've learned helping you. Echeveria is a great succulent if you have a really sunny spot. They are low-maintenance and will thrive several weeks between waterings, says Enfield. If you have the time to care for houseplants, this is a great option to add a pop of color inside your home.

They need moderate light and their soil can be kept moist, not completely wet. They also have fuzzy leaves which makes them interesting for kids to feel, says Enfield. Pro tip: Look for specialized containers for African violets to help keep them sufficiently watered. Spider plants tolerate all light levels and don't require frequent watering.

The plantlets that form at the end of aerial stems are a great way to teach older children how to start new plants, says Enfield. This is another great succulent to grow if you have a bright, sunny spot in your home. They are low-maintenance, and if pieces break off or get pulled off from little hands just throw them back in the pot to root or start new pots, says Enfield. Both branches and the individual leaves will root and form new plants.

First, remove the plant immediately from the child's mouth. Then, immediately call Poison Control at They are available 24 hours a day. It's also important to understand that a plant can cause a child with sensitive skin to have a bad reaction. If you notice any irritation red streaks around the area, swelling, pus or a lot of discharge contact your healthcare provider. We can't avoid rainy days in our future , but we can be mega prepared —and look great while doing so. Hunter boots are on sale right now at Nordstrom Rack and we can't resist these super trendy and water-resistant boots.