New Book How to Train and Understand your Bichon Frise Puppy or Dog New Book How to Train and Understand Your Bichon Frise Puppy or Dog (Audible Audio Edition): Vince Stead, Darby Croasdale, Vincent Stead.
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Prime Book Box for Kids. About the Author Vince Stead has been raising dogs for over 25 years now. Related Video Shorts 0 Upload your video. Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. In my opinion, this thing is a waste of paper. I found numerous grammer and punctuation errors and started to wonder if anybody took the time to proof read before sending this thing to the printing press and then charging money for it.

This thing even has several places where it calls the Bichon Frise a large dog, which actually made me chuckle so I guess this thing does have humor going for it. It is written as if it is a series of quotes with quoatation marks appearing around every new paragraph some of which seem out of place as they seem to change topics. I stopped reading this thing after suffering through about the first third of it. If you are looking for a good, informative book about Bichon Frise, this is not it. This is the worst book I have ever read. I have a 4-year college degree plus a 2-year paralegal degree.

I am not an idiot, but the person who wrote this book is close. Do not buy this book unless you need a good laugh at how uneducated you can be and still be published. This book is horribly written and draws off of others in it's information. Most of it is written in quotations for some reason. Not informative at all. One person found this helpful. Great for an eight 8 year old. Not what I expected the whole book, appears to be a series of quotes.

Every paragraph begins with " and ends with " very strange. Some good info but doesn't seem to be really breed specific. See all 5 reviews. This means standing still, with limbs held at your side, and avoiding eye contact with the dog. Bichons bite for a variety of reasons, whether it's to assert authority or an attempt to play. If the behavior is not getting a response, they will grow bored and stop. In particular, do not let your child interrupt a Bichon while it is eating, playing with its toys, or drinking water.

If the dog becomes territorial, it might bite. If his resources are frequently threatened it might learn to habitually engage in biting. Until your child is old enough to respect a dog's boundaries, supervise any interactions.

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When a Bichon is out of its crate, supervise it at all times. If you notice biting, correct the behavior immediately with a stern "No.

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When a Bichon nibbles on hands or fingers, immediately place a toy or a bone in its mouth instead. This teaches it biting is okay, as long as it's done to its toys and snacks and not its people. A Bichon is not a dog you should wrestle or otherwise rough house with as this leads to timid and even aggressive behaviors.

Practice good leash manners. Bichons can be excellent walking companions, but like all dogs they do need basic leash training. Make sure your Bichon is familiar and comfortable in his collar, especially if it's a puppy. A lightweight leather collar is ideal for a Bichon. It might take your dog a bit to get used to wearing the collar, so take it off when your dog is unsupervised until it's used to it.

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Allow your dog to sniff it and get familiar with it before attaching it to the collar. Once your dog is familiar, you can begin walking it. Just walk the Bichon around the house. Praise it if it walks by your side on a loose leash. If it pulls, do not pull the leash back. Not only can this strain a Bichon's neck, it reinforces the behavior by giving the dog attention for acting out. You need to show your Bichon that pulling on the leash will result in getting nowhere. Simply stop walking and call your Bichon back to you. A 15 to 20 minute walk a few times a day is ideal and will give your Bichon enough time to adapt to walking on a leash.

Be aware of small dog syndrome. Small dog syndrome can be a problem with smaller breeds like Bichon Frises. Owners do not discipline their dogs for behaviors like barking and biting and attempt to protect small dogs from the world. What results is improper socialization that leads to a number of behavioral problems. People often pick up small dogs in the presence of bigger dogs, or yell loudly when they're approached by big dogs. Both behaviors teach Bichons big dogs should be feared, which can lead to biting, yipping, and other territorial behaviors.

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However, do not praise your dog if it is not calm and do not continue to praise it once a big dog has passed. This will lead to your dog becoming spoiled and expecting extra attention in response to day-to-day circumstances. People often let nipping, barking, and aggression go unchecked in small dogs because they believe they're less likely to cause physical harm.

However, a small dog could easily lash out at a young child and their bites can be hard enough to require stitches. Do not let your Bichon's size determine how you treat it and never give it a pass for aggressive behaviors. Start with "sit" and "lie down. To shake paws, a dog must be sitting.

To roll over, a dog must lie down. When you begin teaching your Bichon Frise, start with "sit" and "lie down" as these are foundational commands.

New Book How to Train and Understand Your Bichon Frise Puppy or Dog

To teach sit, stand up, say sit, and then use a treat and draw an arc over the puppy' s head so that as its head goes up its bottom goes down. The instant your Bichon sits, praise it with treats and other rewards. Put your hand forward and gesture for your dog to sit down. As your dog begins to master the command, you can phase out hand gestures. Try to repeat the command 10 or 15 times a day until your Bichon learns to sit without hand gestures of constant reinforcement in the form of treats or praise. Ideally, you should be able to get your Bichon to sit when it's being disruptive with guests or before you take him for a walk.

