Transkulturelle Genderforschung: Ein Studienbuch zum Verhältnis von Kultur und Geschlecht (Geschlech

Institut für Kulturmanagement und Gender Studies (IKM). foto copyright Schweizer Jahrbuch für Kulturmanagement , spielplan. IKM/Bib. JB
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The thought model of theology begins and ends, with praxis, lived out faith. I like very much her analysis of this in the phrase: What was bread has become a stone. Praying for our political representatives or for justice and peace just that, according to her, is like praying for rain without having planted trees or stopped desertification. We have no right to expect for help from the other world without feeling actively involved in it. An Introduction to Theology, Philadelphia: International Press, pp Ibidem, p. After feeling comforted and consoled by that prayer, we can then perform the essential thing: In that way we are also endorsing the coresponsibility of the future of the Kingdom, and we send away from us the temptation of leaving for a magical God the tasks that correspond to us.

I command you, rise The strength that comes from this phrase and that we should embrace refers to God s creative strength, which creates out of nothingness. Because of Jesus example and because of the Spirit s discernment and strength we are able to respond fearless in the face of injustice, violence and environmental pollution. And she clarifies that it is about freedom for the others, not mere egocentric free will. This freedom is the secret to creativity and happiness. That is how she considers Jesus as the happiest man on earth.

Let us go across to the other side Mark 4. And the other side is always these incredible places where God is acting and revealing with words and powerful changes. Dorothee says, It is important that the Bible is not Thierry Verhelst: An Introduction to Theology, ed. As a proof of the power of God 2. As the capacity to share, with a community spirit emphasis in liberal theology 3.

As what s mine is yours; this is the meaning of life. Keeping a distance between what s mine and what s yours means death. It is Ubuntu from Africa, sumak kawsay good living of the Andean aborigines liberation theology. We are used to the miracle of the multiplication of material goods in the consumer society. Today almost everything is made in an assembly line; there is more wealth on the earth. However, it is necessary to put into practice urgently another miracle, even bigger, more difficult to make.

This is about the miracle of sharing what there is already among all of us, practicing the communion of properties. The consumption society makes the miracle of the multiplication of fish and bread on a daily basis in modern times; but paradoxically the most radical scarcity, the most incredible poverty, the most inhuman underdevelopment, the most brutal ignorance, the most absolute lack of education increase every day.

Only a few benefit from the miracle of the multiplication of consumer goods, those who are used to make a profit and get rich to the detriment of the vast majority of those who inhabit the planet Earth. It is not so much about multiplying but about dividing. At least this is the way that Jesus teaches in the story of the so called multiplication of bread, because the word multiplication does not appear there. The situation of those people was similar to that of many human beings today: Send the multitude away, that they may go into the towns and country round about, and lodge, and get victuals: Luke 9,12,ss The greatest part of humanity is in a desert place lacking the most vital needs: Unexpectedly, Jesus invites his disciples to make the miracle: Give ye them to eat.

And since they thought that the miracle consisted in multiplying food, they reply, We have no more but five loaves and two fishes; except we should go and buy meat for all this people they were about five thousand people. So their solution to solve the problem is enviable: But Jesus tries to show that buying is not the way. Make them sit down by fifties in a company, and they did so, and made them all sit down 10 Idem, p.

Taking the five loaves of bread, he blessed them, and gave them to the disciples to set before the multitude. Jesus does not buy or multiply, but divides up and shares. Perhaps this is the way to come out of this dead end alley where humans have put themselves into. Dividing up the bread among all, women, men and children, breaking to share, that was, thanks God, the technique by which he managed to multiply.

Along with this, this is the symbol of Eucharist: For Dorothee, instead of the Word of God, she prefers the praxis of Jesus. The Bible from the perspective of the poor in liberation theology is a piece of bread that nurtures them. Intercultural Reading of the Bible Dorothee surprises me when I read her books and discover how she was ahead of her time; how she left in each word beads of wisdom illuminating the difficult paths we are traveling.

I have dared to call her theology as opening path theology. In the words of Spanish poet Antonio Machado, caminante no hay camino, se hace camino al andar traveler there is no way; way leads unto way.

That is path theology. She discovered a new path to understand sin in the biblical story of Genesis, during one of her lessons in Nicaragua. Let s hear her voice: In I taught at a Baptist Seminary in Nicaragua. The students, male and female, some of them already pastors, had not had particularly good theological training. But when I tried to say something to them about sin, they taught me very simple and very much in accordance with scripture. While I was still speculating on selflove, power and isolation, a black woman pastor interrupted me and said: But it s quite clear.

Adam and Eve wanted to have more than others and so they ate the apple, and that is covetousness, sin is the immeasurable greed of people who wants to posses something, and everything else follows from his desire to possess. Intercultural reading of the Bible can thus signify an enormous enrichment and liberation of people from the prison of their own culture of context.

It is in fact astonishing how one and the same biblical story can be read in different ways. She affirms, Now that God is, for me, no longer imprisoned in images of rules, King, and father, I want to reconcile my faith in Christ with my new understanding of God the Creator. Creation must be seen in a spirit of interpersonal relationships; we cannot exist without the others.

The central element of creation if love. So we have to learn to interpret the world, assuming that everything is interrelated, everything is interdependent, and all the evil we cause will forcefully turn against us. The key intuition of ecofeminism is similar: We are part of a tissue which is part of this frail fabric which we call Earth.

At the same time we have to look for a more holistic cosmovision that recognizes and celebrates the fabric of life. There is no Other, whether woman or man; I am the Other. In a familiar and simple story at home Dorothee expressed that: The most important question for an ecological theology seems to me to be how we can express trust in the creator God and reverence for creation in our lives. The important thing is to love creation, to train oneself and one s children to be aware of creation.

With my small two-year-old grandson I have planted bulbs in the earth; I have explained to him that now winter is coming and first the flowers have to sleep, and also that the earthworms now no longer come far enough up for us to be able to see them. To Work and to Love: Fortress Press, p Ibidem, p. Thinking of and naming God from a feminist reality and experience is a passionate task for women dedicated to doing theology in a community of faith that has been thinking and naming God for more than twenty centuries under determined concepts and with an exclusively masculine and kiriopatriarchal language.

Dorothee was a missionary woman, a missionary committed to the cause of women and of the poor. When she died she left for us a profoundly kenotic theology, practically snatched from the dumping places where she found the poor, which made her feel an incarnate and poor God. She knew about God in the midst of human suffering and from this position she lived the experience and explained it theologically; translating the theology learned at the university and taught in New York into simple words coming from everyday experience and from the tragedy of crucified human beings of the peoples of Central America.

Her work is disquieting. Her book Reflections about God entails a whole theological treaty written from a feminist perspective. The first thing she poses is, To talk about God! I want to do it, but I always fail! It is about failing to speak about God in words that do not reach out to people. Who is God for a young father who is unemployed? For an undocumented immigrant of dark skin? For a woman who dedicates to prostitution? For an entrepreneur swollen by money and power? Or for a peasant with no land in any of the so called Third World countries? We can only speak of God when we speak to God.

It is not about a pious and scholastic language; God is not the father who fixes everything. Some believers have not overcome this childish way of imagining God. The God of Jesus Christ is powerless, little and weak, irrelevant for the vast majority of people. That is why for her, feminist theology has as an undeniable mission: She will say, We need a language that can say more than what can be justified empirically. Otherwise we turn God into an idol. Perhaps for this reason feminist theology is today the clearest expression of the struggle against patriarchal ideology, for love to the greatest Deity.

For this reason the image of the father must be interpreted departing from the Kingdom of God and not the other way around. Living in this divine paternity will only be achieved when we understand that, the power of God is only a biofile when it is a This implies breaking away with idols, being iconoclast with the images of God that are oriented towards the adoration of power.

God s masculinization, intensified to extremes in Christianity, as it is expressed in the purely androcentric language is always accompanied with the male s divinization. Patriarchate in its way of speaking about God errs as to God s transcendence. This is a synthesis of the state of feminist theology in the 21 st century.

She concludes by affirming that in theology, what we are lacking are not images of God, but a memorable experience of God. We will have to learn from God to speak not only of the Father who is mightiest, but of the Mother who suffers about everything, who sustains everything, because she has no more power than her immense compassion. God would not be able to comfort us if he were not part of our pain. This is the expression of a new political theology of a feminist perspective.

This theology of life is based on understanding sharing and mutuality. Mutuality, according to Dorothee, is one of the most important categories of the new political theology that must be understood as theology of life ; it is the key to understanding the truth about the world, the human being and Creation. And life is in the streets, in the houses, in the relationships we create, in the wars we avoid, and in the dignity which is claimed for all and every human being and for the whole creation.

Pensar y nombrar a Dios en perspectiva feminista, en: Was erreicht ist - was noch aussteht. Feministische Theologie und Gender-Forschung. Bilanz, Perspektiven, Akzente, Leipzig,, pp. These are her ideas in her book The Silent Cry. I understand that for this author mysticism is linked to what is authentically human; that is, she is not comfortable with the current situation of humanity.

For the service to our neighbor we must have the necessary spiritual strength, and mysticism is one of these forms of spirituality. On the other hand, Monsignor Oscar Arnulfo Romero, Salvadorian Catholic priest and Metropolitan Archbishop of San Salvador, always spoke of the open-eyed mystic, because contemplating God is following him, and what we have acquired through contemplation must be shared in love. In The Window of Vulnerability Dorothee points out that, The impoverishment of the majority of the world population, the destruction of nature, and the most gigantic militarism of all time at any rate, exciting a growing resistance every man and every woman who opposes the basic tendencies listed above, even in the most harmless form, such as a signature on a petition or participation in a legitimate and publicly registered demonstration, is putting him or herself in danger today.

