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Table of contents

God leaned close to mud as man sat up, looked around, and spoke.

  2. Funny Quotes About Life.
  3. Hypothesis: A collection of Iconoclastic Scientific and Philosophic Papers.
  4. A Feast of Nations.
  5. Rule #3. Our idea of fairness is self interest?

Man blinked. And He went away. I think prime numbers are like life. They are very logical but you could never work out the rules, even if you spent all your time thinking about them. Most people spend the greatest part of their time working in order to live, and what little freedom remains so fills them with fear that they seek out any and every means to be rid of it. One is supposed to be cast into belief without reason, by a miracle, and from then on to swim in it as in the brightest and least ambiguous of elements: even a glance towards land, even the thought that one perhaps exists for something else as well as swimming, even the slightest impulse of our amphibious nature — is sin!

And notice that all this means that the foundation of belief and all reflection on its origin is likewise excluded as sinful. What is wanted are blindness and intoxication and an eternal song over the waves in which reason has drowned.

Nicholas Sparks

JoyBell C. Salt water. Sweat, or tears, or the salt sea. Very often, when I give my view that there is no supernatural dimension, and certainly not one that is only or especially available to the faithful, and that the natural world is wonderful enough—and even miraculous enough if you insist—I attract pitying looks and anxious questions. How, in that case, I am asked, do I find meaning and purpose in life?

How does a mere and gross materialist, with no expectation of a life to come, decide what, if anything, is worth caring about? Depending on my mood, I sometimes but not always refrain from pointing out what a breathtakingly insulting and patronizing question this is. It is on a par with the equally subtle inquiry: Since you don't believe in our god, what stops you from stealing and lying and raping and killing to your heart's content?

MLP: FiM Slice of Life (100th Episode) Blind reaction

Just as the answer to the latter question is: self-respect and the desire for the respect of others—while in the meantime it is precisely those who think they have divine permission who are truly capable of any atrocity—so the answer to the first question falls into two parts. A life that partakes even a little of friendship, love, irony, humor, parenthood, literature, and music, and the chance to take part in battles for the liberation of others cannot be called 'meaningless' except if the person living it is also an existentialist and elects to call it so.

It could be that all existence is a pointless joke, but it is not in fact possible to live one's everyday life as if this were so. Whereas if one sought to define meaninglessness and futility, the idea that a human life should be expended in the guilty, fearful, self-obsessed propitiation of supernatural nonentities… but there, there. Living is solving problems. Feist, Silverthorn. But a child's purpose is to be a child. Nature doesn't disdain what lives only for a day.

Reflection Quotes ( quotes)

It pours the whole of itself into the each moment. We don't value the lily less for not being made of flint and built to last. Life's bounty is in its flow, later is too late. Where is the song when it's been sung? The dance when it's been danced?

  • Benjamin Franklin A Picture of the Struggles of Our Infant Nation One Hundred Years Ago American Pioneers and Patriots Series.
  • Saint Augustine | Biography, Philosophy, & Major Works | Britannica?
  • It's only we humans who want to own the future, too. We persuade ourselves that the universe is modestly employed in unfolding our destination. We note the haphazard chaos of history by the day, by the hour, but there is something wrong with the picture. Where is the unity, the meaning, of nature's highest creation? Surely those millions of little streams of accident and wilfulness have their correction in the vast underground river which, without a doubt, is carrying us to the place where we're expected! But there is no such place, that's why it's called utopia.

    The death of a child has no more meaning than the death of armies, of nations.

    Account Options

    Was the child happy while he lived? That is a proper question, the only question. Favourite episode? Who should listen? People who want to be cheerful. We did a woman from Boston about their gender pay law. What other podcasts do you like? Do you still listen to radio? Pass on that.

    I gave up the predictions business in Interview by Gaby Hinsliff.

    User Reviews

    We never got shouty or ranty but there were very spirited discussions and that was the genesis. Why listen? In a lot of political panel discussions, you hear the same topics being regurgitated, but we ask our guests to pick stories they think are important but under-reported. Do political podcasts resonate outside the bubble? Dream guest? Barack Obama obviously!

    Reader Interactions

    What will happen with Brexit? Once the Brexit deal is done I think Theresa May will be pushed out. Each show starts with standup from Forde, followed by an interview with a leading politician. Now a weekly release, the podcast has had more than 1 million downloads on Soundcloud. I wanted to create a comedy night that showcased politicians in an informal, cheeky environment, as an antidote to combative style interviews.

    How do you feel about the way politics has changed since you started? Our leaders have been reckless and feckless and cavalier, but the majority of members of parliament are still very good. Best episode so far? The Tessa Jowell one was very special : the effect on the audience in the room was quite profound. She was moved by being allowed to represent the public. Do you think your podcast resonates beyond a certain bubble?

    Who would be your dream guest? Oh, Donald Trump. Probably good fun, sadly. Do you also listen to radio? What do you predict is going to happen with Brexit? Oh crikey. A complete fudge. A total mess. Theresa May. That said, a lot of my predictions lately have been completely wrong, so Interview by Kathryn Bromwich. It attracts , listeners a week. When and why did the podcast begin?

    Just over a year ago ahead of the general election. We felt there was nowhere that was unashamedly anti-Brexit in the media: the press was largely pro-Brexit and broadcasters are bound by balance rules. So Remainiacs is a safe, fun space for people who believe we should stay in the EU. How did you feel when the Brexit vote was announced? Devastated but not surprised.