Guide Kissed by the Kraken (Tantalizing Tentacles)

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Tantalizing Tentacles book. by Lyn Gala All Wrapped Up by Elizabeth Hyder Assimilation, Love, and Other Human Oddities by Lyn Gala Kraken by M. Caspian No Boundaries by Alex Mar With kissing, ass-invading, cum-slurping suckers.
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So having us believe again, when apparently the takeaway here is to kill everyone she cares about Because Bitches Be Cray and then have that drive her into murderous insanity that within like…. After Cersei got killed by…. I would not be surprised. In no universe is your audience going to think that sending everything to hell within less than 2 episodes of the final season is a satisfying and meaningful ending, and if you think so, you really have no idea how fiction works and should not be writing it.

A GOOD ending does not need to be a rainbow-fluffy-bunnies one. But in no realm, as evidenced by the uproar that my entire dash is in, does this one qualify. The paranoid terror of social media and spoilers is making them go so far as to gaslight actors, film false endings, and then break their hearts when they find that a decade of their hard work is going up in smoke like this.

As far as I know, Emilia Clarke had at least two serious health scares while working on GOT, and when she found out this ending, she left the house and just wandered aimlessly for three hours and tried to drink her sorrows away. How is that acceptable to do on a professional level, far less what you may think of Dany or her character or anything else? When again, the takeaway from this is that anyone who ever identified with Dany or her struggle to overcome abuse, enslavement, helplessness, etc, and admired anything about her, was a chump to do that.

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But if they were going to pull it off which, again, I cannot emphasize enough how bad they are at writing this needed to happen way before. I am so sorry to everyone who loved her, or any character on this show, but I honestly, deeply am not surprised. As bad as it is, I have… known for a long time that they were capable of ruining this on a fundamental level, have never actually understood the characters or cared about narrative coherency, and their treatment of women is disgusting on just about every level. But even I am gobsmacked at how badly they managed to fuck it up.

Tantalizing Tentacles

That should tell you something. And i'm just not sure? I like to read destiel into things as much as the next person, but i do really believe that situation was less about just destiel and more about a greater arc. SAM Well…I mean, we got our feelers out. Not much more we can do tonight. Dave Legalisa Oct Comfort Quainoo Dec Behind The Mask. Dazzling eyes Silky hair And a captivating smile But behind those eyes there's a girl Battering emotional incontinence Behind the silky hair Is life not so glossy Behind the smile there's a girl No one knows is broken About to errupt like a volcano About to have yet another nervous breakdown How sad they don't know Look closer, perhaps you will see The real me The girl behind the mask Yelp!

I'm drowning Desperate for satisfaction Craving to breathe so desperately Yet all I feel is the weight of water Clogging every single orifice Please don't be long I just may expire Because this girl you see Is certainly not me. Sombro 6d. Sitting in bony wood A seat to watch the prickly world stand still Poised.

Questions don't need answers, I reckon If my silence gives grey thoughts their place Neat little rubix cubes make Cult parodies Of me, ironically bad. Hee hee. Sombro Aug What dispirited purpose cups to my ear Or orifice sufficed at being a sense of the world What hands can claim to be my lips Speaking to the world they claim to feel What broken envy feels Those scattered ivy fields Of hopeful grey sent on its way Of years and months poured into the day?

What gotten fear keeps me Chained cherish to the time I should Be walking on to other things That make me feel the good? I found a barrow cut by the wheel And ghoul-hands rotten roots a-reach From smoothed walls cut to seem rough And grief for spirits frothing at the ducts.

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I found some feeling of myself Sippy-cup filled with mediate dreams I made up words to keep myself from gotten I sank into quicksand on my back. Graff Oct Untitled This is a fairy tale, a flash into the past as green gasses swirl, and purple ones intermingle just for fun as I am spun down a weird rabbit hole. More annoying is the fact he doesn't need a ring to shift, making him hard to contain. His ring was platinum and shaped like a little Cthulu with bright purple shifter gems for eyes.

