Code D (Spy vs. Stu Book 1)

When The Da Vinci Code finally did surface as promised, the book's dust jacket . One of the Most Popular Cartoons Ever Is a Coded "Up Yours" to Castro Around the same time, Mad Magazine began publishing Spy vs. to explore the studio space with the fake words and curly-fry lettering he made up.
Table of contents

It's quite likely that mockist tests are less likely to suffer from this problem, because the convention is to mock out all objects beyond the primary, which makes it clear that finer grained tests are needed for collaborators. That said, it's also true that using overly coarse grained tests isn't necessarily a failure of classic testing as a technique, rather a failure to do classic testing properly.

A good rule of thumb is to ensure that you separate fine-grained tests for every class. While clusters are sometimes reasonable, they should be limited to only very few objects - no more than half a dozen. In addition, if you find yourself with a debugging problem due to overly coarse-grained tests, you should debug in a test driven way, creating finer grained tests as you go. In essence classic xunit tests are not just unit tests, but also mini-integration tests. As a result many people like the fact that client tests may catch errors that the main tests for an object may have missed, particularly probing areas where classes interact.

Mockist tests lose that quality. In addition you also run the risk that expectations on mockist tests can be incorrect, resulting in unit tests that run green but mask inherent errors. It's at this point that I should stress that whichever style of test you use, you must combine it with coarser grained acceptance tests that operate across the system as a whole. I've often come across projects which were late in using acceptance tests and regretted it. When you write a mockist test, you are testing the outbound calls of the SUT to ensure it talks properly to its suppliers.

A classic test only cares about the final state - not how that state was derived. Mockist tests are thus more coupled to the implementation of a method. Changing the nature of calls to collaborators usually cause a mockist test to break. This coupling leads to a couple of concerns. The most important one is the effect on Test Driven Development. With mockist testing, writing the test makes you think about the implementation of the behavior - indeed mockist testers see this as an advantage.

Classicists, however, think that it's important to only think about what happens from the external interface and to leave all consideration of implementation until after you're done writing the test. Coupling to the implementation also interferes with refactoring, since implementation changes are much more likely to break tests than with classic testing. This can be worsened by the nature of mock toolkits. Often mock tools specify very specific method calls and parameter matches, even when they aren't relevant to this particular test.

One of the aims of the jMock toolkit is to be more flexible in its specification of the expectations to allow expectations to be looser in areas where it doesn't matter, at the cost of using strings that can make refactoring more tricky. One of the most fascinating aspects of these testing styles to me is how they affect design decisions. As I've talked with both types of tester I've become aware of a few differences between the designs that the styles encourage, but I'm sure I'm barely scratching the surface.

I've already mentioned a difference in tackling layers.

How a Nickel and a Paperboy Brought Down a Cold War Spy

Mockist testing supports an outside-in approach while developers who prefer a domain model out style tend to prefer classic testing. On a smaller level I noticed that mockist testers tend to ease away from methods that return values, in favor of methods that act upon a collecting object. Take the example of the behavior of gathering information from a group of objects to create a report string. A common way to do this is to have the reporting method call string returning methods on the various objects and assemble the resulting string in a temporary variable.

A mockist tester would be more likely to pass a string buffer into the various objects and get them to add the various strings to the buffer - treating the string buffer as a collecting parameter. Mockist testers do talk more about avoiding 'train wrecks' - method chains of style of getThis. Avoiding method chains is also known as following the Law of Demeter.

Movie Review - 'Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy' - In The Cold War, It's Spy. Vs. Spy (Vs. Spy) : NPR

While method chains are a smell, the opposite problem of middle men objects bloated with forwarding methods is also a smell. I've always felt I'd be more comfortable with the Law of Demeter if it were called the Suggestion of Demeter. One of the hardest things for people to understand in OO design is the "Tell Don't Ask" principle , which encourages you to tell an object to do something rather than rip data out of an object to do it in client code. Mockists say that using mockist testing helps promote this and avoid the getter confetti that pervades too much of code these days.

Classicists argue that there are plenty of other ways to do this.

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An acknowledged issue with state-based verification is that it can lead to creating query methods only to support verification. It's never comfortable to add methods to the API of an object purely for testing, using behavior verification avoids that problem. The counter-argument to this is that such modifications are usually minor in practice.

Mockists favor role interfaces and assert that using this style of testing encourages more role interfaces, since each collaboration is mocked separately and is thus more likely to be turned into a role interface. So in my example above using a string buffer for generating a report, a mockist would be more likely to invent a particular role that makes sense in that domain, which may be implemented by a string buffer.

