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What, drawn, and talk of peace! I hate the word, As I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee: Have at thee, coward! They fight. Enter, several of both houses, who join.
Table of contents

Romeo meets Tybalt in the street, and is challenged by him to a duel.

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Romeo refuses to fight and his friend Mercutio is so disgusted by this 'cowardice' that the takes up the challenge instead. The Prince arrives and, on hearing the full story, banishes Romeo rather than have him executed. Arranged by the Friar and the Nurse, Romeo and Juliet have spent their wedding night together. They are immediately parted though, as Romeo must leave for banishment in Mantua or die if he is found in Verona. Believing her grief to be for the death of her cousin, Juliet's father tries to cheer Juliet by arranging her immediate marriage to Paris.

Romeo and Juliet

He threatens to disown her when she asks for the marriage to be at least postponed, and she runs to the Friar for advice and help. Juliet arrives at the Friar's to be met by Paris, who is busy discussing their wedding plans. She is so desperate that she threatens suicide, and the Friar instead suggests that she takes a potion that will make her appear to be dead.

He promises to send a message to Romeo, asking him to return secretly and be with Juliet when she wakes, once her 'body' has been taken to the family crypt. The Nurse discovers Juliet 's 'body' dead' when she goes to wake her for her marriage Paris. Friar Laurence is called, counsels the family to accept their grief, and arranges for Juliet to be 'buried' immediately.

Romeo's servant, Balthasar, reaches Mantua before the Friar's messenger and tells Romeo that Juliet is dead.

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Romeo buys poison and leaves for Verona, planning to die alongside Juliet's body. Trying to break into the Capulet crypt, Romeo is disturbed by Paris and they fight. Romeo kills Paris and reaches Juliet's body. He drinks the poison, kisses his wife for the last time, and dies. Having learned that Romeo never received his message, the Friar comes to the crypt to be with Juliet when she wakes.

He finds Paris's body and reaches Juliet just as she revives. He cannot persuade her to leave her dead husband, and runs away in fear. Juliet realises what has happened, takes Romeo's knife and stabs herself to death with it. The watchmen discover the gruesome sight and call the Prince, to whom the Friar confesses everything. Capulet, Juliet's father, decides she should marry Paris. Juliet refuses and goes to Friar Laurence where they come up with a plan for Romeo and Juliet to be together.

Facts about Romeo and Juliet

Juliet fakes her death and lies in a tomb waiting for Romeo to come so they can run away together. Romeo doesn't receive the message about the plan, so thinks Juliet has actually died.

He goes to Verona and sees Juliet in her tomb, 'dead'. Romeo drinks poison so he can be with Juliet in death.

She wakes up to discover Romeo is dead. As the play begins, a long-standing feud between the Montague and Capulet families continues to disrupt the peace of Verona, a city in northern Italy.

Romeo and Juliet

A brawl between the servants of the feuding households prompts the Prince to threaten both sides to keep the peace on pain of death. Concealing their identities behind masks, Romeo and Benvolio go to the ball, where Romeo and Juliet fall in love at first sight, but at the end of the evening discover their identities as members of the opposed families.

On his way home from the feast, Romeo climbs into Capulet's orchard to glimpse Juliet again. Juliet appears at her balcony, and the couple exchange vows of love, agreeing to marry the next day. Romeo asks Friar Laurence to perform the marriage ceremony.

Video SparkNotes: Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet summary

Though initially reluctant, he finally agrees, hoping to reconcile the families, and marries Romeo and Juliet that afternoon. Meanwhile, Tybalt, Juliet's cousin, sends Romeo a challenge to a duel. Romeo refuses to fight when Tybalt confronts him because they're now related. However, Mercutio , Romeo's quick-tempered friend, intervenes and accepts the challenge.

Romeo tries to part the other two as they fight, but Mercutio is fatally wounded under Romeo's arm.

William Shakespeare

To avenge Mercutio's death, Romeo kills Tybalt and then flees. The Prince announces Romeo's banishment for Tybalt's murder.