Because he had taste, something the whole of the United States federal government sorely lacked. It was also worth the money to have a ring that would let him shift howsoever he pleased, instead of having to request a new ring if he ever felt like being female again. Dragon is much more versatile than tentacle monster, after all.

Ambrov Zeor!

His favorite snacking ground is rich, secluded McMansion neighborhoods. Even with being able to shift at will, he's not unstoppable. Taking another swallow of coffee, Lynn then replied, "For one, he's a dirty little cheat. For two, ever tried to wrangle a dragon or a kraken? Neither one is easy, and when you combine those two?

Forget it.

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  • I grew up with him; I know all his dirty tricks. I'm also far, far larger as a kraken—but I need a great deal of water, so we'll see. Anderson's brows shot up. He's huge in kraken form! I remember how much of the lake he took up whenever they showed the news reports.

    Even in human form, he's a big guy. He's also an asshole. That must have been pleasant. But being everyone's least favorite option meant he always got stuck with problem agents. Made him wonder what a cute little unicorn could have done to get stuck with him. Unicorns were grade ones—sparkles and sunshine and sugar.

    Not the kind usually put with a problematic tentacle monster with possessive tendencies and a willingness to maim and murder. That he had never murdered anyone and only maimed criminals strenuously resisting arrest apparently did not matter. And no one seemed to mind his possessive tendencies when they were dating him, but he refused to dwell on that and ruin his mood. Was dating an accountant there. Broke up with him. His father is a higher up and does whatever his children want so they'll leave him alone. So here I am. Lynn turned the car on and, once it was all clear, pulled into traffic.

    He stopped at a red light and cast Anderson a side look. He folded his arms across his chest and slumped in his seat. Grinning, Lynn put his attention back on traffic as the light changed. I was in that office fifteen minutes and I heard all about just how chaste you are. Everyone sort of expects tentacle monsters to be slutty. Lynn snorted in amusement. I've heard how bitchy you get about everything that you think belongs to you.

    They told me all about how tetchy you get when your sister is around. If they aren't willing to brave the obnoxious, over-protective brother they'll never survive my parents or, more importantly, my sister. She's way worse than me, she just hides it so it hurts more later. She's secretly sadistic, trust me. Anderson made a soft noise that might have been derision or amusement, Lynn couldn't tell quite which.

    He liked the idea of amusement better, so decided not to ask, focusing instead on merging onto the highway. Though he was sorely tempted to go straight to where his half-brother was hiding, Lynn knew better. It hadn't actually been confirmed that Wynn was the perp, so interviews and investigation were the name of the game. That meant talking to the witnesses who had filed reports, which was always so much fun. Their first stop was a house so tooth-achingly perfect suburban McMansion that Lynn wanted to vandalize it just to restore balance. He parked on the curb and climbed out, sneering at the white picket fence with meticulously arranged yellow and pink roses growing in front of it.

    Anderson pushed open the gate and led the way up a white stone walkway. Lynn sneezed from the overabundance of flowers scenting the air, swatting irritably at a bee as it buzzed around them. Reaching the white door, Anderson ignored the bright gold knocker in favor of rapping the door firmly with his knuckles. Shadows moved in the hallway beyond, just visible through frosty glass and gauzy curtains, and a beat later the door was opened by a woman who looked like she'd stepped out of a movie about creepily perfect housewives from the s. The file had said this particular couple were goblins, which explained it—they were so determined to avoid being seen as typical goblins they tipped too far the other way.

    Come right in, please.

    Calaméo - The Primgraph: Issue 13 - October

    The drawing room is right this way. Something to drink? Lynn shook his head. A man sat on the couch reading an old-looking book, hair perfectly frosted, a pink sweater around his shoulders, and a delicate-looking cup of what smelled like orange-infused black tea on the end table. He held out a hand, and they exchanged handshakes before Lynn and Anderson took the seats indicated. I'm Jennifer.