Die Geschichte der Urologie in Dresden (German Edition)

Die Geschichte der Urologie in Dresden (German Edition). Dirk Schultheiss ( Editor), Friedrich Moll (Editor). Published by Springer (). ISBN
Table of contents

The prevalence of celiac disease in children and adolescents in Germany— results from the KiGGS study. Dtsch Arztebl Int ; The English version of this article is available online: Schuppan D, Zimmer KP: The diagnosis and treatment of celiac disease. Z Gastroenterol ; European society for pediatric gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition guidelines for the diagnosis of coeliac disease. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr ; Clinical features of celiac disease: A prospective birth cohort.

Usefulness of symptoms to screen for celiac disease.

leondumoulin.nl: Friedrich Moll: Books

Dtsch Med Wochenschr ; Aliment Pharmacol Ther ; Epidemiology and clinical presentations of celiac disease. Semin Immunopathol ; The prevalence of celiac disease in Europe: Ann Med ; Increasing incidence of celiac disease in a North American population.

Urologie in Deutschland Bilanz und Perspektiven German Edition

Am J Gastroenterol ; Mortality excess in individuals with elevated IgA anti-transglutaminase antibodies: Eur J Epidemiol ; Small-intestinal histopathology and mortality risk in celiac disease. Mucosal healing in patients with celiac disease and outcomes of pregnancy: Increased prevalence and mortality in undiagnosed celiac disease. Prevalence of metabolic bone disease in children with celiac disease is independent of symptoms at diagnosis. Coeliac disease and the risk of fractures—a general population-based cohort study.

Celiac disease and risk of adverse fetal outcome: Duration of exposure to gluten and risk for autoimmune disorders in patients with celiac disease. SIGEP study group for autoimmune disorders in celiac disease. Growth trajectories and bone mineral density in anti-tissue transglutaminase antibody-positive children: The Generation R Study. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol ; Clinical features and symptom recovery on a gluten-free diet in Canadian adults with celiac disease. Paterson, which was founded by the society, became the cradle of the revolution in America. Paterson was named for William Paterson, statesman, signer of the Constitution, architect, engineer and city planner Pierre Charles LEnfant, who had earlier developed the initial plans for Washington, D.

His plan proposed to harness the power of the Great Falls through a channel in the rock, eventually Colts system developed some problems and a scheme resembling LEnfants original plan was used after Paterson was originally formed as a township from portions of Acquackanonk Township on April 11,, Paterson became part of newly created Passaic County on February 7, It was incorporated as a city on April 14,, the city was reincorporated on March 14, In the latter half of the 19th century silk production became the dominant industry and formed the basis of Patersons most prosperous period, in Samuel Colt began producing firearms in Paterson, although within a few years he moved his business to Hartford, Connecticut.

Later in the 19th century Paterson was the site of experiments with submarines by Irish-American inventor John Philip Holland.

The city was a mecca for immigrant laborers who worked in its factories and it was defeated by the employers, with workers forced to return under pre-strike conditions. Factory workers labored long hours for low wages under dangerous conditions, the factories then moved to the South, where there were no labor unions, and still later moved overseas.

In Paterson was one of eight locations bombed by self-identified anarchists, in Paterson opened Hinchliffe Stadium, a 10, seat stadium named in honor of John V. Hinchliffe, the citys mayor at the time. Hinchliffe Stadium originally served as the site for school and professional athletic events. From the 11th century onwards, Cleves was capital of a county, today, Cleves is the capital of the district of Cleves in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia. Notably, Kleve was spelled with a c throughout its history until spelling reforms introduced in the s required that the name be spelled with a k, as of , the CDU announced ambitions to return the name to its original spelling.

The Schwanenburg, where the dukes of Cleves resided, was founded on a steep hill and it is located at the northern terminus of the Kermisdahl where it joins with the Spoykanal, which was previously an important transportation link to the Rhine. The old castle has a tower, the Schwanenturm feet high.

