Without Doubt: Take Control of Your Wellness

Without Doubt, Take Control of Your Wellness has 1 rating and 2 reviews. Sherry L. DeLoach's life was changed forever after a near-death experience durin.
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We can't be our best selves if we are tired, cranky, and miserable. Self-care is our responsibility and our right as human beings," Dr. Generational differences also factored into the survey results. Millennials cited "stress and anxiety" as a primary factor negatively affecting their wellness goals, and cited "work-life balance" and "career and personal satisfaction" as other stressors.

In contrast, baby boomers responded that "age and not being able to do what they used to do" were significant obstacles in achieving their wellness goals. Women of all ages worried about "weight, BMI, and waist size," but they weren't as concerned about "being single" and sleep deprivation.

Without Doubt, Take Control of Your Wellness

For example, many women report feeling anxiety about their body, but don't seem concerned about what others think about them. And what makes us feel good? According to the survey, women would much rather splurge on a vacation, spa day, or gym membership than a cosmetic procedure. Women feel more secure having a "rocking bank account" than a "rocking body," and are more likely to stress out over choosing to take time to calm themselves.

The number one wellness influence revealed in our survey when women answered the question "What matters most to your overall wellness goals? That was followed by, in order of importance: Hmm … now, what could threaten that? As women learned this year about one story after another of claims of sexual harassment in the workplace, by people in a position of authority who were accused of taking advantage of and abusing this authority — Matt Lauer, Al Franken, Mario Batali, Charlie Rose, Garrison Keillor, Harvey Weinstein, and Louis C.

And yet there is reason to hope. Women are owning the fact that they are angry and they are not willing to be diminished. While speaking up is laudable and healthy for many women, making a public disclosure or filing a police report is a very personal decision that deserves caution and deliberation. However, given the negative response that victims often receive from others after coming forward, she cautions that publicly disclosing sexual assault or abuse can be physically dangerous, and ultimately emotionally and psychologically damaging to victims, as well as retraumatizing.

Nearly 20 percent of women reported having never had satisfying sex in the past year.

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And, perhaps surprisingly, most respondents 73 percent admitted they would choose an amazing meal over amazing sex. That's because "amazing food" is more of a sure thing, says Lauren Streicher, MD , an associate clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and the medical director of the Center for Sexual Health and the Center for Menopause in Chicago. Ice cream sundae versus amazing sex?

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They're gonna take the ice cream. Whomever you're partnering with in the bedroom, when it comes to personal wellness, protecting yourself against sexually transmitted diseases needs to be a top priority. In September , the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC reported that more than two million cases of chlamydia , gonorrhea , and syphilis were reported in the United States in , the highest number ever. The majority of these new diagnoses 1.

I want to encourage all women, including younger women, to be empowered, and when they're having sex, to think about ways to protect themselves from potential STDs," says Dr. Ellerin says that includes using safer sex practices, condoms, avoiding sex if you think that your partner has an active STD — and it means avoiding concurrent, multiple sex partners. OK, so we need to be vigilant about safe sex practices.

Intellectually we know this. But could a woman's wellness status sabotage her clear thinking? The data revealed that societal norms and perceptions about how we believe we are supposed to look and act is a contributing factor to the rise in STDs. Specifically, the NIH study, published in the journal Body Image in January , found a correlation for both women and men between "body dissatisfaction" and condom use. The authors concluded that "as body dissatisfaction increases, one's self-efficacy regarding the use of condoms diminishes.

The emergence of body positivity and diversity, along with the recent movement in the beauty industry to strike the word "anti-aging" from the advertising and editorial vernacular, and the entrance of "plus-size beauties" into media outlets where thin once reigned supreme over fit, may ultimately turn the tide back toward condom use to prevent the spread of STDs. The authors stated that their research results "indicated that men who believe they are less masculine than the typical man i.

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Without Doubt, Take Control of Your Wellness by Sherry L. Deloach

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When it comes to sleep, 81 percent of us aren't getting good sleep. Her growing conviction that the body can only manifest what the mind believes inspired her to write Without Doubt, Taking Control of Your Wellness. By realizing that you have the power to take control of your mind, you hold the key to bringing about the most successful, happy, and productive life you can possibly imagine.

A series of healing and spiritual stories, Without Doubt, Taking Control of Your Wellness also provides practice exercises, tools and techniques necessary to learn how to perform your own daily self-healings. Hardcover , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Lists with This Book.

This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Feb 09, Giovanna rated it did not like it. Now after your concrete events are scheduled in, determine how many days you want to exercise and see which days it makes the most sense to head to the gym and put those days in the calendar. Don't expect perfection on week one, but now you at least have a working plan to get started you can always make adjustments later. In a society where hustling into the wee hours earns us a badge of honor, it's easy to see why sleep is brushed aside.

But, without sleep, all our exercising efforts are futile. Sleep is what helps us recover from workouts, helps with food decisions, helps us think clearly, and helps our weight loss efforts. Sleep manages our stress hormone cortisol, which when left unattended can slow fat loss.

It's easy to get caught up in the type of workout that you're going to do, but your diet will either make or break you. It's easy to get get caught up in counting calories and worrying about the perfect macronutrient split, but that's futile at the beginning and time consuming.

As a busy individual with a demanding lifestyle, counting calories on an app is the last thing you need to do. A better alternative is committing to eating times a day and divide your meals into balance portions between protein, carbs, and fats from quality sources of foods.

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You can work out for seven days a week and spend 60 minutes each session, but that doesn't guarantee you results. In fitness, it's a matter of quality vs quantity with quality winning each and every time. Intensity and the type of exercises selected matter more than the quantity of exercises selected. If you're pressed for time, performing a circuit routine which includes squats and deadlifts instead of isolation movements such as bicep curls and leg extensions will provide more value because more muscles are being stimulated; thus leading to more calories burned within the session.

There will be days where you slip up on your diet and succumb to food temptations. There will be days where life gets in the way and you miss your scheduled workout sessions. And that is perfectly okay and normal.