Some examples of this situation are the protests and of university students in Chile and abuse by the police because they are claiming for an education for all, with affordable fees for Chilean families; and the Occupy movements in Europe and the United States, which has occupied squares and streets expressing their concerns for unemployment and economic anguish that sends families into the streets and individuals into suicide.

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Meanwhile the press informs that Germany maintains a stable and secure economy. Maybe Dorothee would ask today, why? Is it because Germany is demanding too much of the countries that conform the European Union so that she keeps German economy stable and sound? The Window of Vulnerability: We are also very much concerned about the conflict in the Korean peninsula, the possible intervention of the Northern countries and the difficult situation in the Middle East.

In the path of our faith we suffer the vulnerability which Dorothee speaks about when she states, We want peace, not security, following Mahatma Gandhi s words: There is no way towards peace; peace is the way. Seen in this light, genuine peace should include reconciliation among those who are in conflict, not their militarization; and of course, grater justice in economic relations among the poor and the rich. Dorothee s mysticism and spirituality are based on what she calls a preferential option for life as a predilection for life on the face of death.

The one way journey is an old image that Dorothee uses to denominate the experiences of the soul on its way to itself. Christian faith stresses the way back into the world and its responsibilities. But it needs a deeper awareness than that reached through action. She wants to express the night she is going through; and she discovers the mystics. Therefore, she evokes Prophet Elias experience of failure, his escape from Jezebel 1K Exhausted, Elias seeks death under a juniper tree.

Strengthened by the angel of God who brings him food, he continues in his journey for forty days and forty nights. He heard a voice calling him from outside the cave where he was sleeping during the night. He ends up seeing God, not in spectacular phenomena like a storm, an earthquake or fire, but in the soft whisper of the breeze. Elias has to leave behind his ideas about God. He discovers an inner God, no longer terrifying and completely exterior.

However, this inner God does not invite him to stay in ecstasy; he sends him out into the world, to continue his prophetic work. It is about making God s cause our cause. It is a passionate impulse. Let s follow the mystics who penetrated the night and came out transformed. It is convenient, as Elias, to go far away, to live grief intensely assuming our failures, and then take back the Origin of life.

Such return to the ineffable Origin goes, according to her, through an immersion in the unconscious symbolically evoked in the history of Elias because of his dream in a cave the real matrix. The Enlightenment people and the current progressive people ignored this regressive movement. They only valued progress.

As Elias had to abandon the idea he had about God, we are called to abandon our own convictions, particularly that of an Almighty God, an untenable representation after Auschwitz. She insists that we should also leave behind the idea that we have of the world; not to run away from it, but to inhabit it in a different way as prophets.

It is vital that after departing, we should lose all our certainties; we should feel the experience of failure and suffering; we should renounce our little I: Renouncing the world in a kenosis 21 movement, so that we may commit again: Her ideals were a guiding light in the service of Christian thinking, posing the central issue: Spirituality joyfully lived in communion with the latter is the key to credibility of faith that we profess and in whose service we have entrusted our lives. In the 10 th anniversary of her death, we dedicate these words as an homage and remembrance of the dignified German theologian and pacifist.

I will conclude my presentation with her Creed for Secular Times. I believe in Jesus Christ Who as one man he could do nothing We also feel that way.

Inspirationen für eine Theologie des Lebens

He who fought for everything to change And for that reason he was killed. This is a criterion to prove 20 Idem. Because we did not live as he lived. We even fear each day That his death was in vain, Because we buried him in our temples And betrayed his revolution, Fearful and submissive before the powerful of the world. Credo para el tiempo secular, en: They form the International Council of the 13 indigenous grandmothers from five continents Schaeffer The Condor and the Eagle: A long time ago, North America and South America were only one land.

But a great earthquake completely split the two continents, and separated their people forcing them to take different ways. The way of the people from South America, so called the Condor People, represents the heart, intuition and mysticism. The people of North America depend on their brains, on their rational mind and on the material worlds.

The prophesy stated that at the end of the 15th century both ways would merge together and the eagle would practically eliminate the condor. Five hundred years later, a new era would begin, in which the condor and the Eagle would have the chance of meeting again and flying together. Mother Earth teaches us how to do this, the forest also teaches us how to do it.

The grandmothers know that both people need each other. The Eagle People have developed an extraordinary intelligence that has contributed to the creation of the modern world, but they have done it at the expense of the heart. The condor people, the indigenous people have developed great wisdom that comes from the heart, due to their intimate relationship with nature; but from the material point of view they have been impoverished.

The grandmothers say that both, the condor and the eagle have a lot to teach each other. The whitehead eagle from North America has been nearly in extinction and continues being endangered. The condor has been able to survive. It was always bigger than the eagle, with more powerful sight and having old wisdom and knowledge. Our prayers include the whole world, all the countries.

Many of these changes will depend on women. We are multimodels, we can carry a baby son or daughter, we can make food, plant in the fields, and shoo the cat out of the house. Nations will go ahead unless women s hearts are burried in the earth. The principles of equity and Justice for all are a crucial aspect to transform the world economic system and build on pacific coexistence. All recent political events around the world prove that there will be neither peace nor justice. An important theological element is to assert that the God we believe in, the God that serves, is a God of abundance, not of scarcity.

God has created in his divine grace for the needs of all people, and not for the greed of humanity. It is interesting to analyze how this principle of enough is permeating biblical and theological reflection in our regions. In we celebrated a meeting in Jamaica that had been called by the World communion of Reformed Churches to discuss the theme Power to endure and courage to hope.

The mandate that it is impossible to serve God and money is sometimes difficult to apply because it seems that people are only in the service of money, transforming the economy of enough in an economy of survival of the most vulnerable, which benefits only those who transform economic systems for their own benefit. Edited by Patricia Sheerattan-Bisnauth.

Day and John B. Cobb Jr For the Common Good: Economy comes from the word chrematistics. These writers establish a difference between chrematistics and economy or more precisely, oikonomy, that is the term used by Yvette. Daly and Cobb propose the difference between Chrematistics and oikonomy. Chrematistics is the art of accumulating wealth and oikonomy is the art of managing a house or estate. Thus chrematistics comes from the Greek word that means thing even though it can be used also as money; it is the art of accumulating things.

But oikonomy comes from the noun, house; and in Greek it means family, building or estate where the family resides. This term is a derivation of the verbal root that means to distribute. It can be used for the distribution of food. Jorge Pixley points out that, Daly and Cobb make a distinction between Chrematistics and oikonomy due to three characteristics: This can be summarized by saying that whereas for oikonomy there is such a thing as enough, for chrematistics the more is the best; that is, there are no limits for growth.

Any person with a relative degree of education will recognize today that the current economic science is purely chrematistics. In this document the emphasis is laid on the search for good life, that quality of life which we all long for and which cannot be based on a competitive search for possessions, the accumulation of riches, the making of weapons for our 3 Pixley Jorge, Un llamado desde la Biblia: We affirm the good life as expressed by the Quechua language Sumak Kawsay ; and the concept Waniambi a Tobati Engros from West Papua in the Pacific, moderated by the commission of the Trinity in kind relations of mutuality, shared sisterhood, reciprocity, justice and love.

The good life or common welfare is not found in the Bible as individual abundance; but always the blessing for the people, a collective blessing. When we read the attempt of the people of God in the middle of the desert, the divine order not to take more than enough is present in Exodus According to this narrative, here we find a call against the desire to accumulate, thus recognizing the limits of the possessions needed for good living. Now therefore perform the doing of it; that as there was a readiness to will, so there may be a performance also out of that which ye have Corinthians 8: When we read the Lord s Prayer we remember the biblical passage of manna in the desert and the generous gifts of God to his people.

Luther stated in his Small Catechism, What do we understand by our daily bread? Everything that is part of what we eat and sustaining our body, like eating, drinking, wearing dress and shoes; the house and house chores; the fields, cattle, money, possessions; a beautiful wife, good children, good friends, faithful neighbors and similar things.

In this way Luther extends the biblical concept of our daily bread. Nevertheless bread should be shared. Asking for bread is not an individual petition. It is about our bread, the necessary bread to live. So asking for bread has a social and community dimension. Asking for bread implies an ethics of sharing. The believer is called not to accumulate, not to be controlled by greed, but by the practice of justice. Therefore the economy of God is a concept deeply rooted in the biblical texts, signifying by this God s righteous interest in transforming the world into a house, a family, a community, where its residents may find life in abundance offered by Jesus Christ.

Indirect magnetic resonance MR arthrography is a non-invasive method for shoulder imaging. However, there are no studies that have examined the diagnostic performance of indirect MR arthrography for the diagnosis of rotator cuff tears in a large patient population.

Judith Butler - Sex und Gender, Genderforschung / von Dr. Christian Weilmeier

To assess the diagnostic performance of indirect fast spin-echo FSE MR arthrography for the diagnosis of rotator cuff tears at 3. A total of patients who had undergone indirect shoulder MR arthrography followed by arthroscopic surgery were enrolled in this retrospective study. Usefulness of MR arthrography of the hip with leg traction in the evaluation of ligamentum teres injuries. To retrospectively evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of magnetic resonance MR arthrography of the hip with leg traction in the evaluation of ligamentum teres lesions and to evaluate whether there is increased articular distraction, possibly indicating secondary instability, in hips with ligamentum teres injuries.