Medieval Kleve grew together from four parts — the Castle Schwanenburg, the village below the castle, the first city of Kleve on the Heideberg Hill, in Kleve received city rights. The local line became extinct in the line in After the Thirty Years War, in , the dispute was finally resolved with Cleves passing to the elector of Brandenburg. During the Thirty Years War the city had been under the control of the Dutch Republic and he approved a renovation of the Schwanenburg in the baroque style and commissioned the construction of extensive gardens that greatly influenced European landscape design of the 17th century.

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Significant amounts of his plan for Kleve were put into effect and have been maintained to the present. The mineral waters of Kleve and the parkland surrounding it made it a fashionable spa in the 19th century.

Hubert Frohmüller

At this time, Kleve was named Bad Cleve, Kleve has long since lost its reputation as a fashionable getaway, though tourism remains a significant factor in the local economy. Luftwaffe bombers used signals from Kleve and from another station at Stolberg to determine the exact location, the Knickebein system was eventually jammed by the British and was phased out and replaced by the higher frequency X-Gerat system using antennae located on the channel coast of France. Horrocks later said that this had been the most terrible decision I had ever taken in my life, many buildings were reconstructed, however, including most of the Schwanenburg and the Stiftskirche, the Catholic parish church.

Mayo Clinic — Mayo Clinic is a nonprofit medical practice and medical research group based in Rochester, Minnesota. It employs more than 4, physicians and scientists and 57, allied health staff, the practice specializes in treating difficult cases through tertiary care. It has been on the list of Best Companies to Work For published by Fortune magazine for thirteen consecutive years and it continued to achieve this ranking through In addition to their hospital in Rochester, the Mayo Clinic has major campuses in Arizona. The Mayo Clinic Health System also operates affiliated facilities throughout Minnesota, Wisconsin, in , William Worrall Mayo came to Rochester, Minnesota as part of his appointment as an examining surgeon for the military draft board during the American Civil War.

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The city was to his liking, and his wife and children joined him in early , William Worrall Mayo opened his medical practice after the war, and served in several leadership roles in the community. Mayos sons, William James Mayo and Charles Horace Mayo grew up in Rochester, William graduated in and joined his fathers practice, with Charles joining after he completed his training in On August 21,, a tornado struck Rochester, causing at least 37 deaths in the area, one-third of the town was destroyed, but the Mayo family escaped serious harm. Mother Alfred Moes and the Sisters of Saint Francis were called in to act as nurses despite having been trained as teachers, on September 30,, Saint Marys Hospital was opened by the Sisters.

Mayo,70 years old, was one of the physicians at the hospital. His two sons began seeing patients and performing surgeries at the hospital when they returned from school in the s. Mayo asked Augustus Stinchfield, after Stinchfield agreed, W. Mayo retired at the age of 73 and the practice continued to grow. The founders of Mayo Clinic are the Mayo brothers Will and Charlie, Stinchfield, Graham, Henry Plummer, Millet, Judd and these early founders and partners shared in the profits of the private group practice, while other staff hired by the partners were salaried.

Mayo died in and in the remaining founders, with the exception of Graham, created the Mayo Properties Association, the founders gave the Clinic properties and furnishings to this newly formed association. The integrated practice model developed primarily by Plummer, created a foundation for what would grow into the Mayo Clinic, as the private practice grew, it required additional space.

In , the planned, designed and built a new clinic building.

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This was groundbreaking work, and the first building designed to facilitate the integrated group medical practice. The air exchange rate for the building was three minutes, one intriguing innovation was the Rookwood fountain in the main lobby that was designed to clean and humidify air from the outside. Hinchliffe Stadium originally served as the site for school and professional athletic events 3. Horrocks later said that this had been the most terrible decision I had ever taken in my life, many buildings were reconstructed, however, including most of the Schwanenburg and the Stiftskirche, the Catholic parish church 4.

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Wuerzburg university lecturehall Wuerzburg university library