It's important to remember that this difference in design style is a key motivator for most mockists. TDD's origins were a desire to get strong automatic regression testing that supported evolutionary design. Along the way its practitioners discovered that writing tests first made a significant improvement to the design process.

Mockists have a strong idea of what kind of design is a good design and have developed mock libraries primarily to help people develop this design style. I find this a difficult question to answer with confidence. Personally I've always been a old fashioned classic TDDer and thus far I don't see any reason to change. I don't see any compelling benefits for mockist TDD, and am concerned about the consequences of coupling tests to implementation.

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This has particularly struck me when I've observed a mockist programmer. I really like the fact that while writing the test you focus on the result of the behavior, not how it's done. A mockist is constantly thinking about how the SUT is going to be implemented in order to write the expectations. This feels really unnatural to me. I also suffer from the disadvantage of not trying mockist TDD on anything more than toys.

As I've learned from Test Driven Development itself, it's often hard to judge a technique without trying it seriously.

'Tinker, Tailor': Spy Vs. Spy (Vs. Spy)

I do know many good developers who are very happy and convinced mockists. So although I'm still a convinced classicist, I'd rather present both arguments as fairly as I can so you can make your own mind up. So if mockist testing sounds appealing to you, I'd suggest giving it a try. It's particularly worth trying if you are having problems in some of the areas that mockist TDD is intended to improve. I see two main areas here.

One is if you're spending a lot of time debugging when tests fail because they aren't breaking cleanly and telling you where the problem is. You could also improve this by using classic TDD on finer-grained clusters. The second area is if your objects don't contain enough behavior, mockist testing may encourage the development team to create more behavior rich objects.

As interest in unit testing, the xunit frameworks and Test Driven Development has grown, more and more people are running into mock objects. Whichever side of that divide you lean on, I think it's useful to understand this difference in views. While you don't have to be a mockist to find the mock frameworks handy, it is useful to understand the thinking that guides many of the design decisions of the software. The purpose of this article was, and is, to point out these differences and to lay out the trade-offs between them. There is more to mockist thinking than I've had time to go into, particularly its consequences on design style.

I hope that in the next few years we'll see more written on this and that will deepen our understanding of the fascinating consequences of writing tests before the code. For a thorough overview of xunit testing practice, keep an eye out for Gerard Meszaros's forthcoming book disclaimer: He also maintains a web site with the patterns from the book. To find out more about TDD, the first place to look is Kent's book. The authors look after mockobjects. You can also find out more about these techniques by looking at the tool websites for jMock , nMock , EasyMock , and the.

There are other mock tools out there, don't consider this list to be complete. XP saw the original mock objects paper , but it's rather outdated now. Split the original distinction of state-based versus interaction-based testing into two: I also made various vocabulary changes to bring it into line with Gerard Meszaros's book of xunit patterns. Mocks Aren't Stubs The term 'Mock Objects' has become a popular one to describe special case objects that mimic real objects for testing.

Find similar articles to this by looking at these tags: Regular Tests I'll begin by illustrating the two styles with a simple example. These two behaviors imply a couple of tests, these look like pretty conventional JUnit tests. In the earlier version of this article I referred to the SUT as the "primary object" and collaborators as "secondary objects" This style of testing uses state verification: Tests with Mock Objects Now I'll take the same behavior and use mock objects.

Using EasyMock There are a number of mock object libraries out there. Here are the familiar tests again: The Difference Between Mocks and Stubs When they were first introduced, many people easily confused mock objects with the common testing notion of using stubs. Meszaros then defined four particular kinds of double: Dummy objects are passed around but never actually used. Usually they are just used to fill parameter lists. Fake objects actually have working implementations, but usually take some shortcut which makes them not suitable for production an in memory database is a good example.

Stubs provide canned answers to calls made during the test, usually not responding at all to anything outside what's programmed in for the test. Spies are stubs that also record some information based on how they were called. One form of this might be an email service that records how many messages it was sent. Mocks are what we are talking about here: Using mocks this test would look quite different. Choosing Between the Differences In this article I've explained a pair of differences: Driving TDD Mock objects came out of the XP community, and one of the principal features of XP is its emphasis on Test Driven Development - where a system design is evolved through iteration driven by writing tests.

