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The world has made astonishing progress in material prosperity over freedom, and education—the world is an extraordinarily better place Two hundred years ago, only a privileged few were not living in Amid the flurry of bad news in the media, it's easy to miss how far A key reason for our surprise?
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The founders' principles are still very much evident in our culture. At Genentech, I am not only free to be myself, I am encouraged to bring my whole self to work. I feel safe, cared for, included, and celebrated for who I am. Ensuring an inclusive environment is foundational at Genentech. Chicago, IL, US. What makes Hyatt a great place to work for me is the teamwork, cooperation, the overall attitude, but most importantly the people.

The people in our organization truly do care for one another as well as the guests coming onto our property. Raleigh, NC, US. The opportunities are absolutely endless if you have an entrepreneurial spirit. You are given the keys to your career on day one and can guide it down any path you wish, but with hard work and persistence you will go very far and gain recognition.

The focus on constant improvement, learning, and development at Deloitte is why I stay at the firm. We invest in our people's individual development and wellbeing on the job, through informal and formal learning and beyond.

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Milwaukee, WI, US. I really like Baird's "No Asshole Policy. We feel that we were each carefully chosen, not only based on our skills, but also on our personalities and how we get along with one another. We arguably have the best CEO in the business. He sets a clear mission and goals, and metrics which cascade through our business units and functions. He shares the rationale behind all Intuit major business decisions and exemplifies our values. Detroit, MI, US.

People are respected and opinions are heard. The organization as a whole values its greatest asset, its team members. We never get complacent or settle, we always look for ways to grow and improve, and make a difference in the cities we live in.

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Health Care. Arlington, TX, US. I have a lot of control over finding the best way to do things. I am left to my own devices, for the most part, and it allows me to achieve some really stellar results; my coworkers notice the good work that I do, and praise it frequently. Kalamazoo, MI, US. Our jobs, no matter how small or insignificant they may seem at times, contribute to huge improvements in the lives of so many. It is amazing that the products we make have such an impact. To see the customers smile makes my heart happy!

7 Reasons the World Looks Worse Than It Really Is

The culture encourages its associates to try new things, push the limits, and go beyond what we know as acceptable in today's market place. It fosters healthy work-life balance and consistently encourages associates to live a better life.

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They tcare about the culture and are always striving to maintain a fun and empowering environment. Whether it is charity involvement, monthly socials, fitness classes, or its yearly State of the Firm, Cooley provides the best for its employees. The military community is who we serve and it personally gives me joy to know that we can make a positive difference in their lives just as they make a difference in ours.

Southfield, MI, US. At Plante Moran the focus is on the results, and not the mistakes along the way. Staff are able to openly share points of view, even if not popular. Management is fully supportive of new ideas and new approaches. Portsmouth, OH, US. Slalom is the only company I've worked for that delegates so much to so many people in the organization. The result is an extremely engaged, super fun place to work. Not only do the employees blossom and grow but so does the whole ecosystem.

Nashville, TN, US. Our CEO is very involved with the entire employee base. He holds quarterly meetings and orientations. I get a strong sense of unity from Pinnacle. He is inspiring. We celebrate our small wins as well as large. The entry-level employee to contractor to executive leaders share the same attitude towards people and service.

It's an underlying passion to care about the work they do and even more so for each other. Real Estate.

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Houston, TX, US. Our way of doing business improves constantly.

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There are always opportunities to grow not just at work, but also as a person. We are all a part of "how" we run our company. Soapbox has taken us to the next level with best practices and other ideas. It is rewarding to me to work for a company that embraces the diversity. It is enjoyable to work with, and for, people from different backgrounds and cultures. We provide excellence in service and provide charity throughout our community. It is an innovative tech company with a culture that encourages me to explore my ideas and have a strong point of view.

It has an amazingly supportive culture that allows for work-life balance instead of encouraging competition among the workforce. With hard work and dedication, you can go very far. I've only been here for 3. I started with little experience and management saw potential and gave me the guidance to grow. As someone who's over 40, it's important to me to still have opportunities to evolve my career.

SAP gave me the opportunity to entirely change my career while staying in the company thanks to an appreciation for the value of transferable skills. Everyone is encouraged to communicate and collaborate with others at every level in the firm, and there's always someone who is willing to help. It's also great finally being at an organization that expresses gratitude when people go the extra mile in their tasks.

We have a very receptive pets-at-work policy, and it seems to work well, which kind of surprises me.

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I am a dog lover, and although I don't bring my dog to work, many others do. This is a truly collaborative place where entrepreneurism and innovation are valued, and there is always room for different perspectives. There are great people who care deeply about each other, and are supportive of individual and team success. Columbia, MO, US. Almost everyone I meet has a drive to make a difference and do something that will positively impact people and that passion is contagious, it makes me personally want to do more and become more involved in making a difference where I can.

It is a great environment to develop skills. Employees have many opportunities to try new things and challenge themselves. It is ok to fail, because there is always tomorrow, and there will always be another guest through the door. Richmond, VA, US. This company does not just provide training on how to do a job, but provides true, meaningful development to grow associates.

We celebrate every success of each individual. Bethesda, MD, US.