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Short about an adorable, cocoa-drinking deer who is eager to tidy and shoveling in front of his house every day. The Short Story of a Fox and a Mouse.
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I've written poetry, some fiction and some journalism. Nothing published yet. I love writing and I suppose all writing is good for me. But I have to get down to business. You're doing exactly what you should be doing to find the genre s that will sustain you. Work as much as you can in all categories of writing. Read everything, not just stuff you wish you'd written. Take notes on your reading and writing explorations.

Go to readings. Talk with other writers. It's tempting to focus on a certain genre and produce like crazy, but specializing doesn't always pay off, for the heart or the wallet. You avoid that, early on, by writing in every genre.

Advice for the Lit-Lorn -

If you are telling yourself you're a poet, write poems. Write a lot of poems. Maybe you're a novelist April 11, All or None. Which is correct, a , b , or both?

12222 Finalists

A co-worker and I like to stump each other with obscure questions on language and punctuation, and the one with more search-engine results is the winner. But for this one we're not getting a critical mass of authoritative answers online. So, over to you. Does a or b get the Geist seal of approval?

We're guessing, of course—a one- or two-line passage tells a very limited story—but both snippets are surprisingly rich in material when you're working out whether a group is acting as one or as many. We hope this helps, or at least offers more reasons to love the strength and agility of language! April 4, On the House. Does all writing always have to conform to a publisher's house style?

You mention it a lot in your posts, always with the implied commandment that the house style rules. A lot of English—particularly Canadian English—has no single universally agreed-upon rule for spelling, punctuating, capitalizing, abbreviating and otherwise presenting written material.

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So publishers pay attention, and work out their own preferences, and revise them as language changes. Writers and editors consult the house style, which keeps the innards of a publication generally consistent, which keeps readers, writers and advertisers happy. But no publisher we know would revise or even think of revising a well-written passage or literary habit for the sake of a small detail in the house style. March 28, Worked up. I must take issue with your advice to Tiana in Yarmouth see the post Intern Plus , a writer who hopes to volunteer at a publishing company for a few months.

Her idea is to learn how publishing works from the inside, meeting skilled and influential people in the business, while helping out here and there, in order to make her writing more publishable. No one in the business has enough time for comprehensive training, but we find it—for those who are keen to be publishing lifers, not for tourists. But you do! Thanks for your spine-stiffening note.

March 21, So it makes sense to get a couple of other responses first, if you can. Before you undertake any submission to anyone, we recommend that you do so only when you really cannot take the writing any further on your own. You might ask for a general evaluation or for advice on particular aspects. March 14, Weeks on end.

Please settle a bet on biweekly —does it mean twice a week, or every second week? Dictionaries vary, and our writing friendship hangs in the balance! Not only does biweekly have both meanings, but also it is three parts of speech—adjective, adverb or noun, depending on the context. The same goes for bimonthly.

Consider different wording if there is any chance that your audience will get it wrong.

March 7, Mood blah. In our view that is not a mistake, but a necessary first or third, or tenth effort to get hold of a tone, or a character, or a scene, or some other aspect of the writing that eludes you. February 28, He she it arf arf.


What's your policy on using gender pronouns when referring to animals? What are writers doing? Do you have a policy in your house style? What are your colleagues doing? What do agents and book publishers want? Both AP Associated Press Stylebook, used by news writers and other journalists and APA Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, used in scholarly and academic publishing recommend that any animal with a name should be assigned a gender pronoun.

AP recommends a name for any animal with a known gender as well. Hundreds of other scenarios are possible. We haven't enshrined this matter in the Geist house style, because there are too many variables and a lot depends on context. The practice of assigning a gender pronoun to an animal is more common every year. For some people it's simply more natural, perhaps because many more homes have pets. It's true that language shapes culture as well as responding to culture, so perhaps those people are right.

Either way, it can only be good for people to be kinder to all living things. February 21, Mission impossibly. Dear Geist,. Her hair was impossibly red, the sand was impossibly hot, they deked into the impossibly clean washroom. Not only is it nonsense, it's already overdone!

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OK, just had to get that off my impossibly hairy chest. Dear Joe,. We're impossibly grateful to you for bringing this matter to the attention of Advice for the Lit-Lorn readers. February 14, Grammar check Dear Geist,. Yes or no: Do writers have to be proficient in spelling and grammar to be any good? Dear Bad,. Anyone who is keen to write prose, poetry or any other form meant to be read is probably quite proficient in their mother tongue s just by virtue of having used those language s all their life.

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