Institutional review board approval and informed consent were obtained for this retrospective study. MR arthrograms of the hip with leg traction of consecutive patients, including men mean age, The MR arthrographic findings were independently assessed by two radiologists who were blinded to the arthroscopic results. The inclusion criteria stipulated no previous surgery, arthroscopy within 1 month after MR arthrography , and availability of a detailed surgical report with ligamentum teres findings.

The arthroscopy findings served as the reference standard. Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and K statistics for interobserver and intraobserver agreement were calculated. At arthroscopy, 32 ligamentum teres injuries were found. The ligamentum teres was normal in Articular distraction was significantly increased in patients with complete ruptures of the. Usefulness of sono-guided needle puncture for MR arthrography of the shoulder. To evaluate the usefulness of sono-guided needle puncture for MR arthrography of the shoulder to locate the path of access and to control the correct placement of the needle into the shoulder.

Fifteen patients with suspicion of shoulder pathology were included in this study. Patients were laid in supine positions with the arm extended and slightly abducted, the palm of the hand facing upward. A sonographic unit with a high resolution transducer with 7.

Axial images in the anterior aspect of the shoulder were obtained to localize the coracoid process and the anteromedical portion of the humerus. Using an aseptic technique, a guage needle was advanced into the shoulder joint under ultrasonographic guidance. When the needle made contract with the articular cartilage of the humeral head, the needle was tiled to position is point in the articular cavity.

The intra-articular position of the needle and the compete distension of the shoulder joint were again confirmed by sonography. The needle was accurately placed in 14 out of 15 patients without damage to neighboring structures. It took 10 to 15 minutes to complete the procedure in 14 patients. No side effects attributable to gadopentetate dimeglumine were found. Sono-guided needle puncture for the shoulder MR arthrography can be a substitutable method for fluoroscopic guidance, with easy access, advantages of lacking radiation hazard and eliminating the need for iodized contrast agents.

We assessed the diagnostic performance of magnetic resonance MR arthrography in the diagnosis of articular-sided partial-thickness and full-thickness rotator cuff tears in a large symptomatic population. MR arthrograms obtained in patients including a study group of patients with rotator cuff tears proved by arthroscopy and a control group of patients with arthroscopically intact rotator cuff tendons were reviewed in random order.

MR arthrograms were analyzed by two radiologists in consensus for articular-sided partial-thickness and full-thickness tears of the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and subscapularis tendons. At arthroscopy, rotator cuff tears were diagnosed, including partial-thickness 93 supraspinatus, nine infraspinatus, three subscapularis and 92 full-thickness 43 supraspinatus, 20 infraspinatus, 29 subscapularis tendon tears. MR arthrography is highly accurate in the diagnosis of full-thickness rotator cuff tears and is accurate in the diagnosis of articular-sided partial-thickness tears.

Limitations in the diagnosis of partial-thickness tears are mainly restricted to small articular-sided tears Ellman grade 1 due to difficulties in differentiation between fiber tearing, tendinitis, synovitic changes, and superficial fraying at tendon margins. Comparison of three dimensional isotropic and two dimensional conventional indirect MR arthrography for the diagnosis of rotator cuff tears. To compare the accuracy between a three-dimensional 3D indirect isotropic T1-weighted fast spin-echo FSE magnetic resonance MR arthrography and a conventional two-dimensional 2D T1-weighted sequences of indirect MR arthrography for diagnosing rotator cuff tears.

The study was approved by our Institutional Review Board. In total, patients who had undergone indirect shoulder MR arthrography followed by arthroscopic surgery for shoulders were included in this study. Two radiologists evaluated the images for the presence of full- or partial-thickness tears in the supraspinatus-infraspinatus SSP-ISP tendons and tears in the subscapularis SSC tendons. Using the arthroscopic findings as the reference standard, the diagnostic performances of both methods were analyzed by the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve AUC.

There was no significant difference between the AUC values of the 2D and 3D sequences in either reader for either type of tear. The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of traction during MR arthrography of the wrist on joint space widening, cartilage visibility, and detection of tears of the triangular fibrocartilage complex TFCC and intrinsic ligaments. A prospective study included 40 wrists in 39 patients 25 men, 14 women; mean age, 35 years.

Two radiologists independently measured wrist and carpal joint space widths and semiquantitatively graded articular cartilage visibility. Using conventional arthrography as the reference standard and working in consensus, they assessed for the presence of tears of the TFCC, lunotriquetral ligament LTL , and scapholunate ligament SLL. Visibility of a tear before traction was compared with visibility after traction. With traction, all joint spaces in the wrist and carpus were significantly widened change, 0.

The results favor more widespread use of traction during MR arthrography of the wrist. Is a single direct MR arthrography series in ABER position as accurate in detecting anteroinferior labroligamentous lesions as conventional MR arthography? The purpose of this study is to retrospectively compare accuracy of single magnetic resonance MR arthrography series in Abduction External Rotation ABER with conventional MR arthrography for detection and characterisation of anteroinferior labroligamentous lesions, with arthroscopy as reference standard.

Inter-observer variability of both protocols was determined. MR arthrograms, including oblique axial fat suppressed T1-weighted images in ABER position and conventional imaging directions of patients men, 80 women; mean age, 36 years , were retrospectively and independently evaluated by three reviewers. Reviewers were blinded to clinical information and arthroscopic results. Inter-observer agreement was assessed by Kappa statistics for all patients.

Ninety-two of patients underwent arthroscopy. According to arthroscopy, 45 of 92 patients had an intact anteroinferior labrum, and in 44 patients, a labroligamentous lesion eight Bankart, seven Perthes, 29 ALPSA and three lesions not otherwise specified was diagnosed. The results of a single MR arthrography series in ABER position are comparable with those of conventional MR arthrography for detecting anteroinferior labroligamentous lesions.

Use of MR arthrography in detecting tears of the ligamentum teres with arthroscopic correlation. To demonstrate the normal appearance of the ligamentum teres on MR arthrography MRA and evaluate the accuracy of MRA in detecting ligamentum teres tears with arthroscopic correlation.

Institutional Review Board approval was obtained with a waiver for informed consent because of the retrospective study design. Marrow edema of the fovea capitis adjacent to the ligamentum teres insertion and the presence of hip plicae were also recorded. The mean thickness and length of the ligamentum teres were 3.

MRA is an accurate method to evaluate the normal morphology and to detect tears of the ligamentum teres. Indirect wrist MR arthrography: In the wrist, to determine whether passive motion or active exercise yields a better indirect MR arthrographic effect following intravenous gadolinium administration. Twenty-six consecutive patients were studied by indirect wrist MR arthrography.

In half active exercise and in half passive motion was performed. Four regions of interest were studied including the distal radioulnar joint, the radiocarpal joint, the midcarpal joint, and the triangular fibrocartilage. Ranges and means of signal intensity were calculated. Surgical follow-up was performed in 22 patients. The joint fluid intensity was greatest in the distal radioulnar joint. Fluid signal intensity was greater and more consistent in the passive motion group although the results did not achieve statistical significance. Active exercise and passive motion yield similar degrees of wrist arthrographic effect, but the effect of passive motion is somewhat more consistent.

Preliminary data show good accuracy for internal derangements. Diagnosis of superior labral lesions: To prospectively compare the accuracy of noncontrast magnetic resonance imaging MRI with indirect MR arthrography I-MRa of unexercised shoulders for diagnosis of superior glenoid labral lesions. Institutional Review Board approval and patient informed consent were obtained for this prospective study. Superior labral findings on shoulder MRI and unexercised I-MRa studies of patients were correlated with findings at arthroscopic shoulder surgery.

Two musculoskeletal radiologists independently reviewed the two sets of MR images while blinded to arthroscopic results. For each radiologist, the McNemar test was used to detect statistically significant differences between techniques. The superior labrum was intact in 24 and abnormal in 80 subjects. However, the diagnostic value of I-MRa in shoulders remaining at rest is potentially limited by decreased specificity of the technique.

Ultrasound-guided intraarticular injection for MR arthrography of the shoulder. Indirect MR-arthrography in osteochondral autograft and crushed bone graft with a collagen membrane-Correlation with histology. To analyze the spectrum of findings in indirect MR-arthrography following osteochondral autograft transfer system OATS and crushed bone graft using a magnetic resonance imaging MRI scoring and grading system in relation to histology as the standard of reference.

Gd-DTPA administration and passive joint exercise. The repair tissue was evaluated by two independent radiologists. The MR findings were compared to histology. After crushed bone graft, we found an irregular structure and significant contrast uptake, consistent with remnants of bone grafts surrounded by inflammatory tissue. Indirect MR-arthrography is an accurate, non-invasive monitoring tool following OATS and crushed bone graft as the MRI scoring and grading system allows a reliable evaluation of normal and pathological osteochondral repair with a high histologic correlation.

Comparison of shoulder positions at MR arthrography: To compare the neutral, internal, and external rotation positions of the glenohumeral joint during magnetic resonance MR arthrography performed to assess changes in the shape of the labroligamentous complex LLC and in the labral tear. MR arthrography of the shoulder was retrospectively evaluated in 36 patients aged mean, 40 years. Axial fat-suppressed T1-weighted spin-echo images were acquired with each shoulder in the neutral position, and with internal and external rotations.

In each position, we measured the angle of rotation between the perpendicular line on the glenoid fossa and the long axis of the humeral head, analyzing the relationship between the rotational angle and changes in the shape of the LLC at each internal and external rotation, relative to the neutral position.

