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This book is designed be a simple, practical and easy how-to guide for working with the Law of Attraction. that will quickly help you start deliberately using the Law of Attraction in your life. on orders over $ shipped by Amazon or get Fast, Free Shipping with Amazon Prime. Qty: . The chapters are short and sweet.
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Sesame oil is warming for vata, but all oils are good. All dairy products are good for vata with hard cheese being eaten sparingly. All spices are good, but should not be overused. Vatas can have half a glass of wine, diluted with water, during or after a meal.

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Since vata people tend to be prone to addiction, they should avoid sugar, caffeine and tobacco. Intensity itself can be intoxicating to vata, so one should seek relaxation and meditation to reduce vata. Pitta types have many of the qualities of fire. Fire is hot, penetrating, sharp and agitating.

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Similarly, pitta people have warm bodies, penetrating ideas and sharp intelligence. When out of balance, they can become very agitated and short-tempered. The pitta body type is one of medium height and build, with ruddy or coppery skin. They may have many moles and freckles. Their skin is warm and less wrinkled than vata skin. Their hair tends to be silky and they often experience premature graying or hair loss. Their eyes are of medium size and the conjunctiva is moist.

The nose is sharp and the tip tends to be reddish. Those with pitta-dominant constitutions have a strong metabolism, good digestion and strong appetites. They like plenty of food and liquids and tend to love hot spices and cold drinks. However, their constitution is balanced by sweet, bitter and astringent tastes.


They produce large quantities of urine and feces, which tend to be yellowish, soft and plentiful. They perspire easily and their hands and feet stay warm. Pitta people have a lower tolerance for sunlight, heat and hard physical work. Mentally, pitta types are alert and intelligent and have good powers of comprehension. However, they are easily agitated and aggressive and tend toward hate, anger and jealousy when imbalanced. In the external world, pitta people like to be leaders and planners and seek material prosperity.

They like to exhibit their wealth and possessions. Pitta people tend to have diseases involving the fire principle such as fevers, inflammatory diseases and jaundice.

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Common symptoms include skin rashes, burning sensation, ulceration, fever, inflammations or irritations such as conjunctivitis, colitis or sore throats. Since the attributes of pitta are oily, hot, light, mobile, dispersing and liquid, an excess of any of these qualities aggravates pitta. Summer is a time of heat, the pitta season.

Sunburn, poison ivy, prickly heat and short tempers are common. These kinds of pitta disorders tend to calm down as the weather gets cooler.

  1. Your Constitution and Its Inner Balance?
  2. The Complete Law of Attraction Guide: How To Manifest Your Dream Life;
  3. Empire of the Dead;
  4. Benafimwhere birds sing till noon.

The diet and lifestyle changes emphasize coolness—cool foods, avoidance of chilies and spices especially difficult for New Mexicans , and cool climates. People with excessive pitta need to exercise at the coolest part of the day.

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General food guidelines for pacifying pitta include avoiding sour, salty and pungent foods. Vegetarianism is best for pitta people and they should refrain from eating meat, eggs, alcohol and salt. To help calm their natural aggressiveness and compulsiveness, it is beneficial to incorporate sweet, cooling and bitter foods and tastes into their diets.

Barley, rice, oats and wheat are good grains for pitta dominant individuals and vegetables should form a substantial part of their diet.

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Tomatoes, radishes, chilies, garlic and raw onions should all be avoided. In fact, any vegetable that is too sour or hot will aggravate pitta, but most other vegetables will help to calm it. Daikon radishes are cleansing for the liver when pitta is in balance but should be avoided otherwise. Salads and raw vegetables are good for pitta types in the spring and summer as are any sweet fruits. Sour fruits should be avoided with the exception of limes, used sparingly. Animal foods, especially seafood and eggs, should only be taken in moderation by pitta types.

Chicken, turkey, rabbit and venison are all right. All legumes except red and yellow lentils are good in small amounts, with black lentils, chickpeas and mung beans being the best. Most nuts and seeds have too much oil and are heating for pitta. However, coconut is cooling and sunflower and pumpkin seeds are all right occasionally. Small amounts of coconut, olive and sunflower oils are also good for pitta. Sweet dairy products are good and include milk, unsalted butter, ghee and soft, unsalted cheeses.

Yogurt can be used if it is blended with spices, a little sweetener and water. In fact, pitta people can use a sweetener better than the other two doshas because it relieves pitta. However, they should avoid hot spices, using cardamom, cinnamon, coriander, fennel and turmeric predominantly, with small amounts of cumin and black pepper. Coffee, alcohol and tobacco should be completely avoided although the occasional beer may be relaxing for a pitta person.

Black tea may also be used occasionally with a little milk and a pinch of cardamom. Kapha types are blessed with strength, endurance and stamina. In balance, they tend to have sweet, loving dispositions and be stable and grounded. Their skin is oily and smooth. Physically, kapha people may gain weight easily and have a slow metabolism. They tend to shun exercise. They have thick skin and their bodies and muscles are well developed.

Their eyes are large and attractive with thick, long lashes and brows. Kapha people evacuate slowly and feces tend to be soft, pale and oily. Perspiration is moderate. Sleep is deep and prolonged. Kapha types are attracted to sweet, salty and oily foods, but their constitutions are most balanced by bitter, astringent and pungent tastes.

Psychologically, kapha people tend to be calm, tolerant and forgiving. However, they may become lethargic. While they may be slow to comprehend, their long term memory is excellent. When out of balance, kaphas tend to experience greed, envy, attachment and possessiveness. In the external world, kapha tendencies toward groundedness, stability and attachment help them to earn and hold onto money. They are more likely to have diseases connected to the water principle such as flu, sinus congestion, and other diseases involving mucous. Rainbows have magical energy and are a symbol of pure clarity.

To truly feel in awe and appreciation of the beauty of a rainbow is a fabulous way to raise your vibration. As you relax into trusting the Universe, you fully allow yourself to relax and your dreams become more vibrant, peaceful and real. Your subconscious mind LOVES that you are taking care of it, because it means that you are choosing love over fear. That's the Law of Attraction at work. When I wrote this article in , I completely overlooked one of the most important elements when working with The Law of Attraction.

Whether you call that higher power God, or The Source, The Force or The Universe, it's super important to remember that you are part of this magnificent energy. The Universe is flowing through you all the time. If you want to learn more about this then please order a copy of my book called — Dear Universe: Mini-Meditations for Instant Manifestations. If you want to become a more powerful manifestor so you can start creating your own miracles, get yourself a copy of The Ancient Manifesting Ritual.

The ritual is a super-easy process and one I'll take you through step-by-step so there's no guess work at all. You're going to love it! When you align your energy with service and inspiration, you can trust that it will propel your vision forward. Finally, let yourself cultivate the feelings of joy , inspiration and great contribution. Give yourself permission to celebrate your desires! Many folks think of manifesting as something they do only while in their Zen den, on their meditation pillow, with every crystal lined up and candle lit.

They spend some amount of time in that space meditating, journaling and doing whatever else helps them get aligned, feel good and connect to spirit.