Test Isolation If you introduce a bug to a system with mockist testing, it will usually cause only tests whose SUT contains the bug to fail. Coupling Tests to Implementations When you write a mockist test, you are testing the outbound calls of the SUT to ensure it talks properly to its suppliers. You should try making the bloody thing up; it's a real pain in the arse. Instead of moving up to the big leagues of Autocar magazine, May was promptly fired, which is probably for the better, since magazine editors are typically expected to write more carefully than that and not find the job of putting a magazine together "incredibly boring.

Getty He budgets at least two hours a day for monocle adjustment. There are an unlucky 13 books in total, each one following the lives of three children whose parents are killed in a house fire and who are adopted by their old, greedy distant cousin who is looking to get at their fortune one way or another. In the first book, he tries to marry one of the little girls. The novels are apparently not ironically unfortunate.

As you might have picked up from the dark tone, Handler was an aspiring adult novelist when his publisher convinced him to write the novels for kids, and he packed the books with tons of allusions and details that would require a literary degree to get. Whether he was doing it intentionally or out of boredom, it made for a series of books that fans agree are best experienced once as children and a second time once you've read all the grown-up books required to get the jokes. But even adult fans probably missed the clues hiding in the illustration by Brett Helquist at the end of each book.

And just like that, a generation of children became deathly afraid of lampposts. The presence of the snake might have seemed like a confusing non sequitur to the millions of children reading the books as they came out, until they learned that the next book in the series would be titled The Reptile Room. Similarly, they couldn't have known why the final illustration in The Wide Window contains an optician's sign until they read The Miserable Mill , where the children encounter Dr. Orwell, an optician who lives in an eye-shaped house. No need to church it up, the man lives in a ball.

In this way, each book's illustration hints at the events of the next book, while also suggesting the value of repeated readings and the intended twice-over the books were supposed to get. It's like Handler was hiding the playbook for how to enjoy his work in each illustration. That, or again, just really, crazy bored. Antonio Prohias was the most popular and influential political cartoonist in Cuba in the years and days before Fidel Castro took over. As one of the most annoying bugs up Castro's ass, Prohias found himself accused of working with the CIA.

This of course meant that it was only a matter of time before the state police decided to pull him in for one of those interrogation sessions that never end. Prohias won that particular round of cat and mouse, managing to escape to America just as Castro was culling the Cuban media of its last scraps of free speech.

Around the same time, Mad Magazine began publishing Spy vs. Spy , the only wordless comic in its pages. On the surface, it seemed like a riff on Tom and Jerry cartoons, with two characters whose full-time jobs seemed to be trying to kill the other in increasingly creative ways.


But as the comic continued to appear and gain popularity, a deeper level of commentary revealed itself that suggested the Cold War battle being waged by covert military forces like the CIA, the KGB, and Castro himself. The comic appeared to mock these spies, who would seemingly stop at nothing to destroy one another despite the fact that they were identical variations on the same model, just wearing slightly different jerseys.

Don't take our word for it, though. While the comic never had any words in it, the front page of one of the special issues devoted to Spy vs. They are the only two spies we know who haven't the sense to come in out of the cold. But they have a ball -- mainly trying to outwit each other.

Or at least they were unsigned in the eyes of anyone who didn't know Morse code. Those who did would have realized that those dots and lines under the title were actually a byline: Prohias would later explain that the black vs. He created the early chapters of the cat-and-mouse tale immediately after arriving in New York, after successfully planning his own version of Spy vs. Spy while escaping from Cuba. He went on to live the capitalist dream for decades in America off of money made by the strips, the whole time signing his work like a spy, just like Castro said he was. As Prohias put it himself , "The sweetest revenge has been to turn Castro's accusation of me as a spy into a money-making venture.

Lord of the Rings novices might assume that the names of people and places that populate Middle-Earth are just fun little nonsense sounds, or that the markings on the inside of the rings and on the maps throughout the movies were just fun bits of nonsense, or upside down cursive. If you read it backward, it plays "Revolution 9. Hell, you could make it through all three of the novels thinking that the strange little scribbles on the title pages were just fun border designs, like the swirls around the edge of a fancy doily Or the little guy playing a horn and riding a dolphin was Even die-hard Lord of the Rings fans who know that those are real, fully formed languages probably assume that they were invented for the novel.

But according to J. Tolkien, the languages came first. ThrowException "Catch me if you can" ; module. ThrowException "Catch me if you can" ; spyLogger. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account.

  1. Conclusion.
  2. Set a breakpoint and start the debugger?
  3. Thyme Out.
  4. How a Nickel and a Paperboy Brought Down a Cold War Spy | Mental Floss.
  5. Mocks Aren't Stubs?
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