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In addition, labral tears in 14 arthroscopically confirmed joints were evaluated in each position. Mean angles of rotation relative to the neutral position were Changes in the anterior LLC occurred in 25 and 24 cases of internal and external rotation, respectively. There was a significantly meaningful relationship between rotational angle and changes in the shape of the anterior LLC during external rotation, and when this changes was noticed, the rotational angle was wider p Indirect MR arthrography of the wrist in the diagnosis of TFCC-lesions.

The images were evaluated by two radiologists using a consensus score. The lesions were assigned to the system of Palmer and correlated with arthroscopy. This means three false positive but no false negative assessments by MRI. Small degenerative changes of the fibres were most common Palmer type IIA. In trauma patients the ligaments usually showed tears near the insertion at the ulna Palmer type IB.

Therefore, it is an excellent screening procedure to assess the indication for therapeutic arthroscopy. Long head of the biceps brachii tendon: MR images were independently reviewed by two blinded musculoskeletal radiologists. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value PPV , negative predictive value NPV , and accuracy for tendinosis and tear detection were calculated. Synovial plicae of the hip: The appearance and distribution of the intra-articular plicae of the hip have been addressed in few reports in the anatomic and radiological literature.

This study aims to determine the prevalence of visible synovial hip plicae using MR arthrography and to measure the association of visible synovial hip plicae with MR arthrographic diagnosis of labral tears, femoroacetabular impingement, and osteoarthritis. Following institutional review board approval, 63 direct MR arthrographic examinations of the hip in 61 patients with a clinical history of hip pain were retrospectively reviewed by two experienced musculoskeletal radiologists in consensus.

The surgical reports and arthroscopic images of 10 patients were reviewed. Statistical analysis was performed using the Fisher's exact test. In all 63 cases at least one plica was visualized on MR-arthrographic images. There was no statistically significant association between the presence of labral tears, femoroacetabular impingement, and osteoarthritis among patients with visible labral, neck, and ligamental plicae.

The presence of intra-articular plicae was the only MR-arthrographic finding in 5 of our 63 symptomatic cases. There was no statistically significant association between the presence of labral tears, femoroacetabular impingement, and osteoarthritis and visible labral, neck, and ligamental plicae. Diagnostic performance of direct traction MR arthrography of the hip: To assess diagnostic performance of traction MR arthrography of the hip in detection and grading of chondral and labral lesions with arthroscopic comparison.

Traction technique included weight-adapted traction kg , a supporting plate for the contralateral leg, and intra-articular injection of ml local anaesthetic and contrast agent. Patients reported on neuropraxia and on pain. Two blinded readers independently assessed femoroacetabular cartilage and labrum lesions which were correlated with arthroscopy.

No procedure had to be stopped. There were no cases of neuropraxia. Traction MR arthrography safely enabled accurate detection and grading of labral and chondral lesions. Johann in Tyrol, Department of Radiology, St. Johann in Tyrol Austria. Humeral avulsion of the anterior shoulder stabilizing structures after anterior shoulder dislocation: To demonstrate the MRI findings of an anterior shoulder capsular avulsion from the humerus, with or without subscapularis rupture, after anterior dislocation or severe abduction external rotation injury.

We retrospectively reviewed the MRI and MR arthrographic examinations of seven patients who were identified at surgery with avulsion of the anterior shoulder stabilizers from the humerus.

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  • mr-arthrographie der schulter: Topics by
  • The Witches of Santa Anna (Books 8-13) (The Witches of Santa Anna Bundle Book 2)?
  • .

MRI was correlated with clinical history and surgical results. MR arthrography additionally found extravasation of contrast through the capsular defect two patients. Our findings suggest that MRI is helpful for diagnosing humeral avulsion of the anterior glenohumeral capsule, especially when a tear of the subscapularis tendon insertion is present.

MR arthrography may be of benefit for diagnosing capsular avulsion without associated subscapularis tendon abnormality. Inter- and intraobserver variability of MR arthrography in the detection and classification of superior labral anterior posterior SLAP lesions: The purpose of this study was to determine inter- and intraobserver variability of MR arthrography of the shoulder in the detection and classification of superior labral anterior posterior SLAP lesions.

MR arthrograms of 78 patients who underwent MR arthrography before arthroscopy were retrospectively analysed by three blinded readers for the presence and type of SLAP lesions. MR arthrograms were reviewed twice by each reader with a time interval of 4 months between the two readings. Arthroscopy confirmed 48 SLAP lesions: MR arthrographic and arthroscopic grading were concurrent for In addition, SLAP lesions can be diagnosed and classified with substantial to excellent inter- and intraobserver agreement.

MR arthrography in chondromalacia patellae diagnosis on a low-field open magnet system. Forty-two patients 50 knees with pain in the anterior part of the knee were prospectively examined with LFOMS, including T1-weighted, proton density-weighted and T2-weighted sequences.

All were also examined T1-weighted MRI after intraarticular injection of dilue gadopentetate dimeglumine. Two observers, who reached a consensus interpretation, evaluated each imaging technique independently. Thirty-six of the 50 facets examined had chondromalacia shown by arthroscopy, which was used as the standard of reference. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of each imaging technique in the diagnosis of each stage of CP were determined and compared by using the McNemar two-tailed analysis.

Arthroscopy showed that 16 facets were normal. MRA again showed these findings in all eight patients. All imaging techniques were insensitive to grade 1 lesions and highly sensitive to grade 4 lesion, so that no. Optimizing pulse sequence protocols for the evaluation of cartilage and labrum. Box Qatar ; and others. To compare axial T1weighted fat-saturated T1w fs and T1w non-fs sequences, and coronal T1w-fs and T2w-fs sequences, for evaluation of cartilage and labrum using CT arthrography CTA as the reference. Cartilage was assessed for superficial and full thickness focal and diffuse damage.

CTA images were read for the same features. When comparing axial sequences, the diagnostic performance for cartilage lesion detection on T1w non-fs was For labral assessment, it was Comparing coronal sequences, diagnostic performance for cartilage was For the labrum it was Axial T1w fs and T1w non-fs sequences are comparable in their ability to diagnose cartilage and labral lesions.

Coronal T1w fs sequence offers slightly higher sensitivity but slightly lower specificity than T2w fs sequence for diagnosis of cartilage and labral lesions. Comparison with 3T MR Arthrography. A total of 33 patients underwent both MR arthrography and 3D isovoxel imaging of the wrist joints using 3T MR, including 11 patients with arthroscopic confirmation. One radiologist evaluated for the presence of scapholunate or lunotriquetral ligament tear and she determined the grade of the triangular fibrocartilage complex tear and chondromalacia with its location.

We compared the two examinations using kappa values. For the eleven cases that underwent arthroscopy, their results of 3D isovoxel MRI were also similar to that of MR arthrography. The clinical and radiological importance of extraarticular contrast material leakage into adjacent synovial compartments on ankle MR arthrography in patients with OCD and anterolateral impingement. To evaluate the tibiotalar joint capacity and the localisation, frequency and amount of extravasation in patients with extraarticular contrast material leakage into adjacent synovial compartments on ankle magnetic resonance MR arthrography.

Sites of extravasation were determined in the ankle MR arthrograms of 69 patients. Thirty-four patients without extraarticular contrast material leakage into locations unrelated to the injection path were included as a control group. Volumetric measurements of extraarticular contrast material leakage and the tibiotalar joint capacity were performed on a three dimensional 3D volume measurement workstation. Extravasation of contrast material occurred through the anterior, posterior, and anterolateral recesses of the tibiotalar joint.

The most common site of extravasation was along the flexor hallucis longus tendon synovium Connections between the ankle joint and neighboring synovial compartments can decrease the diagnostic value of ankle MR arthrography examinations due to inadequate joint distention. Iodine contrast medium and gadolinium were injected into the distal radioulnar and midcarpal joints. Comparison between conventional MR arthrograhphy and abduction and external rotation MR arthrography in revealing tears of the antero-inferior glenoid labrum. To compare, in terms of their demonstration of tears of the anterior glenoid labrum, oblique axial MR arthrography obtained with the patient's shoulder in the abduction and external rotation ABER position, with conventional axial MR arthrography obtained with the patient's arm in the neutral position.

MR arthrography of the shoulder, including additional oblique axial sequences with the patient in the ABER position, was performed in 30 patients with a clinical history of recurrent anterior shoulder dislocation. The degree of anterior glenoid labral tear or defect was evaluated in both the conventional axial and the ABER position by two radiologists.

Decisions were reached by consensus, and a three-point scale was used: The scores for each imaging sequence were averaged and to compare conventional axial and ABER position scans, Student's t test was performed. Three whose axial scan was grade 1 showed only equivocal evidence of tearing, but their ABER-position scan, in which a contrast material-filled gap between the labrum and the glenoid rim was present, was grade 3. The average grade was 2. The difference between axial and ABER-position scans was statistically significant p MR arthrography with the patient's shoulder in the ABER position is more efficient than conventional axial scanning in revealing the degree of tear or defect of the anterior glenoid labrum.

When equivocal features are seen at. Detection and staging of chondromalacia patellae: Chondromalacia patellae is a condition characterized by softening, fraying, and ulceration of patellar articular cartilage. We compare the sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of conventional MR imaging, MR arthrography , and CT arthrography in detecting and staging this abnormality. All were also examined with T1-weighted MR imaging after intraarticular injection of dilute gadopentetate dimeglumine and with double-contrast CT arthrography.

Each imaging technique was evaluated independently by two observers, who reached a consensus interpretation. The signal characteristics of cartilage on MR images and contour abnormalities noted with all imaging techniques were evaluated and graded according to a modification of the classification of Shahriaree. Twenty-six of the 54 facets examined had chondromalacia shown by arthroscopy, which was used as the standard of reference.

The sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of each imaging technique in the diagnosis of each stage of chondromalacia patellae were determined and compared by using the McNemar two-tailed analysis. Arthroscopy showed that 28 facets were normal. Prevalence of the acetabular sublabral sulcus at MR arthrography in patients under 17 years of age: To retrospectively determine characteristics of contrast-filled acetabular labral clefts in patients under the age of 17 years at MR arthrography Mra correlated with arthroscopy, which may impact the thinking regarding the existence of a sublabral sulcus.

The following observations of contrast-filled clefts were assessed: Fisher's exact and the Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-rank test were performed. Interreader agreement was calculated with Cohen's k. None of the clefts fulfilled the criteria for a sublabral sulcus at MRa and arthroscopy. None of the clefts found in our subjects under the age of 17 years met the MRa and arthroscopy criteria for a sublabral sulcus, which supports the theory that such clefts represent labral tears. MR arthrography including abduction and external rotation images in the assessment of atraumatic multidirectional instability of the shoulder.

Anterosuperior herniation of the rotator interval RI capsule and glenoid version were determined on standard imaging planes. A positive triangle sign was significantly associated with decentring of the HH. Measurements of RI herniation, RI width and glenoid were not significantly different between both groups. Combined assessment of redundancy signs on ABER position MR-A allows for accurate differentiation between patients with atraumatic MDI and patients with clinically stable shoulders; measurements on standard imaging planes appear inappropriate.

Comparison between evaluations of the glenoid concavity by double oblique axial MR arthrography and clinical results in arthroscopic bankart repair. The purpose of this study was to compare the findings obtained in the glenoid concavity by double oblique axial MR arthrography DOA-MRA and the clinical outcome after arthroscopic Bankart repair. The results in 57 shoulders of 50 patients who underwent arthroscopic Bankart repair were reviewed.

There were significant increases in the slope and height of all of the shoulders as a whole between the preoperative period and 3 months postoperatively, but there were no statistically significant differences in the slope or height between 3 months and 6 months postoperatively. Die im Vorhergehenden beschriebenen Aberrationen der Mm. To determine the value of applying finger trap distraction during direct MR arthrography of the wrist to assess intrinsic ligament and triangular fibrocartilage complex TFCC tears. Twenty consecutive patients were prospectively investigated by three-compartment wrist MR arthrography.

Imaging was performed with 3-T scanners using a three-dimensional isotropic 0. They evaluated the amount of contrast medium within these spaces using a four-point scale, and assessed SL, LT and TFCC tears, as well as the disruption of Gilula's carpal arcs. The application of finger trap distraction during direct wrist MR arthrography may enhance both detection and characterisation of SL and LT ligament tears by widening the SL space and increasing the amount of contrast within the SL and LT joint spaces. Value of finger trap distraction to assess intrinsic ligament and triangular fibrocartilage complex tears.

MR-imaging of anterior tibiotalar impingement syndrome: Agreement, sensitivity and specificity of MR-imaging and indirect MR-arthrography. To clarify the role of MR-imaging in the diagnosis of anterior ankle impingement syndromes. We prospectively examined 51 consecutive patients with chronic ankle pain by MR-imaging. Arthroscopy was performed in 29 patients who previously underwent non-enhanced MR-imaging; in 11 patients, indirect MR-arthrography additionally was performed. MR-examinations were correlated with clinical findings; MR and arthroscopy scores were statistically compared, agreement was measured.

Agreement of MR-imaging and arthroscopy was fair for the anterior talofibular ligament and the anterior joint cavity kappa 0. Major discrepancy was found for non-enhanced MR scans kappa 0. The sensitivity for lesions of the anterior talofibular and calcaneofibular ligament and the anterior cavity 0. MR-imaging provides additional information about the mechanics of chronic ankle impingement rather than an accurate diagnosis of this clinical entity. The method is helpful in differentiating extra- from intra-articular causes of ankle impingement.

Indirect MR-arthrography has little or no additional value in patients with ankle impingement syndrome. The aim of this study was to determine the accuracy and reliability of shoulder magnetic resonance MR arthrography with three-dimensional 3D isotropic intermediate-weighted turbo spin-echo TSE sampling perfection with application-optimised contrasts using different flip angle evolution SPACE in the diagnosis of superior labrum anterior-to-posterior SLAP lesions compared with two-dimensional 2D TSE at 3.

Sensitivity and specificity were compared using McNemar's test, and inter-observer agreement was calculated using Cohen's kappa. Receiver operating characteristic ROC curve analyses were performed. The areas under the ROC curves were 0. Articular cartilage and labral lesions of the glenohumeral joint: To evaluate the diagnostic performance of MR arthrography in the detection of articular cartilage and labral lesions of the glenohumeral joint using a transverse 3D water-excitation true fast imaging with steady-state precession FISP sequence. Seventy-five shoulders were included retrospectively.

Shoulder arthroscopy was performed within 6 months of MR arthrography. MR images were evaluated separately by two radiologists. They were blinded to clinical and arthroscopic information. Arthroscopy served as the reference standard. The kappa values for the grading of the humeral and glenoidal cartilage lesions were 0. Kappa values for true FISP evaluation of the anterior and posterior part of the labrum were 0. Transverse 3D true FISP MR arthrography images are useful for the difficult diagnosis of glenohumeral cartilage lesions and suitable for detecting labral abnormalities.

Supraspinatus tendon tears at 3. The study was HIPAA-compliant and approved by the institutional review board with a waiver of informed consent. Eighty-seven arthroscopically confirmed patients who underwent 3. There were 33 full-thickness tears and 28 partial-thickness tears of supraspinatus tendons.

Compared with 2D conventional sequences, MR arthrography using 3D TSE-SPACE was comparable for diagnosing supraspinatus tendon tears despite limitations in detecting small partial-thickness tears and in discriminating between full-thickness and deep partial-thickness tears. Intrinsic ligament and triangular fibrocartilage complex tears of the wrist: Ten cadaveric wrists of five male subjects with an average age We assessed the presence of scapholunate ligament SLL , lunotriquetral ligament LTL , and TFCC tears using a combination of conventional arthrography and arthroscopy as a gold standard.

All images were evaluated in consensus by two musculoskeletal radiologists with sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy being calculated. Membranous tears of both SLL and LTL were better visualized than dorsal or volar tears on all three imaging modalities. We carried out a retrospective analysis of MR arthrographic studies performed during a 4-year period, combined with chart analysis, which allowed identification of 78 patients in whom surgical correlation was also available.

The status of a preoperative clinical impingement test was also noted. Using an AFD value of 3. What happens to the triangular fibrocartilage complex during pronation and supination of the forearm? Analysis of its morphology and diagnostic assessment with MR arthrography. To evaluate the dynamic morphologic changes of the triangular fibrocartilage complex TFCC during pronation and supination of the forearm using high-resolution MR arthrography in cadavers and to evaluate the impact of these changes on the diagnostic assessment of the normal and abnormal TFCC.

High-resolution MR arthrography of 10 wrists of cadaveric specimens was obtained in maximum pronation, in the neutral position, and in maximum supination of the forearm. The structures of the TFCC were evaluated by two musculoskeletal radiologists and correlated with anatomic sections. The position of the forearm that allowed the best visualization of normal structures and lesions of the TFCC was determined.

The shape and extent of the articular disc as well as the radial portions of the radioulnar ligaments did not change with pronation and supination. The articular disc was horizontal in the neutral position and tilted more distally to align with the proximal carpal row in pronation and supination. The fibers of the ulnar part of the radioulnar ligaments ulnar attachment of the articular disc revealed the most significant changes: The ulnomeniscal homologue was largest in the neutral position and was reduced in size during pronation and supination.

The extensor carpi ulnaris tendon was centered in its groove in the neutral position and pronation. Mein zweiter Punkt ist ein allgemeinerer: Soll hier irgendeine Art von Immanenz bewahrt werden? Ich denke, dass sich in diesen Passagen wichtige Aspekte aufzeigen lassen, insbesondere mit Hinblick auf die Frage, ob Nietzsche irgendeine Art von Vorstellung oder ein Konzept der Immanenz vertritt. Gibt es die Zukunft? Und warum scheint die Zeit sich nur in eine Richtung zu bewegen.

Special policing measures in Nazi Germany required centralisation in the public health service which was mainly achieved through the Law for the Unification of Municipal and State Health Administration in The long-term aim for public health officers was now hereditary and racial welfare. Several following legal regulations contributed to the implementation of a specific national-socialist health and social policy on the basis of racial hygiene and gave immense power to the health officers.

Especially with the Law for the Prevention of Hereditarily Sick Offspring, compulsory sterilisation was legalised and resulted in about , victims up to The central force in this new system was the public health office. The most extreme variation of public health administration was launched in Thuringia , where professional powers and state authority implemented an extensive institutional machinery which managed to reinforce Nazi population policy almost to perfection.

After the invasion of western Poland the Germans built up an inhumane regime in the annexed and occupied regions, persecuted and murdered the Polish population and tried to exterminate the Jewish people. Here the health officers of the Warthegau could promote a rigorously racial dominated population policy of segregation. The mining and processing operations total uranium production more than , tonnes comprise an area of approx.

WISMUT started with a complex site investigation program to determine the degree of contamination of affected areas and an extended environmental monitoring system of the pathways was established. The overall approach follows the general rule of guiding, planning and implementation of the site specific rehabilitation projects to ensure an optimal balance between rehabilitation costs and environmental benefits while complying with the applicable laws and requirements of the permitting agencies. The WISMUT approach to remediation can be viewed as an adaptable process tailored to specific circumstances and site specific situations taking public interests into account.

