Racial Theories in Fascist Italy (Routledge Studies in Modern European History)

Editorial Reviews. Review. Provides a new and extremely detailed exposition of the changing, Racial Theories in Fascist Italy (Routledge Studies in Modern European the complex history of Europe and development of European racism.
Table of contents

Fascism in Italian Cinema since The Legacy of the Italian Resistance. Italian Immigrant Radical Culture. Oxford Bibliographies Online Research Guide. The Thinker and the Specialist. The Antinomies of Antonio Gramsci. A History of Italian Economic Thought. Modern Architecture and its Representation in Colonial Eritrea. Legitimacy and Revolution in a Society of Masses. Women and the Reinvention of the Political. Totalitarianism and Political Religion.

In the Society of Fascists.

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Everyday Life in Fascist Venice, Gypsies in Germany and Italy, Italian Jews from Emancipation to the Racial Laws. Women and the Great War. The Fascists and the Jews of Italy. Making Sense of Anarchism. Italian Fascism and the Female Body. Aesthetic Modernism and Masculinity in Fascist Italy. Postwar Italian Art History Today. The Historiography of Transition.

Racial Theories in Fascist Italy

Race, Nation and Gender in Modern Italy. The Failure of Italian Nationhood. Negotiating Memories of Protest in Western Europe. Carlo Cattaneo and the Politics of the Risorgimento, — Encyclopedia of Contemporary Italian Culture. New Reflections on Primo Levi. Edith Bruck in the Mirror. The Transformation of Italian Communism. Italian Colonialism and Resistances to Empire, Progressive Democratic Cultures in Western Europe, — Women in Twentieth-Century Italy.

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Routledge Studies in Modern European History. This book introduces an English-speaking public to the life of Madeleine Riffaud — one of the last living leaders of the French Resistance. This book provides a comprehensive, interdisciplinary study of the multiple legacies of Francoist violence in contemporary Spain, with a special focus on the exhumations of mass graves from the Civil War and post-war era. The various contributions frame their study within a broader reflection on…. The current perception of democratic crisis in Western Europe gives a renewed urgency to a new perspective on the way democracy was reconstructed after World War II and the principles that underpinned its postwar transformation.

This study accounts for the formation of the postwar democratic order…. Edited by Stefan Couperus , Harm Kaal. This book offers a new perspective on the social history of twentieth-century Europe by investigating the ideals and ideas, the life worlds and ideologies that emerge behind the use of the concept of community. It explores a wide variety of actors, ranging from the tenants of London council estates…. Edited by Jane Costlow , Arja Rosenholm.

Racial Theories in Fascist Italy : Aaron Gillette :

Water in this context is both a cognitive and cultural construct and a geographical and…. Since the Sinai campaign, France had been Israel's ally, providing advanced weapons and granting political support and economic aid. When Charles de Gaulle returned to lead France in during the Algerian War, Israeli leadership faced a challenge to maintain the friendship in light of the…. Germany and Turkey in the s. Green space is a fundamental concept for understanding modern and contemporary urban society, shedding light not only on the ecological development of cities but also societal relations, urban governance and planning processes.

Closely linked to issues of environmental change, changing perceptions…. This book seeks to launch a new research agenda for the historiography of Dutch foreign relations during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It does so in two important ways. First, it broadens the analytical perspective to include a variety of non-state actors beyond politicians and diplomats.

Italian unification is one of the pivotal events in European history but the period leading up to Risorgimento has often been analysed in less detail. This book focuses on the history of the Italian states between and focusing on state institutions, international relations, economic and…. This book examines the ideological and socio-political discourses shaping the remembrance and representation of Britain and the Cyprus conflict of within Greek Cypriot society. By Emmanuel Dalle Mulle. In the aftermath of the First World War, the victorious powers — more or less liberal democracies — argued that democracy would bring peace to Europe because this was the only effective way for legitimate states, with governments based on the consent of the governed, to be organized.

The year has recently been identified as "a tipping point for the intensification of protests, riots, uprisings and even revolutions. Edited by Nicoleta Roman. In a world dominated by poverty, a central characteristic has been the plight of orphans and abandoned children. Over the centuries, State, Church and individuals have all attempted to tackle the issue, but can we trace any change over the course of time when it comes to the welfare system intended….

Upon its adoption in December , Soviet leaders hailed the new so-called Stalin Constitution as the most democratic in the world. Scholars have long scoffed at this claim, noting that the mass repression of — that followed rendered it a hollow document. This study does not address these…. Between the summers of and , some 5, Dutch men and women left their occupied homeland to find employment in the so-called German Occupied Eastern Territories: Belarus, the Baltic countries and….

This book examines how rural Europe as a hybrid social and natural environment emerged as a key site of local, national and international governance in the interwar years. The post-war need to secure and intensify food production, to protect contested border areas, to improve rural infrastructure….

For historians centennial commemorations furnish an excellent heuristic tool for gauging late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century attitudes towards the past and the present.

Routledge Studies in Modern European History

Centenary celebrations helped to revive, perpetuate and reinforce public perceptions of historical events and people in…. After the Second World War, the international migration regime in Europe took a course different from the global migration regime and the migration regimes in other regions of the world. From the bureaucratic and restrictive practices that prevailed in the late s in most parts of Europe, the…. By Pier Paolo Pedrini. How to persuade citizens to enlist?

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How to convince them to fight in a war which was, for many, distant in terms of kilometres as well as interest? Modern persuasion techniques, both political and commercial, were used to motivate enlistment and financial support to build a "factory of consensus". Between the s and the s rural life in Europe underwent profound changes, partly as a result of the Second World War, and partly as a result of changes which had been in progress over many years.

This book examines a range of European countries, from Scandinavia to Spain and Ireland to…. The main purpose of the book is to introduce the work of Alan S. Milward and to acknowledge the full magnitude of his scientific contribution to contemporary British and European history. The importance of oil for national military-industrial complexes appeared more clearly than ever in the Cold War.

In , German families with more than hectares acres of land were forced from their homes in the eastern sector by the Soviets, now in control of that area.

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These families were brutally evicted from their property and had their land expropriated. In the next 45 years, the GDR government…. This book takes on a global perspective to unravel the complex relationship between Imperial Germany and its diaspora. Around , German-speakers living abroad were tied into global power-political aspirations.

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  8. They were represented as outposts of a "Greater German Empire" whose ethnic links had…. This is the first scholarly work in Modern European History which elucidates consistently how border issues affect the history of nations and states in the 19th and 20th centuries. The book rethinks the Italian history of the last years from the perspective of its eastern periphery and of the…. In the aftermath of the Great War, multilateral disarmament was placed at the top of the international agenda by the Treaty of Versailles and the Covenant of the League of Nations.

    This book analyzes the naval, air and land disarmament policies of successive British governments from to ,….

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    A country of some eight-and-a-half-million people lost one million to hunger and disease and another million to emigration. According to land activist Michael Davitt, the starving made little or no…. A challenging analysis of British Foreign Policy is provided at a time when Britain possessed the biggest Empire that humankind has ever known. All British statesmen deemed it essential to maintain their…. Edited by Fernando Guirao , Frances M. Milward was a renowned historian of contemporary Europe.

    In addition to his books, as well as articles and chapters in edited books, he also wrote nearly book reviews and review articles, some in French and German, which were published in journals world-wide. Taken together they reveal…. This book develops a number of new conceptual tools to tackle some of the most hotly debated issues concerning the nature of fascism, using three profoundly different national contexts in the inter-war years as case studies: Italy, Britain and Norway.