Manual Put An End To Fear: New Security Solutions For South Africa

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regime to a "politics of negotiation" for a "new South Africa." It is important to By the end of the s the Afrikaner had grown in self-confidence as his role in the running of prosperous and the Afrikaners' place in it secure. (Harrison First, systems of political power are not mere expressions of class interest; rather, their​.
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Many of these so called elites of South Africa today went to school on Nigerian govt scholarship. We Nigerians suffered and sacrificed for the well-being of South Africans. And this is the payment. The mass Zenophobia is just the tip of the iceberg. Foreign nationals are robbed daily at Park Station by police. Robbing a foreigner is easy especially since many are not there legally and so can not go to the police for fear of deportation. By so doing,the problem will not only come to an end in South Africa, but other countries will learn a lesson as well.

There is virtually no reason whatsoever for even one person to die in such kind of attacks! You are right Lionel,yes the government has not done much to stop the violence,same like with the drug dealers. That is why these attacks has started again. I feel sorry for the incomers who make an honest living and the students but I feel the attacks against the drug dealers,using their shops as decoys should not stop. They are killing our people and promote prostitution. If other South Africand are breaking the laws in other countries they must follow the consequenses.

If other Africa country can attack Africans, what message are they sending to other races. Come to think of it, did Nigeria ask companies in South Africa not to give their own citizen Job, this people must be very stupid or they are jealous of Nigerians, otherwise i see no reason why they will attack a black man like you, its pathetic, to the south africa President i think he should just step down because he is not a president. If they know the capability of one Nigeria citizen, they will rush to put an end to this shame some illitrate citizen and bringing upon the country.

South africa my arse. Also, the African Union should intervene as this could impact on relations in Africa. South Africans are wrong to attack Nigerians and other Africans. It is not fair for millions of law -abiding Nigerians to be tarnished by the criminality of a deviant minority.

Nigerians can no longer pretend that this is not part of the problem in SA. Terrible, I watched a video where South Africans mobbed a Nigerian guy , he was shot multiple times. Apparently, the SA citizens are not reading all these articles, only few knows their history. Instead, they chose to enrich their pockets.

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Killing Nigerians is an act of war. I think if you are a Nigerian in SA be careful and try to defend yourself, be sharp and kill anything that tries to harm you.

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Where is our Military? Silent I guess.. Nigerians are being humiliated everywhere… God help us all…. Nigerians are also amongst the most educated people on the planet, so why is Nigeria a failed state? Why have Nigerians been humiliated, not on only in Africa, but in Europe? It is largely due to spineless and corrupt politicians. Africans continue to be amongst thousands of the fatalities as many take the perilous journey across the Mediterranean into Europe, but the silence of African leaders has been quite profound.

Every African leader has sat on the fence as their nationals perish in the Mediterranean sea. Remember the song We are the world,make it a better place to live on. Everyone from any country must of heard that song go by it pls. All music artists sang in it and got together to help Africans, Nigerians. And all of Africa as mush as they could follow their song.

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Thanks for hearing what I have to say. Please stop fighting and reunite,and I heard Africa is a beautiful place to visit,especially the safari area. Nigeria has been a huge blessing to all the African countries and across. I wonder why South Africa could be so hardhearted not reflecting on the financial benefits they gotten from Nigeria over years.

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They should better stop this insanity because its going to bring a lot of havoc between them and other African countries. Were it to agree to this proposal, the Spanish government would have extra resources with which to ensure that all arrivals are immediately fingerprinted and entered into the EURODAC database, for the purposes of the Dublin Regulation. But Spanish interior ministry sources argue that the Frontex reform is a poor use of funds, as it is less about making border control more effective and more about outsourcing the European asylum system.

In negotiations with the EU, the Spanish government has insisted that secondary movements should not be the pillar of the European asylum system. EU asylum legislation is being displaced by migration management concerns through an undue focus on obstructing secondary movements rather than harmonising asylum legislation. Firstly, it involves informality and close cooperation. The high frequency of visits by Spanish officials to sub-Saharan African countries rests on an understanding of the importance of face-to-face contact.

