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When we recognise our “warrior self” we can exhibit strength without sacrificing tenderness. The human soul is very powerful and can adapt readily to the.
Table of contents

As an avid rock climber and young cancer survivor diagnosed at 38 y. We can feel so lost and not know where to turn. Know that we all need a trusted support group to navigate life. Let your warrior spirit shine tonight. We do this by having a method and daily practices. Daily practices give us the means for applying the method. Fighting harder involves compassion and mindfulness. This helps us stay committed and not quit. Remain mentally alert: We remain mental alert by learning how to pay attention.

Our method helps us know what tasks to focus on, how to notice when our attention becomes distracted, and how to redirect it to the task. Remain physically strong: Having strong bodies is important for maintaining our warrior spirit. Part of our daily practices include staying engaged in physical training or activities that move us. If we move our bodies, our minds will follow. Remain morally straight: We remain morally straight by determining values that guide how we live. These values guide how we think, how we make decisions, and how we behave.

These soften our defenses, allowing us to stay connected, to be more aware of our needs and the needs of others. Shoulder more of our share of the task: The main task is holding teams together: ourselves, our families, our nation, the world. Destruction and death occur when things fall apart. Holding things together requires us to shift our attention away from separate individual needs and toward the collective needs of the world. And war is so costly that it steals food from the mouths of children. War rages in almost every continent.

The psychologists tell us that the warrior spirit is built into the human soul as an archetype, a collectively inherited unconscious idea and pattern of thought, universally present in each of us. Again, this is unconscious, available to all people, across cultures and times. Sign up here. The warrior archetype clicks in like a biological clock sometime in the early to mid-teens.

Something inside us makes us want to jump out of airplanes and blow stuff up. Something makes us seek out mentors -- tough old sergeants to put us through hell, to push us past our limits, to find out what we're capable of. And we seek out comrades in arms. Brothers who will get our backs and we'll get theirs, lifelong friends who are just as crazy as we are. The warrior spirit is among us and it needs full expression.

War and military service have given the warrior the opportunity to express the archetypal spirit.

Spiritual warrior

And the societies we have created across time and across the globe have required warriors. In every society, throughout the last 5, years of human history, we have needed protection, for our lives, for our lands, our flocks, our stuff. When these are threatened, we have called on the warrior to serve us, to protect us. The warriors have created a circle of protection around the circle of society.

We have sent them to fight for us. Societies have made a covenant with the warrior: You go, you fight, you do things that no human should have to do, you see things that no human should have to see, you have things done to you that no human should have done to them, and when you get home, because you have served us, we will heal you.

We will bury you in sacred red mud to leach your sorrow and pain from you. We will love you back from your fear and guilt and shame for what has happened.

SPIRIT WARRIORS 1: Vhong Navarro, Joel Torre & Jhong Hilario - Full Movie

We will give you a home, a flock or garden to tend. We will give you time to refresh yourself in nature, by a stream fishing, or a sacred journey hiking in the mountains.

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We will hold you while you cry and rage away your grief. And when you are healed, you will be able to teach, you will be able to be with our children again, you will become our elder, our spiritual warrior, and we will bless you. But this has all changed in the modern world of war. First, society's circle is so big and wide, and the sheer numbers of people who need protection along with land, flocks and stuff are so great, that the sheer numbers of the warriors that are needed and who then must come home to be healed overwhelm even the best of intentions and the best of systems.

So many wounded and not enough resources to go around. Second, society is not of one mind anymore that the warrior is being sent for the true good of us all.

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I have heard it said that the first casualty of war is truth. Our leaders have said we are going to war to protect us from communism, as in Korea or Vietnam, or from weapons of mass destruction, as in Iraq.

Rebuilding Our Warrior Spirit | The Warriors Way

But in today's wars, the protection of society looks more like the protection of global business interests -- of minerals, timber, oil and land that belong to others. The largest crack in this covenant with the warrior in my time began with the Vietnam War. The soldiers came home, waiting to be loved back from the brink of madness. Instead, they found a populace divided, angry at each other, and this populace simultaneously wanted to hoist the returning soldiers up on shoulders or spit on them.

In either case, the soldiers were not healed. They were an object to be held up to the opposing side, and they have become more spoils of war. In the space of expanded consciousness you learn to anticipate the stories you tell yourself, the ways you hide from the truth, and how you stubbornly defend your false sense of self. This alert witnessing and understanding of your thought process or metacognition allows you to intercept your conditioned behavior so you can course correct toward more conscious choices in thought, word, and deed.

Patience is the next quality of the spiritual warrior. Patience is the calm acceptance that not everything happens according to your timeline. It allows you to be content as well as pause, wait, endure, and allow things to unfold in their own way. Therefore, you can calmly be in the moment and wait for the universe to act.

The Warrior Spirit

When the right time becomes known, the spiritual warrior seizes the opportunity and takes spontaneous and transformative right action. The spiritual warrior also possesses sweetness. Sweetness might seem like a strange attribute of the spiritual warrior, something associated with weakness or sentimentality. In this context, however, sweetness refers to impeccability in word and action. The spiritual warrior holds yourself to the highest of standards, refraining from anything that could be considered potentially cruel or hurtful.

Kindness, compassion, and sweetness in the face of anger or ignorance require enormous strength and understanding. Seeing the world from higher ground allows you to act and speak from a place of sweetness that benefits everyone you encounter. The final quality of the spiritual warrior is love. To the spiritual warrior love is all that is. It is the core of your being and core of all other beings.

You exist with love at your source, but often it lies hidden beneath anger, trauma, or suffering. Expanding the field of love for both yourself and others is the ultimate goal of the spiritual warrior.

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Love heals all wounds. It is that transformative power that can change the world. The spiritual warrior shines the light of your love into the darkness of ignorance, not to destroy it, but to transmute it into knowledge. When the spiritual warrior possesses these attributes you become a powerful force for change in the world.

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The spiritual warrior fights against the self-delusion, fear , and ignorance that create suffering in your life. This battle is fought within; an effort to shed the chains of conditioning and false beliefs that lie within you.

The reward of this campaign is the expansion of consciousness; the spiritual warrior becomes a beacon of awareness who brings healing to the entire world. Search form Search. By Adam Brady, Vedic Educator.