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12 Things Landscapers Do In Their Yards Every Fall.​ While autumn's weather remains relatively mild, spend some quality time caring for your home and yard.​ If you live in a cooler climate, plant your spring bulbs in October.
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Cover crops are used to add nutrients and organic matter to your soil, protect the soil from drying out and suppress weed growth.

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In our garden, we use mammoth red clover, Austrian winter peas, winter rye, and ryegrass for fall cover crops. Cover crops can be used in your garden beds the same way we use them on the farm. Choose red clover for an easy to manage nitrogen-fixing cover crop for your garden beds.

The key to cover crops is to plant them thick and cut them down before they go to flower and seed. When they flower, they will begin using up the nutrients they have added to the soil. If you love early spring daffodils and tulips, fall is the time to plant them. Make sure your first frost is still a few weeks out so new plants have time to adjust to your garden before the freezing weather hits. If you decide to go ahead and plant a fall garden right now, make sure you have a plan in place if it does frost while your plants are still growing.

Which flowers to plant in late summer

Frost protection can be as simple as a fabric cover, like Agribon, that lays over the top of the plants at night. Any fabric cover used this way will work fine for early frosts when daytime temps are still well above freezing. Just be careful not to let it get too hot under plastic. Opening the ends of the tunnel during the day should provide enough airflow for your plants.

Another option is to purchase or build a cold frame for your plants.

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Mulching over the winter serves a few purposes: you protect the soil from erosion, block out light to decrease weed growth, and adds organic matter to your soil which will help your garden be healthier in the spring. Many plants, trees, and shrubs do well with a pruning in the fall. Be careful of pruning while the weather is still warm. Fertilizing should be done in early spring and summer. Wow, this is so helpful for a soon-to-be-hopefully blooming gardener like me!

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Read our privacy policy here. You can plant most of the Brassicas, such as cabbage and broccoli. In mild climates, you can start hard-necked garlic.

Gardening Tips For Fall And Winter | Here & Now

Lettuces , radish and some root crops are also good fall gardening tips for the veggie grower. Cover any crops if snow or an extended freeze is expected. The end of the season is the time to remove your spent vegetable plants, clean up plant debris and weeds, and winterize your lawn furniture and water features. Some easy autumn garden ideas include raking leaves onto the lawn and mowing them with a grass catcher. The resulting mix of nitrogen and carbon makes an excellent cover for the vegetable garden, which will enhance the fertility in spring and help prevent weeds. You can also use this time to get rid of nuisance plants.

Since many of your plants will lose leaves or die back, it is a good time to use a foliar, systemic herbicide on those problem plants like morning glory. Dig up and bring in any sensitive bulbs or tubers.

Small is smarter

This will depend on your USDA plant hardiness zone , but anywhere there is an extended freeze plants should be brought indoors. Removing plant debris and raking will decrease pest, disease and weed seeds that overwinter. Empty the compost bins and start a new batch. Spread the compost around the base of sensitive plants that can use the extra layer as a blanket.

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Plant a cover crop on your vegetable garden. Keep up to date with all that's happening in and around the garden.

Top Tips for Great Fall Gardens

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