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After being forced into slavery in the international sex trade, three young women from India, Nigeria and the United States attempt to escape from a brothel in Texas.
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There are also ethical considerations and further challenges related to large-scale household surveys in terms of the sensitivity of certain questions for example, questions related to sexual exploitation or violence and the difficulty of collecting data about children.

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Many of the same challenges apply to prevalence work on related phenomena such as forced labour, forced marriage and child labour. The Multiple Systems Estimation is new and cannot be applied globally: This method and its application in the counter-trafficking field is still in the testing stage in a few countries, but can serve as a good baseline estimate where other estimates are not available, using minimal resources.

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The method, however, depends upon multiple, pre-existing, databases on identified victims of human trafficking in the country of implementation. Researchers developing this estimation method consider that it could potentially be used in approximately 50 countries around the world. United Nations, New York. Global Report on Trafficking in Persons United Nations, Vienna. ILO, Geneva.

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Since , more than 4, fatalities have been recorded annually on migratory routes worldwide. The number of deaths recorded, however, represent only a minimum estimate because the majority of Under international law, migrants have rights by virtue of their humanity.

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International human rights instruments, or treaties and documents such as declarations, are of general application and Quantifying environmental migration is challenging given the multiple drivers of such movement, related methodological challenges and the lack of data collection standards. Some quantitative data Recent trends The number of identified victims of human trafficking who are men has increased significantly over time, raising awareness that men are also victims of human trafficking for different types of exploitation.

Further reading. Research Brief. Last updated on. Trafficking in persons. Irregular migration.

Woman Reveals How She Was Trafficked By Her Own Boyfriend At Age 18 - Megyn Kelly TODAY

Share on. Related content. Types of migration. Global Migration Indicators Related blogpost. Irregular migrant workers in the EU and the US. Philip Martin 17 Nov How a lack of data is perpetuating the invisibility of migrant women's deaths. Related topic. Migrant deaths and disappearances. In Europe, trafficking of children is usually for sexual exploitation or forced labour.


Because trafficked children are made to believe that they have no alternatives, they often lack motivation to escape. The Council of Europe Convention on Action Against Trafficking in Human Beings aims to prevent trafficking in human beings, protect victims of trafficking, prosecute traffickers, and promote co-ordination of national actions and international co-operation. The Convention provides for special measures and procedures for children in the context of victim identification and requires that assistance provided to child victims be adapted to their special needs.

Recruiters located in home countries frequently require such large recruitment and travel fees that victims become highly indebted to the recruiters and traffickers. These fees are inflated far beyond cost in order to create economic instability and dependency on the new employer or trafficker.

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Traffickers leverage the non-portability of many work visas as well as the lack of familiarity with surroundings, laws and rights, language fluency, and cultural understanding in order to control and manipulate victims. Individuals who have experienced violence and trauma in the past are more vulnerable to future exploitation, as the psychological effect of trauma is often long-lasting and challenging to overcome.

Victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, war and conflict or social discrimination may be targeted by traffickers, who recognize the vulnerabilities left by these prior abuses.

China’s Bride Trafficking Problem | Human Rights Watch

Violence and abuse may be normalized or beliefs of shame or unworthiness lead to future susceptibility to human trafficking. The needs of victims of trafficking are among the most complex of crime victims, often requiring a multidisciplinary approach to address severe trauma and medical needs, immigration and other legal issues, safety concerns, shelter and other basic daily needs, and financial hardship. Some of the services victims of trafficking may need include:.

For more information about the services available to victims of human trafficking, including comprehensive service referrals in the U. Skip to main content. Quick Exit.