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ABORTED DREAMS: PLIGHT OF AN AFRICAN GIRL CHILD eBook: Solomon Ogbonna, Rotimi Jegede: Kindle Store.
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The other red flag in the Kenyan vaccination program was the multiple injection protocol. Again, according to Dr. Ngare emphasis added :.

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Giving five doses of tetanus vaccination every 6 months is not usual or the recommended regime for tetanus vaccination. The only time tetanus vaccine has been given in five doses is when it is used as a carrier in fertility regulating vaccines laced with the pregnancy hormone — Human Chorionic Gonadotropin HCG sic developed by WHO in The PMA found that these vaccines contained hCG and appeared to be part of a sterilization program to which the Philippine government and female recipients were unaware.

Who cares if a Third World woman dies? Anecdotal evidence is also provided in the documentary by the late Sr. During the tetanus vaccinations in the Philippines, Sr. Mary Pilar Verzosa had a front-row seat to some horrifying effects that happened to occur in conjunction with the tetanus vaccine.

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She recalls :. Our fertility cycles are all fouled up. Some of the women among us have had bleedings and miscarriages; some have lost their babies at a very early stage. For those who were pregnant on their first three or four months the miscarriage was really frightening… Three out of those four vials [which Verzosa sent for testing]registered positive for HCG sic , so my suspicions are affirmed that here in our country [that]they are not only giving plain tetanus toxoid vaccination to our women; they are also giving anti-fertility.

The mind behind the anti-fertility vaccine is G. The following peer-reviewed medical journals chronicle the development and testing of the anti-fertility vaccine. The way this is done according to the patent earlier mentioned is by linking a part of the HCG sic hormone, called beta hCG [this is the component with which the Kenyan bishops took issue], to a carrier, a toxic chemical the immune system will react to.

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The one specifically mentioned by the patent is the tetanus toxoid [note that this is the vaccine in question]. The patent dating back to says only a single injection is required to sterilize someone, but references similar previous versions that require up to 4 injections [the Kenyan TT vaccine is being given in multiple installations]. Clearly we see that the parallels between the administration of the anti-fertility vaccine and the TT vaccine were reasonable cause for concern among the Kenyan bishops. This injection — which fortunately did not come to the market — would have been a dream come true for the population control fanatics of yesteryear, especially to Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, who believed no woman should be allowed to give birth without government permission.

Unfortunately, population control fanaticism is alive and well today, leaving little doubt that if and when this technology becomes available to them on a large scale, the misogynistic countries of India and China among others would make use of these methods. Talwar himself acknowledged this potential, saying :. This recombinant vaccine is of considerable interest because it may be adaptable for oral or transcutaneous applications which could be scaled-up economically for large field applications.

A friend recommended a clinic, and the day of the abortion, she went there alone. The room was cold and dark. The bed was uncomfortable, the sheets were dirty. They administered anesthesia, and she started vomiting. She could feel the instruments inside her.

She began walking with a limp. She went to the hospital, despite the danger of arrest for abortion. They treated her and she recovered. Many years later, she had a pregnancy that was both planned and wanted and gave birth to a daughter. Now Olivia advocates for legalizing abortion.

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She was 21 years old when her boyfriend said he wanted to take her on a trip. She was from the country, a small town, and it sounded like fun. He took her to the middle of nowhere and stopped the car. She was five or six months along before she realized she was pregnant.

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She was studying at the time and had to leave school. She gave birth to her first daughter. Later, she married and had a second daughter. She has never been able to love them equally. Her younger daughter was a university student when she became pregnant. Her mom held her hand. So they stayed. Two months after the abortion, she finally took her daughter to a doctor to make sure she was all right. Expand A neighborhood in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Additionally, any form of contraception, no matter how carefully used, can fail.

A condom breaks, a birth control pill is missed or ineffective due to illness. Expand Maria a pseudonym , 34, already had three children when she had an unwanted pregnancy four years ago.

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The women we interviewed who had obtained an illegal abortion often described how disastrous the effect would have been on their life had they been forced to continue the pregnancy. The pain was so intense she lay awake all night, feverish, her sister making her cinnamon tea, her brother holding her hand.

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A few years earlier, a friend had gone to the hospital after a clandestine abortion and doctors threatened to report her to the police. After much begging by her siblings, she finally agreed to go to the hospital. Her sister lives in a poor area on the outskirts of Tegucigalpa, and the cab ride took an hour and a half. Her pain intensified. At the hospital, her doctor treated her kindly. Her uterus was coming out, he said, but he could reinsert it. She was still pregnant. Expand Andrea a pseudonym had a clandestine abortion at age She bought pills at an underground pharmacy and experienced so much pain that she went to the hospital.

She was alone in her apartment when she took them, and while she experienced a fever and started vomiting from the pain, there was only a little bleeding. She knew an incomplete abortion could lead to an infection and even death. A free ultrasound at the hospital the next day told her she was still pregnant, so three days later, she tried the pills again.

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This time, the pain tore through her and she bled for hours. But again, it seemed incomplete. A second ultrasound showed the fetus was not viable, but tissue that could cause an infection remained in her uterus. Horrifyingly for Andrea, the doctor who examined her said she could see Andrea had tried to induce an abortion. She worried the doctor would report her. The doctor was not kind. She gave Andrea a local anesthesia before the procedure to remove the tissue.

She lay awake that night in terror expecting the police to come for her at any moment. Conservative Christian churches, both Catholic and evangelical Protestant, are extremely influential and the vast majority of Hondurans belong to one or the other. A massive Catholic basilica, completed in and painted in striking shades of gray, can be seen from most of Tegucigalpa. In the mountains overlooking the capital, people visit a statue of Christ that surveys the whole city. While the top leadership of both these churches remain implacably opposed to abortion, not all church leaders feel the same way.