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Bloop was an ultra-low-frequency, high amplitude underwater sound detected by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in
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For a minute, it rose rapidly in frequency; then it disappeared.

The Bloop: It came from the deep – Scientific Scribbles

The hydrophones, a relic of cold-war submarine tracking, picked up this signal again and again during those summer months, then it was never heard again. Over the course of about 7 minutes, it slowly dropped in pitch, rather like the sound of an aeroplane flying past www.

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The Bloop sounds like it might have been created by an animal, but it is far louder than any whale song, so a marine creature that made it would either be bigger than any whale, or a much more efficient producer of sound. The most popular speculation about Slowdown is that it was caused by the break-up of Antarctic ice — which means it might give an indication of climate change.

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The sound shows extreme similarities to noises generated by icequakes in large icebergs, and of large icebergs scraping the ocean floor. The sound's source was off the tip of South America.

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The sound was detected several times by the Equatorial Pacific Ocean autonomous hydrophone array. This system was developed as an autonomous array of hydrophones that could be deployed in any oceanographic region to monitor specific phenomena. It is used primarily to monitor undersea seismicity, ice noise, and marine mammal population and migration.

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Navy Sound Surveillance System which was equipment originally designed to detect Soviet submarines. It has been argued, however, that the patterns in the variations within the sound indicate an animal origin. Assuming similar noise-making capabilities of a blue whale the largest known species of animal , the bloop would have to be made by an animal more than feet in length see size comparison above.


Others have pointed out that not all animals make the same amount of noise for their size. For example, pistol shrimp, only a few centimeters long, can make sounds as loud as a jet engine.

It has been argued that with this in mind, an animal making the "Bloop" noise might be significantly smaller than generally estimated. In , it was argued the Bloop was the sound of sea ice breaking off of the Antarctic ice shelf, however confirmation of this theory was not possible.