Remediation solutions will be demonstrated by various site specific examples. The WISMUT decommissioning and rehabilitation project is now in its eleventh year and by middle of the year approximately half of the cleanup has been finished. A well thought out approach to water treatment and timely adjustment to changing conditions will help save water treatment costs.

Consideration of the post rehabilitation use and surveillance requirements are an integral part of the optimisation of the remedial measures. Final report of the preliminary phase. The mining in Eastern Europe, particularly in East-Germany, is a major source of pollution to the surrounding areas of the mines. With the end of the cold war the demand for uranium has drastically declined. Many of the pits have therefore been closed down or are in the process of closure such as the uranium mine in Ronneburg in Thueringen.

One major problem is the safe-making of the pits and dumps as they are highly radioactive through naturally occurring uranium and other radioactive elements. Because of the leaching process through bacteria, drainage water is very acidic, with pH-values between The water is very rich in magnesium, iron and aluminium sulfate.

Here the application of a microbial process to decontaminate acid mine drainage was investigated. Decontamination of the water includes: Sulfate-reducing bacteria seem suitable for this process. In order for such a microbial process to be economically viable a cheap and widely available electron donar has to be used eg. The work carried out reports on the isolation, characterization and physiology of sulfate-reducing methylotrophic bacteria and their suitability for a decontamination process of sulfuric acid uranium mine water.

Prostatitis - eine endlose Geschichte? Umgekehrt sieht jeder Urologe im Jahr zwischen und Patienten mit "Prostatitis". Deformation analysis of a sinkhole in Thuringia using multi-temporal multi-view stereo 3D reconstruction data. Sinkholes are a serious threat on life, personal property and infrastructure in large parts of Thuringia. Over sinkholes have been documented by the Geological Survey of Thuringia , which are caused by collapsing hollows which formed due to solution processes within the local bedrock material. However, little is known about surface processes and their dynamics at the flanks of the sinkhole once the sinkhole has shaped.

These processes are of high interest as they might lead to dangerous situations at or within the vicinity of the sinkhole. Our objective was the analysis of these deformations over time in 3D by applying terrestrial photogrammetry with a simple DSLR camera. Within this study, we performed an analysis of deformations within a sinkhole close to Bad Frankenhausen Thuringia using terrestrial photogrammetry and multi-view stereo 3D reconstruction to obtain a 3D point cloud describing the morphology of the sinkhole. This was performed for multiple data collection campaigns over a 6-month period.

It allows to apply advanced methods of point cloud difference calculation which considers the co-registration error between two point clouds for assessing the significance of the calculated difference given in meters. The multi-view stereo 3D reconstruction was performed with Agisoft Photoscan. The areas of change can mainly be detected on the flanks of the sinkhole and on an earth pillar that formed in the center of the sinkhole. Preliminary data on mantle xenoliths from the Feldstein basalt Thuringia , Germany.

Feldstein is an isolated outcrop of columnar basaltic rock nearby Themar, located 60 km south-west of Erfurt Thuringia , Germany. The Feldstein alkali basalt ca. The Feldstein alkali basalt contains peridotitic xenoliths, which were the subject of our study. Two groups of spinel peridotite xenoliths occur in the Feldstein basalt. Group A spinel peridotite 2 xenoliths is characterized by protogranular texture with typical grain size of 2 - 3 mm max 8 mm.

It consists of olivine The mg and Al content in clinopyroxene are negatively correlated following the depletion trend after variable degrees of partial melting of the same source. One of the studied samples contains clinopyroxene that does not plot on the general depletion trend but has significantly higher Al 0. The most magnesian clinopyroxene that is Ca-rich and Al-poor has REE abundances, typical for strongly depleted spinel peridotites. The group B spinel peridotites have protogranular texture mm, max 7 mm grains and some of them contain several melt pockets of basaltic composition.

Recent investigations in Thuringia , Central Germany, focus on the potential for carbon sequestration, groundwater supply and geothermal energy. We report on the results of an integrated fault-slip data analysis to characterize the geometries and kinematics of systematic fractures in contrasting basement and cover rock lithologies.

The lithostratigraphy of the area comprises locally exposed crystalline rocks and intermittently overlying Permian volcanic and clastic sedimentary rocks, together referred to as basement. A Late Permian sequence of evaporites, carbonates and shale constitutes the transition to the continuous sedimentary cover of Triassic age. These characteristic narrow deforming areas 15 km non-deforming areas suggesting localized zones of mechanical weakness, which can be confirmed by the frequent reactivation of single fault strands.

Along the major fault zones, the basement and cover contain dominant inclined to sub-vertical NW-SE-striking fractures. These fractures indicate successive normal, dextral strike-slip and reverse senses of slip, evidencing events of NNE-SSW extension and contraction. Nevertheless, fractures and fault-slip indicators are rare in the non-deforming areas, which characterizes Thuringia as a dual domain of 1 large unfractured areas and 2 narrow zones of high potential for technical applications.

Our data therefore provide a basis for estimation of slip and dilation tendency of the contrasting fractures in the basement and cover under the present-day stress field, which must be taken into account for different subsurface technical. Subjects regarding ethical questions in dental medicine are only slightly touched in the study of dental medicine or in the working regulations of the dentists' association.

However, dentists are confronted with these matters in everyday working life. The empirical study at hand collects current data regarding the ethical knowledge about dental medicine in the practical experience of dentists in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, and Thuringia. The tool used in the survey was a structured questionnaire.

Out of randomly chosen and contacted dentists from Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, and Thuringia , replied response rate: The anonymised assessment took place between June and November Dentists frequently encounter ethical questions regarding dental matters. The dentists interviewed in the study are in favour of a participative relationship between patient and dentist. Simultaneously, the patient's health is predominantly seen as the good of higher value than his or her self-determination. The dentists show competent knowledge of ethical dental subjects, although increased uncertainties could be observed in more complex situations, e.

Questions dealing with dental ethical questions do play a major role in the daily professional life of dentists. In order to further support and strengthen dentists in their individual dental ethical competence, we see a need for advanced training and further education regarding questions and problems in the area of ethics in dental medicine. Also, these topics should become a component in the curriculum of the study of dental medicine. Ausgangspunkt jedes Kapitels ist eine Fallstudie, die eine konkrete praktische Rahmenbedingung eines Unternehmens vorstellt.

Entwicklung eines kontinuierlichen Verfahrens zur enzymkatalysierten Synthese eines strukturierten Triglycerides. In der ersten Reaktionsstufe dieser zweistufigen Umesterung wird in einer Folgereaktion das Substrat Tripalmitin mit Hilfe ein Wo etwas mit den Eigenschaften von Teilchen oder von Wellen beschrieben werden kann, wo es auch Viertelwahrheiten gibt.

Quantentheorie ist zugegeben nicht einfach zu verstehen, aber sie ist ein faszinierendes intellektuelles Abenteuer. Dieser Sachcomic begleitet Ihre Entdeckungsreise auch visuell. The following article provides a systematic approach to storage libraries. Starting from an analysis of the terminology, the authors define five types of storage systems and discuss their advantages and disadvantages.

Taking the example of the planning phase of the Hessian storage library, the authors elaborate on factors which decide upon success and failure of a project on this scale. To conclude, they propose how diverging interests of different stakeholders can be evened out and how the acceptance of storage facilities can be raised.

In this study, the health care of children and adolescents in Thuringia is analysed. Results show that Additionally, the findings point out prevention potentials such as the vaccination against HPV. Applicability of geostatistical methods and optimization of data for assessing hydraulic and geological conditions as a basis for remediation measures in the Ronneburg ore mining district.

The remediation of the former Wismut mines in Thuringia has been planed and prepared since Objects of remediation are mines, tailing ponds and waste rock piles. Since more than 40 years of mining have had a great affect on the exploited aquifer, special emphasis is given to groundwater recharge so that minery-flooding is one of the conceivable remedial options. Controlled flooding supports minimising the expanded oxidation zone, which renders an immense pollutant potential, while at the same time the flooding reduces the quantity of acid mine water, that has to be treated.

One of the main tasks of modelling the flooding progress is to determine and prognosticate the wateroutlet-places. Due to the inadequacy of the database from the production period, limited accuracy of the available data and because of the inherent uncertainty of approximations used in numerical modelling, a stochastic approach is prospected.

The flooding predictions, i. In order to get a better understanding of the spatial heterogeneity of the Palaeozoic fractured rock aquifer, certain geostatistical interpolation methods are tested to achieve the best approach for describing the hydrogeological parameters in space. This work deals in detail with two selected geostatistical interpolation methods ordinary and indicator kriging and discusses their applicability and limitations including the application of the presented case. Another important target is the specification of the database and the improvement of consistency with statistical standards.

The main emphasis lies on the spatial distribution of the measured hydraulic conductivity coefficient, its estimation at non-measured places and the influence of its spatial variability on modelling results. This topic is followed by the calculation of the estimation. Theraplay - eine direktive kommunikative Spieltherapie. Verfahren zur genbasierten Diagnose eines Legasthenierisikos. Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Diagnose eines Legasthenierisikos, umfassend die Schritte: Gestaltung und Erforschung eines Mixed Reality Lernsystems.

Ueber eine Anomalie von Acromitus flagellatus Stiasny. Bloodstream infections, antibiotic resistance and the practice of blood culture sampling in Germany: Bloodstream infections are a major cause of death worldwide; blood culture BC sampling remains the most important tool for their diagnosis. Current data suggest that BC rates in German hospitals are considerably lower than recommended; this points to shortfalls in the application of microbiological analyses.

