My Financial Guide to Success: What You should have learned in School and at Home

What You Should Have Learned in School and at Home Tim Smith only thing you do not learn in school is financial education other than home economics. I.
Table of contents

The rich dad believes that money without financial intelligence is money soon gone. This is why he stresses the importance of financial education. Schools only teach people how to work for money. They are designed to produce good employees instead of employers. If you want to become financially independent, you have to know and understand your numbers.

Your profession and your business are different from each other. You should not rely on your job to become financially secure; instead, focus on your own business and develop your assets. Many people will have nothing at the end of their working days. The rich dad further noted that real assets are anything with value — stocks, bonds, mutual funds, income-producing real estate, notes, royalties from intellectual property, etc. The idea of taxes started when people were made believe that it was intended to punish the rich. In reality, the poor and middle class, the very people who accepted and voted for it, were the ones disadvantaged.

Look for ways to decrease your spending with your utilities. If you have a home phone as well as a cell phone, decide if you need both. Routines can be hard habits to break. Many people simply let their bundled services renew from month to month, even when their needs have changed. Everybody has some, so is it really that big a deal? Yes, it can be. At some point interest rates will start going up and eventually your income will likely decrease when you retire. When either of these things happens, if you have relied on credit to make ends meet, you will find yourself facing some tough choices.

Dealing with debt sooner than later leaves you with more options. Here are some of our very best tips to help you deal with your debt.

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Use these tips to help complete assignment six — create a plan to pay your debts off, but also maintain a reasonable standard of living. You will only be able to pass this assignment if your plan is realistic and you draw on what you learned in the other five assignments. Assignment seven is optional but will earn you a bonus if you choose to complete it.

Seek out professional, objective advice from a reputable non-profit credit counselling organization for a second look at your budget and your plan to deal with your debts. Last but not least, one of the best things any high level university could instill in its students is the desire to learn more.

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Your final assignment is to keep learning. Your financial intelligence acts as a ceiling that limits the growth of your wealth. Your return on investment should improve as you learn how to invest more consistently and control losses when the inevitable mistakes occur. That translates into more dollars in your pocket and greater financial security. A little known fact about financial intelligence is it grows and compounds just like money.

The effect is multiplicative — not additive.

1. Live on Cash for 2 Weeks

Each new tidbit of information connects to all the other knowledge which multiplies. Your goal should be to make regular deposits every week into your financial intelligence account, just like you make monthly deposits into your investment accounts. Financial education is like an annuity.

People can steal your money, but no one can ever take your financial education from you.

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  • Once you know it, you can never un-know it. The sooner you seek investor education, the sooner you can begin reaping the rewards. The longer you enjoy financial literacy, the more value you will get from it. Why not start learning how to invest and manage your personal finances today? The world is littered with people who built vast fortunes and lost it all because of their own financial ignorance.

    Lacking financial intelligence is the opposite of financial security — no matter how much money you have. Financial education teaches you how to fish so that you never have to be dependent on another person to give you a fish again. Financial education teaches financial independence. So what should you do now? The answer is simple: You have to start somewhere — wherever you are right now — and fortunately, success is a learnable skill.

    If you work on yourself and study regularly, the reward for persistence can be financial freedom. There will never be a better time than now to learn and prepare so that all these benefits can be yours:.

    10 Best Finance Books for Women

    Financial education is a long term approach to wealth. It builds success on several levels by growing your knowledge, experience, and portfolio simultaneously so that you can retire early and wealthy with security and peace of mind. Financial education is your best investment, and the only thing keeping you from enjoying all the benefits of smarter investing is… you.

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    • Go to this free retirement calculator and input your financial information as best you know it today, and print out the results. The conventional approach used by experts to figure how much money you need to retire is fundamentally flawed. Boy did you hit the nail on the head! I am living proof. Actually I just finished it and am selling it on Amazon. I love your blog, website and the logic you give. Glad you enjoyed the article, and wishing you the best with your book!

      I just wanted to verify your article. This is all so true! A lot of the problem too with general financial advice based on personal experience is that it is also based on events that may be cyclical. Remember the house flipping? It might have worked when everyone could get loans but when the crash came, they died for the most part. Great lengthy but much needed to be written article.

      7 Reasons Why Financial Education Is Your Best Investment

      That being said, it is one thing to understand the importance of financial education, but it is another thing to apply that which you have learned. Romeojeremiah Thanks for joining the conversation, Romeo! Great to hear from you. Hope we can get a run in together at FinCon in New Orleans. I have been reading your posts and this article about the importance of financial education was a great reminder to how important such an education is.

      It would be really helpful if you could mention where to get started or what should be the foundations on which one should focus on to begin.

      6 Principles of Financial Success: Lessons from Rich Dad, Poor Dad

      Should it be your books that you have linked to or any other resources? I have believed throughout my career that an educated consumer is the best shopper — and client.