The Baby Sleep Solution: A Proven Program to Teach Your Baby to Sleep Twelve Hours aNight

The Baby Sleep Solution and millions of other books are available for Amazon Kindle. Suzy Giordano, affectionately known as "The Baby Coach," shares her highly effective sleep-training method in this step-by-step guide to let both baby and parent enjoy long, peaceful nights.
Table of contents

About The Baby Sleep Solution There is no bigger issue for healthy infants than sleeping through the night. About Suzy Giordano Suzy Giordano is the mother of five children. About Lisa Abidin Lisa Abidin is the mother of twins. Inspired by Your Browsing History. The Adrenal Reset Diet. Run for Your Life. The Curated Closet Workbook. You Can Fix Your Brain. The Mind of God. Air Fry Every Day. Beyond the Checkup from Birth to Age Four. Body, Mind, and Sport. Shalane Flanagan and Elyse Kopecky. The Gut Wellness Guide. Allison Post and Stephen Cavaliere.

A Step-by-Step Plan for Baby Sleep Success

The Inner Tradition of Yoga. From Dude to Dad. Chris Pegula and Frank Meyer. When Your Child Is Sick. Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way. The Dumbbell Workout Handbook: Ethics in Energy Medicine. Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally. They are tiny babies. Her method probably works for formula fed babies if you follow all her steps. But I cannot emotionally do it.

Also she loses a lot of points for suggesting things that are harmful. This is not recommended and has been linked in scientific studies to allergies, obesity and diabetes later in life. She also suggested putting baby on stomach, which yes will probably help them sleep, but also increases risk for SIDS, as does adding a loose blanket or toy as she also suggests. Also she wants you to have baby alone in crib in own room starting day 1-also not recommended.

With breastfeeding if you follow this plan it would be very hard to keep your supply up enough, or you would at least wake up in the morning with painful rocks on your chest. Also difficult to get a daycare center to space feeding out every 4 hours. Overall the theory should work, but personally not practical for me. Jan 20, Kalisha Grimsman rated it did not like it Shelves: I read this book looking for some new sleep training ideas and was excited about the idea of having your children sleep through the night at 12 weeks.

As someone who was successful at getting young twins to sleep well with other methods I will definitely not be implementing this method and do not think that it is right for us and our family. Mostly I think that it is not based off of age-appropriate expectations. Having babies eat only every 4 hours in the day and reducing their night feeds so e I read this book looking for some new sleep training ideas and was excited about the idea of having your children sleep through the night at 12 weeks.

A Proven Program to Teach Your Baby to Sleep Twelve Hours a Night

Having babies eat only every 4 hours in the day and reducing their night feeds so early is just not reasonable at this age. I think it can happen, naturally, when kids are ready for it much closer to the Babywise timeline. Also, I definitely do not recommend the nap schedule laid out. Babies this young need at least 3 naps, probably 4 every day, not 2. I'm glad this program worked for some people but I would not recommend it. Jul 31, Abbey rated it it was amazing. Great information that makes a lot of sense. I have been researching sleep training from the get-go in prep for baby 4 to hopefully preserve my sanity as a mom.

Having gone through trial and error with 3 other kids with some success, I really like what she has to say. She reinforced some of my own ideas about sleep training while giving me a more structured approach to how to implement it for a young infant. I can see how it would be super helpful for parents of twins or multiples!

It was a fas Great information that makes a lot of sense. It was a fast read and easy to understand and skim through if needed. Jun 21, Mary-Walker Hall rated it it was ok. There were some things I found helpful in this book, but overall I didn't like the plan. My twin girls love to snuggle with me and I don't want to stop that yet.

The Baby Sleep Solution A Proven Program to Teach Your Baby to Sleep Twelve Hours aNight

Some babies do better with cuddling and some want to just be set down to sleep. Also, you can't force a breastfed baby into eating only 4 times a day at such a young age. You shouldn't put cereal in a bottle either or give infants lovies yet! Sep 06, Amanda rated it did not like it Shelves: Really geared to the non-breastfeeding family, I think. Unnecessarily harsh, in my opinion. No real nuance, flexibility, or consideration for the baby. With lots of caveats about how we didn't do this until four months, I didn't night wean and I don't care about twelve straight hours of sleep.