Since early and appropriate BC diagnostics are associated with reduced case fatality rates and a shorter duration of antimicrobial therapy, a multicomponent study for the improvement of BC diagnostics was developed. An electronic BC registry established for the German Federal state of Thuringia is the structural basis of this study. The registry includes individual patient data microbiological results and clinical data and institutional information for all clinically relevant positive BCs at the participating centres. First, classic result quality indicators for bloodstream infections eg, sepsis rates will be studied using Poisson regression models adjusted for institutional characteristics in order to derive relative ranks for feedback to clinical institutions.

Second, a target value will be established for the process indicator BC rate. On the basis of this target value, recommendations will be made for a given combination of institutional characteristics as a reference for future use in quality control. An interventional study aiming at the improvement of BC rates will be conducted thereafter.

On the basis of the results of a survey in the participating institutions, a targeted educational intervention will be developed. The success of the educational intervention will be measured by changes in the process indicator and the result indicators over time using a pre-post design. Findings of AlertsNet will be disseminated through public media releases and publications in peer. Entwurf, Herstellung und Charakterisierung eines mikromechanischen Quecksilbersensors.

In dieser Arbeit wird ein neuartiger Quecksilbersensor vorgestellt, mit dem die Quecksilberkonzentration in der Umgebungsluft gemessen werden kann. Der Sensor ist in Silizium-Mikromechanik aufgebaut. Grundlagen, Planung und Umsetzung eines integrierten Supply Management. Beschaffung und Supply Management werden dabei als wesentliches Bindeglied innerhalb des Managementsystems eines.

ronneburg thuringia eine: Topics by

Eine Fankultur im Medienzeitalter. What is a "genuine" psychoanalyst? Warda and Strohmayer from Thuringia were among the first German physicians who developed an interest in Freuds theory and therapeutic method around Their contributions reflect the influence of Otto Binswanger, professor of psychiatry in Jena, a representative of the "psychological direction" in psychiatry which in the beginning was relatively receptive to Freud. The paper discusses their rapprochement to, and detachment from, the Freudian school, including also the work of a third young physician: Ludwig Binswanger, Otto's nephew, who was active in Jena at the same time.

It points to certain factors contributing to the increasing rejection Freud met in academic circles which have been underrated to date: The paper describes how psychoanalysis officially abandoned the scientific standards of contemporary medicine at the Weimar congress in , at the same time as Warda and Strohmayer left the Freudian group.

Hin zu Utopia - eine empirische Spekulation. Im Ergebnis ihrer Suche kommen die Autoren zu dem Schluss: Was macht erfolgreiche Bibliothekspolitik aus? Im Ergebnis stellte sich heraus, dass Netzwerke in die Gesellschaft und die Politik von grosser Bedeutung sind. Eine kritische Revision von Theresienstadt. Eine Untersuchung des Publikums der Premiere am 6. Entwicklung von Cysteinproteaseinhibitoren - ein klassischer und ein kombinatorischer Ansatz zur Inhibitoroptimierung.

Es handelt sich hierbei um einen klassischen und einen kombinatorischen Ansatz. Eine neue Tornaria aus der Adria. This study investigates recurring headache, abdominal pain, and back pain in children and adolescents in Thuringia. Alter n — ein vielschichtiger Begriff. Die einzelnen Artikel sind zwischen 8 und 38 Seiten lang und recht schnell und einfach zu lesen. Untersuchungen zum Potential eines Verbrennungsmotors mit Druckwellenlader. Im Gegensatz zur mechanischen Aufladung verschlechtert sich jedoch mit der Abgasturbolaufladung das Ansprechverhalten. Eine neue Therapieoption bei Morbus Cushing.

Wobei die OP-Planung sich hier auf die Ablauforganisation von Operationen und ihre ressourcen- sowie terminbezogene Planung bezieht. Wilhelm Wundts Publikationen bilden wahrscheinlich das umfangreichste, zweifellos aber das vielseitigste Werk eines Psychologen. Nichts ist schneller als Licht! Einstein ist das Lieblingsgenie vieler Menschen: Von dieser Erwartung ausgehend wandte ich mich an.

Acute and chronic pancreatitis are becoming increasingly more severe diseases in the western world with far-reaching consequences for the individual patient as well as the socioeconomic situation. This article gives an overview of the contribution of radiological imaging to the diagnostics and therapy of both forms of the disease. The diagnostics should be performed with computed tomography CT or magnetic resonance imaging MRI for assessing necrosis or potential infections only in severe forms of pancreatitis. In chronic pancreatitis transabdominal ultrasound should initially be adequate for assessment of the pancreas.

For the differential diagnosis between pancreatic carcinoma and chronic pancreatitis, MRI with magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography MRCP followed by an endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration is the method of choice. For the primary diagnosis for acute and chronic pancreatitis ultrasound examination is the modality of first choice followed by radiological CT and MRI with MRCP examinations. Der Beitrag radiologischer Bildgebung zur Diagnostik und Therapie beider Erkrankungsformen soll im vorliegenden Uebersichtsbeitrag diskutiert werden. Bei der chronischen Pankreatitis genuegt zunaechst eine Beurteilung des Pankreas durch transabdominellen Ultraschall.

Entwicklungstrends bei landwirtschaftlichen Applikationen - ein Zwischenfazit. In diesem Kontext nimmt diese Arbeit eine Bestandsaufnahme und Kategorisierung nativer Applikationen mit landwirtschaftlichem Bezug vor. Corporate Venture Capital im Bankensektor: Energiemessungen bei Aspergillus niger mit Hilfe eines automatischen Mikro-Kompensations-Calorimeters.

Beschrieben wurde ein Calorimeter. Sobald die Temperatur des Kulturgefaszes ein wenig ansteigt, wird trockne Luft gepumpt durch ein mit Wasser gefulltes. Eine Stanze positiv - Operieren wir zuviel? Allerdings ist die Vorhersagbarkeit des Prostatakarzinomes hinsichtlich seines klinischen Verlaufes schwierig. Das histologische Ergebnis nach radikaler Prostatektomie bei Patienten mit nur einer einzigen positiven Stanzbiopsie wurde von uns nachuntersucht.

Radiation exposure in the former uranium mining sites in Saxony and Thuringia. What was accomplished in 20 years of decontamination? Was wurde in 20 Jahren Sanierung erreicht? Referat 54 - Natuerliche Radioaktivitaet. The residuals of uranium mining and uranium ore processing ca results in considerable radiation exposures of the general public.

The radiation protection goals will only be reached when the stability of spreading barriers in case of stored radioactive materials will be proven and the resulting radioactive concentration in aquifers and air will be faded out. The still existing radiation protection problems are summarized.

Nagelbefall kann bei Patienten mit Psoriasis auf eine Enthesiopathie hinweisen. Eine selbstkonsistente Carleman Linearisierung zur Analyse von Oszillatoren. Ein Testchip ist momentan in Produktion. Zusammenarbeit aus Sicht eines outgesourcten Instandhalters. Dauerhafter Unternehmenserfolg ist nur mit einer fortschrittlichen Instandhaltung zu erzielen.

In diesem Beitrag wird die Entwicklung der InfraServ Knapsack von einer internen Instandhaltungsabteilung hin zu einem Industriellen Dienstleister beschrieben und Aspekte der Zusammenarbeit mit externen Kunden aus der Sicht des outgesourcten Instandhalters geschildert. Only in this way can the highly efficient steroid therapy be initiated and otherwise possibly severe forms of therapy be avoided. Bildgebend und klinisch besteht eine Ueberlappung zum Pankreaskarzinom. Aufgabe der Bildgebung und weiterer Parameter wie Serologie und Histologie ist es deshalb, eine Differenzierung zwischen den beiden Erkrankungsentitaeten zu schaffen, um sie jeweils der adaequaten Therapie zuzufuehren und die geringe, aber letztlich unnoetige Anzahl an Pankreatektomien wegen einer AIP zu verhindern.

Die Diagnose der AIP ist komplex, wobei sich in den letzten Jahren die Konsensuskriterien der International Association of Pancreatology als Entscheidungsparameter vielfach durchgesetzt haben. Diese umfassen 5 Kardinalkriterien und ein therapeutisches Kriterium. Das wesentliche diagnostische Kriterium der Histologie erfordert ausreichend Material, was in der Regel durch eine endoskopische Feinnadelpunktion FNP nicht gewonnen werden kann. Fuer die Identifikation des optimalen Punktionsorts und. Manchmal bin ich selbst erstaunt, wieviel eine so kleine Gruppe bewegen kann — Motor dazu ist das wirklich intensive Interesse und die Freude an der Mitarbeit von etwas Neuem bei jedem einzelnen Mitglied der AGs Vereinbarkeit zwischen Erwerbsarbeit und Familienleben: Eine Frage der Gerechtigkeit.

Satzglieder, Kasus und semantische Rollen: Ein kurzer Blick auf das Finnische im Ein anderer Blick auf eine Struktur sozialer Ungleichheit. Rassismus und Anti-Rassismus werden nicht isoliert betrachtet, sondern als eine Dimension sozialer Ungleichheit, die in eine umfassende Theorie sozialer Ungleichheit eingebunden werden muss. Die Grundlagen der Arithmetik. Auf die Frage, was die Zahl Eins sei, oder was das Zeichen 1 bedeute, wird man meistens die Antwort erhalten: Im Abgleich mit diesen Zielvorstellungen werden Entwicklungspotentiale des Konzepts identifiziert.