This implies going beyond thinking that EU-African relations should focus on border control to something much more multifaceted. Thirdly, Spain is committed to developing a common professional security community with third countries. Within this community, joint police stations in Spain and Morocco would enable officers from each country to work side by side on a daily basis.

Spain has also set up joint police posts in Senegal, Mauritania, and Niger. Governments and their people want more than merely to become the gendarme of Europe. Fourthly, Spain proposes continuity in partnerships. While the European Commission and certain member states tend to pursue cooperation as part of crisis management, Spanish officials stress the need to maintain relations over time.

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Spain has an array of international agreements that it has developed over decades as part of its migration diplomacy , working with third countries on governing migration. For instance, Spain has developed a close long-term relationship with Morocco that is often heralded as involving significant best practice.

In Spain and Morocco signed a bilateral readmission agreement. Ten years later, by which time Morocco had become a transit and destination country, the Moroccan authorities stepped up policing of their borders and accepted an offer from Spain for technical and financial support to do this. Some studies have shown that open borders would result in less permanent migration and more forms of circular migration.

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Indeed, the perception among migrants that borders will soon be closed may induce them to use what they see as a window of opportunity before it is too late. But the phenomenon of circulation is underexploited in both Spain and the EU more generally. Spain has not yet attempted to benefit from this reality by establishing a legal framework for circular migration and short-term mobility that could be mutually beneficial for both it and third countries such as Morocco.

The Spanish government made cooperation with third countries to regulate migration flows an explicit requirement of its first Africa Plan Spain does not have the same historical ties to sub-Saharan Africa as countries such as France and the United Kingdom. And, since the s, Spain has developed bilateral readmission agreements with several sub-Saharan African states, including Gambia and Guinea in , Cape Verde in , and Niger and Guinea-Bissau in Still, Spain has strived to develop a bilateral approach with African countries that goes beyond border control and migrant return by seeking to take account of their interests — through, for instance, the promotion of circular migration although this remains limited.

This has, at times, created tension between Spain and the European Commission, which has a tendency to impose a relationship characterised by border control and migrant returns. Spain has also sought more comprehensive policy solutions through international frameworks. Despite its limitations as a non-binding document, the recent Marrakech Global Compact on Migration caused so much controversy that some EU member states Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia pulled out of it, in the name of protecting their sovereignty.

Nonetheless, the pact helped frame the migration question as part of a values-based, principled, and comprehensive approach that ought to underpin the EU foreign policy agenda in the long term. Equally importantly, the pact sought to encourage policymakers and the public to consider how valuable it could be to establish partnerships that go beyond a security approach. Such agreements would be based on solidarity and mutual interests with origin and transit countries, seeking to move the agenda away from securitisation and coercion.

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However, it remains to be seen how the compact will be implemented in practice. Recently, however, border security initiatives such as that in the framework of EUCAP Sahel Niger led to the adoption of an anti-smuggling law in Niger in and the criminalisation of cross-border movements in the country. According to the International Organization for Migration, this resulted in a 75 percent decrease in migration flows through the Nigerien city of Agadez to Algeria and Libya.

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This has had two unintended consequences. Firstly, the Sahel, particularly northern Niger, has a long history of intraregional migration that is essential to the local economy. Secondly, Sudanese smugglers created new routes that are potentially more dangerous, notably through Chad and Darfur towards Libya. Not only does a preoccupation with border security hinder development, it also exacerbates the risk of fatalities through illegal crossing attempts both within Africa and at the European border.

As this example demonstrates, potential development gains from intra-regional migration are often undermined by an overriding concern for securitising migration and borders. That said, there are signs that the Spanish authorities have the political will to support intra-regional migration in Africa in its new Africa Plan.

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  • The Africa Plan has three aspects. Firstly, it strives to go beyond perceptions of Africa as merely a passive recipient of humanitarian assistance, towards treating the continent as an economic partner through strengthened trade and investment. Secondly, the plan espouses job creation for migrants in economic hubs in South Africa, Nigeria, and Ethiopia. It recognises that migration governance cannot be successful without taking into account broader governance issues, security, and economic growth. The plan strives to integrate trade, development, and security objectives — although, given that it lacks a budget, it remains to be seen whether its proposals will be put into practice.

    Thirdly, the plan pursues a comprehensive approach.