e-book Human Without A Voice - Hobgoblins Of The Sword

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sword up to jab at the hobgoblin's midsection. The sound of the big hobgoblin's voice was like thunder rolling through the huge cave. hobgoblin whose morningstar was wrapped around Regdar's sword kicked the human in the side hard.
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With mind and body separated, they were helpless. Geth felt Dandra stiffen at his side. One of her hands was wrapped tight around her psicrystal. A thousand binding stones that worked by contact alone. The scattered survivors were run down by the army of Taruuzh and Aryd. The Gatekeepers gathered them, each and every one, and ground them into dust. With that dust, they made a mortar, and with that mortar built a seal, weaving their magics to bind the Master of Silence and all his court into the depths of Khyber.

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In the place where the land rose above the swamps, they raised a circle of stones to mark the site of the battle. She looked up at them, her face calm and almost shining. Singe swallowed. Geth dragged his gaze away from Ekhaas to look at him-and growled in surprise. She started forward, but Singe raised a hand and stopped her. He looked at Ashi. Ashi nodded slowly and a look of fear passed over her eyes.

Geth felt it, too. I think maybe we know now. As most of the group returned to the inn, they discovered Brother Martin the Baker pleading with Wilf for help. Some monster was in his kitchen. So Thane assumed it was the wolverine. Everyone tagged along just to be sure and to have a laugh at Thane's expense. The Bakery was a small building and the wolverine was inside. But that wasn't the problem as Thane soon discovered. A small crust covered creature with fiery breath burnt the Druid's side badly. The wolverine fled with Thane right behind.

Eric and Bartol drew their swords and advanced on the Monster Calzone. Timmay grabbed a chair and dragged it to a nearby window to get a shot at the construct with his crossbow. The Monster belched a hot,thick, red paste on Eric. Timmay was still positioning himself for a shot. Eric cut into the crust.

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Bartol took a chunk out of the doorway. Thane and the wolverine stayed with Brother Martin. The creature tried striking Eric but didn't penetrate his armor. Timmay just missed Eric's head. Eric sliced a layer off the crust. Bartol took another chunk out of the door. The creature tried again but to no avail. Timmay hit. And Eric finished it off. I'm going to wait for this thing to cool down and then eat it. Last edited: Oct 23, On the road again Shortly after the meal, another interesting event occurred.

Two riders from Tilverton, both badly injured and on road weary steeds, entered Peldan's Helm. Their caravan had been ambushed. They were the only known survivors. Very large, hairy humanoids had attacked from cover with missle fire. Bartol and Eric offered to escort the men back to Ashabenford. Much later in the evening, Bernedette returned from her "studies" with Ellier. At first the comments the other party members made went completely over the naive girl's head.

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Much to her chagrin, though, she finally caught the jist of what they were saying about her and the Elderly Advisor. Unfortunately, Wilf cut the drinks off early. The grain trouble proved to be harsh on Bartol's mood. It seemed that it was time to travel. The next morning Bernedette rode with Timmay. And everyone made a few more comments at Bernedette's expense. Supplies were low for the party. So Thane and Bartol had to provide from the wilderness along the way. Both were able hunters. The trip was uneventful the first 2 days.

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On the middle of the 3rd day as the party passed a familiar bridge, an elderly woman called to them. Her farm had been attacked by bandits.

Her husband was injured and their livestock was stolen. Since the party was already occupied with other matters, they offered to relay the message to the authorities and to help the farmers upon their return. On the morning of the 4th day of their trip from Peldan's Helm, the party reached Ashabenford. They quickly split up to relay messages, buy goods, gather information, and see family.

They also asked about the Fat Cleric. Bernedette had the most luck. The Fat man had been to Chauntea's shrine. The food stores were spoiled as a result. Bartol bought some better armor. He and Eric informed the Riders of the troubles on the road and of the continuing troubles in Peldan's Helm including the latest caravan raid.

Afterwards everyone met back at the White Hart. Glen or the Abbey of the Goldensheaf seemed the next logical step for the Fat Cleric. The party decided on Glen. Ellier the Advisor is an elf. Olgar Shiverstone Hero. Ye gonna update yer story b'for t' game thi' weekend, 'r are ye gonna tempt th' will of the HP dice gods?

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Not that chasing the evil fat friar is particularly stimulating reading, but one does have to keep his public happy. Even on horseback Glen was a three day journey.

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Luckily Thane's family had ran an inn about halfway there. And Timmay was originally from Glen. So the party had a good understanding and some political contacts once they reached the town. Bartol and Thane once again provided most of the diet from the wilderness. But the trip was not without peril. Late one evening Amy, Bernedette's cat familiar, was prowling around hunting for some field mice. She was supposed to be on guard duty. Or at least that is what Bernedette had instructed her to do.