Seltene Raumforderungen der Leiste in der klinischen Erscheinung inguinaler Hernien: Full Text Available Einleitung: Anamnestisch wurde vor 26 Jahren eine inguinale Varikozelektomie links vorgenommen. Intraoperativ fand sich ein Liposarkom des Samenstranges. Die klinische Erscheinung einer solchen als Leistenhernie ist bisher noch nicht beschrieben worden. Liposarkome des Samenstranges sind ebenfalls selten. Unserer Meinung nach ist ein botanisches Lexikon einer bestimmten Region, einmal bekannt, nicht nur ein Thesaurus, aber auch Spread and control of blackgrass Alopecurus myosuroides according to an increasing occurrence of resistance - Evaluation of field trials in the federal states Brandenburg, Hessen, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia in the years - In recent years, an increasing resistance to blackgrass especially to ALS inhibitors and partially to ACCase inhibitors has been reported for some eastern federal states and Hessen, too.

It was determined to what extent dicotyledonous weeds are associated with blackgrass. The efficacy of different herbicide applications was tested in field trials between and A total of trials have been included in the analysis of blackgrass. Using the HRAC-classification of herbicides tested, combinations of herbicides were used which might contribute to solve problems specifically linked to the detected resistance situation of the site. The study aimed to identify the right timing of the herbicide applications as well as applications as single or serial treatments and the use of herbicide at reduced doses according to the intensity of blackgrass.

In autumn, single applications of soil active herbicides were not effective enough, especially at a high density of more than heads of blackgrass per m2. The mixtures of soil active herbicides with leave active herbicides applied in autumn achieved very good control. The herbicide sequences were more effective than single applications. In order to counteract further spread of herbicide resistance, the right choice of the mode of action and highly efficacious herbicide treatments are the methods of choice, of course in addition to nonchemical controlling measures such as delayed autumn drilling, ploughing and crop rotation.

Die Kommunikation im lokalen Netz erfolgt Game-based Learning im Bildungskontext einer Hochschule. Der Artikel stellt die zentralen Aspekte der Spielentwicklung und Ergebnisse einer ersten Befragung der Studierenden vor. Ein neues Kapitel in Deutschlands Bildungsforschung. Was macht eigentlich ein gutes Praktikum aus? Wie verhalten sich die Praktikumsanleiter? Und wie gestaltet sich der Transfer zwischen Schule und Betrieb?

Ludwig Stecher und Dipl. Integration eines 3D-Skizziertools in den Produktentwicklungsprozess. In der bisherigen klinischen Anwendung fehlen noch die Langzeitergebnisse. Coxarthrosis - an update; Koxarthrose - ein Update. Die typischen konventionell-radiologischen sowie CT-Befunde sind: Durch die MR-Diagnostik lassen sich weitere Fruehsymptome bzw. Knorpeloedem, -riss, -defekt, subchondrales Knochenmarkoedem, synoviales Oedem und Gelenkerguss sowie Muskelatrophie.

Derzeit wird die Bedeutung oft nur geringfuegiger Fehlformen z. Impingement, Dysplasie , Fehlstellungen, Ligamentlockerungen etc. Dem gesamthaften Gelenkcontainment sowie der Genderproblematik wird heute ebenfalls richtigerweise hoehere Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet. In der Forschung wird mittels verschiedener MR-Verfahren z. Zweifellos sind auf diesem Gebiet bereits in wenigen Jahren neue tief greifende Erkenntnisse zu erwarten.

Neue Generation, neue Medien und eine neue Bildung? Extract Neue Generation, neue Medien und eine neue Bildung? Fact is that there has been one major change with an. Leitung und Kooperation in wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken Berlins - eine empirische Untersuchung. Die Absicht der Untersuchung lag darin, einen Zusammenhang zwischen dem Interaktionsverhalten der Leitungspersonen einerseits und der Mobilisierung von Leistungs- und Innovationspotentialen bei den Mitarbeiterinnen und M Osteoarthritis - one disease or many?

  • Investment Management: Portfolio Diversification, Risk, and Timing--Fact and Fiction (Wiley Finance).
  • 8 Literaturverzeichnis - PDF!
  • Melanie, die Liebesbotin (German Edition).
  • Gender studies.
  • .
  • Emma das geheimnißvolle Hausmädchen (German Edition).
  • The National Militia!

The classical features of osteoarthritis OA include osteophytosis, joint space narrowing, subchondral cyst formation, sclerosis, deformity and low-grade synovitis. OA has been tacitly assumed to be a homogeneous disorder and dismissed as 'degenerative'. This short article will seek to challenge this traditional view and suggest that at least two major processes emerge from detailed radiological studies in patients with OA.

One comprises osteophytosis associated with hyaline cartilage thinning and perhaps joint instability. This may represent a normal response to joint instability, and be seen as a healing mechanism. The other, when subchondral sclerosis and bone attrition predominate, may reflect joint failure. Stillschweigend wurde die Arthrose durch viele Jahre hindurch als eine einheitliche Erkrankung betrachtet und als degenerativ bezeichnet.

In dem vorliegenden Manuskript wird diese traditionelle Betrachtungsweise in Frage gestellt. Detaillierte radiologische Studien am Patienten mit Arthrose zeigen, dass zumindestens 2 unterschiedliche Prozesse ursaechlich vorliegen. Der eine umfasst Osteophytenbildung mit Gelenkknorpelverschmaelerung und Gelenkinstabilitaet.

Diese koennten eine normale Reaktion auf Gelenkinstabilitaeten sein und daher moeglicherweise einem Heilungsprozess entsprechen. Der andere Prozess ist mit subchondraler Sklerose und Knochenabbau verbunden und stellt ein Versagen der Gelenkfunktion dar. Jeder kennt die Namen Einstein, Newton oder Galilei. Full Text Available Traditional componential semantics are faced with various problems in adequately describing the meaning of a word. Therefore, this contribution presents the prototype theory as a fruitful approach for the description and explanation of many phenomena in the field of lexical semantics.

Starting out from a large body of empirical results, it is discussed how prototype theory conceives lexical categories and meaning or concepts respectively. Important properties of a category are fuzzy boundaries as well as that particular elements can be viewed as differently typical for a category. The degree to which an element belongs to a category is defined in terms of typical features, whereby the most central element is called "prototype" and possesses the greatest possible number of typical features. Unlike traditional componential semantics, family resemblance relations determine which elements belong to a particular category, i.

Subsequent to the description of these theorems consequences for argumentation theory, lexicography and the formation of linguistic theories are discussed as well as critical aspects of the prototype theory. After an enumeration of some research desiderata a concluding chapter gives a short summary and names the most impressive achievements of this increasingly influential research paradigm. Ausgehend von empirischen Befunden wird diskutiert, wie lexikalische Kategorien resp. Bedeutungen oder Begriffe von der Prototypentheorie konzipiert worden sind. Als wesentliche Kategorieneigenschaften spielen hierbei insbesondere unscharfe Kategoriengrenzen eine Rolle.

A critical assessment; Kyphoplastie - Vertebroplastie. Painful vertebral compression fractures. Osteoplastic procedures, such as kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty. Anamnestic and radiological associations of clinical complaints with the radiomorphological findings of vertebral compression fractures are required for an adequate consideration to assess whether an osteoplastic procedure should be carried out.

A computed tomography CT scan allows a reliable judgement whether an osteoplastic procedure is technically feasible and promising to improve the local vertebral fracture-associated pain. Prospective controlled trials have demonstrated a satisfactory improvement of back pain associated with vertebral fractures and parameters of quality of life by osteoplastic interventions.

No prospective, truly sham-controlled blind trials are currently available which demonstrate an advantage of osteoplastic interventions compared to standard pain treatment; however, the currently published prospective controlled trials show a satisfactory pain reduction by osteoplastic interventions, such as kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty.

Painful vertebral fractures and progressive loss of vertebral height of compression fractures should be evaluated in an interdisciplinary team consisting of radiologists, spinal surgeons and internists to assess whether an osteoplastic procedure is technically feasible and promising to improve local pain and immobility associated with vertebral fractures. Osteoplastische Verfahren wie die Kyphoplastie und die Vertebroplastie. Anamnestische und bildgebende moeglichst CT Assoziation der klinischen Beschwerden Hauptschmerzbereich mit dem radiologischen Befund eines eingebrochenen Wirbelkoerpers.

Das CT gestattet am zuverlaessigsten eine Beurteilung der technischen Durchfuehrbarkeit eines osteoplastischen Verfahrens bei einer Wirbelkoerpersinterungsfraktur. Kontrollierte prospektive Studien belegen die schmerzreduzierende. Pleading for a rational energy policy; Fuer eine aufgeklaerte Energiepolitik. To the argument that the long half-life values of the most important products of fission represent an unacceptable burden for coming generations, the author retorts that this is an emotion-directed pseudo-argument.

Anyone who ventures into deep geological strata, such as the final storage area Konrad, should also count in terms of geological periods. From this point of view, a million years - however difficult to imagine for the average human being - is not a very long time. Toxic chemical waste is accepted by society, even if the toxicity should remain for all time. The article is an extract from a lecture given by the author to the Franco-German Society for Science and Technology. Wer sich, wie zum Beispiel beim Endlager Konrad, in tiefe geologische Schichten begebe, duerfe auch in geologischen Zeitraeumen rechnen.

Und da sei eine Million Jahre, so wenig vorstellbar das auch fuer den Durchschnitts-Menschen sei, eben keine allzulange Zeit.