You can smoothly transition from sit to lie down by commanding your Bichon to sit.

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Then, while saying "lie down," use a treat to lure it into a lying position. Get your dog to sit then hold the treat at floor level but slowly move it away from him so that your dog stretches and lies down to get it. Praise your dog with treats and attention as soon as it's lying down. Much like you taught sit, practice until you can gradually phase out rewards and hand gestures. Teach your Bichon to come. Come is an important command every dog should learn quickly. Knowing to come when called can prevent accidents and can allow your dog to have greater freedom in certain situations.

Your goal in teaching "come" is to get your dog to go to you upon hearing the command, regardless of what else is going on. This can be difficult, but with dedication and patience it's achievable. Never punish them, even if you were calling them back because it was misbehaving. You don't want your dog to associate coming to you with any negative consequences. Provide treats, praise, or access to a favorite toy or bed.

Come should be a positive sound for your dog, something it looks forward to hearing. Practice several sets of "come here," making your dog perform the command 15 to 20 times. Doing 3 to 4 sets a day should eventually solidify the behavior in your dog.

How to Potty Train a Bichon Frise

Move on to other basic commands. Bichons are a highly trainable breed. Once you've mastered behaviors like sit, lie down, and come, you can move on to other basic commands. It's sometimes easy to watch for behaviors you can observe and reinforce with a command. Watch for the desired behaviors and then praise them. For example, if you want to teach your Bichon to "speak" say "speak" when it barks, and praise it. Make sure that this is not in response to disruptive barking, such as barking at other dogs or people. If you want your Bichon to beg on cue, and you see it on its hind legs, say "beg" and immediately reward it with food or praise.

Eventually, your dog should pick up on the fact that it needs to lift its hand when you say "shake. This will solidify the connection and get your dog to perform on cue when needed. While your Bichon should understand you're in charge, never engage in disciplinary behaviors like rolling a dog on its side, pinching his neck, or other physical forms of punishments. Dogs do not actually respond to this and it can foster feelings of fear. A better way to assert authority is by making your dog understand his schedule is on your terms. Make your dog sit before putting on its leash for a walk.

Make it lie down before you place food in its bowl. Look into more elaborate training opportunities. Bichons are highly trainable, and can easily get beyond the basics. If you're interested in dog training, there are a variety of paths to teach your dog more elaborate skills. Consider enrolling in an advanced training class once your dog knows the basics of sit, lie down, and come here. A professional trainer can help you teach your dog more elaborate tricks and, as an added bonus, training is a great way to socialize your Bichon.

Your dog will learn how to behave appropriately in the presence of multiple different types of dogs. Bichons skill sets are not limited to party tricks. Many owners enjoy professional agility training with their Bichons. Look into agility courses in your area. You can compete at shows, sometimes for cash prizes, and it's a great hobby that fosters a healthy, happy relationship between you and your dog. If you're interested in getting your Bichon certified for hospital or therapy work, look into programs available in your area. Bichons have a naturally friendly personality and love people.

Having your dog interact with sick people, or help those with mental or physical disabilities, can be an extremely rewarding endeavor. The average time a Bichon puppy spends asleep per day is a whopping hours. Not Helpful 0 Helpful 0. The Bichon Frise is a clever little dog with an engaging personality. They respond well to training and generally like to delight their owner. Bichon Frise have an enviable reputation for being tolerant and good-natured.

How to Train a Bichon Frise: 11 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow

The exception is if the puppy was poorly socialized such is often the case if they came from a puppy farm when they may be overly anxious, which can lead to fear-biting. In younger life, the Bichon Frise is predisposed towards luxating patellas wobbly kneecaps , liver disease, allergies, and Legge-Perthes disease a degenerative condition of the hip. In later life, Bichons are at increased risk of Cushing's disease and cataracts. Once they are about 1 year old you can start feeding them "adult" dog bones.

Normally, once they stop biting their teething toys, you will know that their teeth have developed. Not Helpful 0 Helpful 6. Clean it up, but make sure the next time you see them using the bathroom in the house, immediately take them outside. Give them treats or praise for going outside. Not Helpful 0 Helpful 4. You have to teach him the "come" and "drop" commands first. You can teach him "come" by just holding a treat or favorite toy out and saying "come. When you throw the toy, he will chase after it; then tell him "come," followed by "drop it.

Not Helpful 1 Helpful 7. Be sure to not yell or scream at your Bichon. They're still learning the basics.

Pretend like your dog is a human toddler. It takes time because they don't know what is right and what is wrong.