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Written by award-winning author Nicola Davies and illustrated by Mark Hearld, a breathtaking new talent in children's books, Outside Your Window is a stunning.
Table of contents

When exactly was Bruce Banner conducting open-air gamma bomb tests in the desert of the American Southwest, given that the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty came into effect in the 60s? For how long? He is. When I found the first volume of Wild Cards short stories in a youth hostel library while I was on the road, I read the whole thing in two big late-night gulps, and found myself enchanted by how the anthology refracted the whole sweep of twentieth century especially American history through the prism of the Wild Cards virus. Sometimes these refractions were glorious and goofy, like a superpowered hippy and hard-hat guy brawling through a concert in Berkekey; sometimes they were deeply tragic, like the Wild Cards iteration of the McCarthy hearings.

And kept changing, as the world changed. Wild Cards history diverges from our own in places, but circles back weirdly in others.

What do we know about this place already? What would have been going on here during the invasion? Would anyone have been affected by the war in Egypt? When did the virus hit Hong Kong, and how did the city react? And when the series delves into time travel, as in the recent anthology Low Chicago , the questions and answers grow even more tangled. Wild Cards has a strong tradition of Great Events stories spread throughout its history, of course—but all those Epic Crossovers have left their mark on the world.

Begin your day feeling grounded and inspired.

Dimensional rifts opened in central Asia! When I was given the chance to add to this universe, to create characters with which to explore the wild cards virus and its world, I wanted to build people bound in this history, rather than folks whose power might insulate them from its changes and consequences.

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Folks looking for a wheel fit for their shoulder, and sure footing to push. So I chose my little corner of the world: Jokertown in Kids here grow up with the virus and its mutations, surrounded by a society that takes one look at them and decides who and what they are: the big dumb rock guy.

The girl with snakes for fingers. The shadow.

  1. Outside Your Window: A First Book of Nature By Nicola Davies - Jump Into a Book?
  2. “Outside Your Window: A First Book of Nature” by Nicola Davies; illustrated by Mark Hearld.
  3. The Common Sense Guide to Your Childs Special Needs: When to Worry, When to Wait, What to Do!
  4. “Outside Your Window: A First Book of Nature” by Nicola Davies; illustrated by Mark Hearld.
  5. But is what the world sees in them what they want to be? Who are they, anyway?

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    I want Robin and the rest close to the ground. If your shoes are thin, you can feel the road.

    Look Outside Your Window

    They were made by it, shaped by it—which was only possible because the Wild Cards universe had a real history to make them and shape them. One day, they might find a sledgehammer—or, at least, a door. Jerusalem points the way. JUST three days ago, I wrote about the fear that now grips Israelis, how they listen for the sirens, how as the ambulances keep coming, they reach for cell phones. Frantically, they call to make sure that loved ones are all right.


    Often, they cannot get through because so many people are phoning at the same time. They try to hold the panic at bay. Even without knowing who was behind this monstrous act, you could not shake off the televised images of crowds of Palestinians -- not a handful of bloodthirsty extremists -- chanting ''God is great'' and joyously handing out candy in celebration on the streets of Nablus in the West Bank.

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    Same as when a bomb went off in Jerusalem and killed children and their mothers in a restaurant. The funerals for yesterday's victims will, you may be certain, become national events and, for many, occasions for political statements. Same as in Jerusalem. In Israel, there is no such thing as six degrees of separation. In a country that small, two degrees is more like it.

    If you don't know a bombing victim personally, you almost surely know someone who does. You may safely bet that an extraordinary number of New Yorkers will have the same relationship to someone whose life was cruelly extinguished yesterday in Lower Manhattan.