But getting on a feeding schedule and then doing a gentle cry-it-out method is really working for us.

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Great book for a simple sleep training program. I think we figured it out but would have been nice. May 21, Koh Wei rated it really liked it. Now to see if it works Feb 28, Emily rated it liked it. If I had read this book before giving birth or during those first weeks, I think it would have been really helpful. With an almost eight month old though, the advice was nothing I hadn't heard in some form or another.

I wish the section on older babies had been much bigger and more detailed. Mar 12, Kylene rated it liked it.

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I'm not sure how to rate this book. I loved that it was a super quick read and her methods are simple to understand.

The Baby Sleep Solution

However my baby only meets 2 of the 3 requirements in order to start the training. So since I can't start the training, I can't rate the book. I'll update when we get to that point. I have to admit I am skeptical as this book does seem harsh on babies. But then again it would be so nice to be on a predictable schedule. Okay, so I'm re-rating this book, but keeping it at 3 s I'm not sure how to rate this book.

Okay, so I'm re-rating this book, but keeping it at 3 stars. I like the methods the author uses to get the baby to sleep. However, I just think having the baby sleep for 12 hrs a night by the time they're 12 weeks old is just too soon. I think you need to feel out your own baby and go along with what feels right to you. You are the parent. You know your child better than anyone else. My daughter sleeps about hours straight at night most of the time She is sleeping better and both she and Mommy are less cranky.

The Baby Sleep Solution by Suzy Giordano |

Basically, I think that any sleep method will work, depending on the personality and temperment of the baby and the parents. Sometimes doing a combo of a few different methods will work best for you. Oct 05, Haley Medlin rated it liked it. I was waiting till after I had my baby before reviewing! She's 10 weeks old now and has been sleeping through the night for most of the past week. Who knows, but I think some of the premises in this book were useful. That being said, like many parenting books, this was one where I would pick and choose what I thought would work for my child.

It is more difficult to apply the full training method as intended if you want to exclusively breastfeed as long as possible, and only plan to get baby on t I was waiting till after I had my baby before reviewing! It is more difficult to apply the full training method as intended if you want to exclusively breastfeed as long as possible, and only plan to get baby on the bottle when you are returning to work for example , like I was. It also does not really take into account growth spurts where you may need to feed baby more often, and baby's attempts to increase milk supply.

For example, when baby was starting to stretch feelings on her own, like going from one to zero feelings at night , she would cluster feed in the evenings before bed to increase my milk supply at that time of day in order to help her get through the night. It was important to let her do that. So basically, apply this book flexibly and you should be okay. If you use the foundational principles consistently from the beginning, including having a sleep routine, putting baby to sleep awake, and helping baby learn to self-soothe at night by giving her a few minutes before responding and then trying a few soothing strategies before you automatically assume she is hungry, you may not have to apply the formal sleep training at all.

Sep 18, Steve rated it it was amazing. Some friends recommended this to my wife and I. They could not say enough about how great it worked for both of their kids. We followed it to the letter and it worked amazingly. For example, one of the steps is spacing out the daytime feeding to every 4 hours with the goal of the child only feeding in Some friends recommended this to my wife and I.

For example, one of the steps is spacing out the daytime feeding to every 4 hours with the goal of the child only feeding in the day. There were times where we would have to coax our son to stay awake so he would keep drinking and get the full 6 ounces. Our son was almost 10 lbs when he was born which meant we could start the sleep training at 4 weeks.

He was sleeping 12 hours through the night by 8 weeks. My wife would breast feed and then would pump after he finished to store up for me to feed him at night during the sleep training. This worked great for tracking how much he was drinking. By 8 weeks, when I fed him from a bottle, he would drink ounces of breast milk not as certain about volume consumed during breastfeeding. He drank every 4 hours 7, 11, 3, and 7 , took a 1 hour morning nap , 2 hour afternoon nap , and slept 12 hours each night. This book was a God-send!

I strongly recommend this to everyone who is having a child. Apr 29, Kris Tastic rated it did not like it Recommends it for: Yes, sleep training is important, but withholding food from a baby less than 12 weeks old to suit YOUR schedule- you have to be kidding me!!!! This book is not at all feasible for breastfeeding doing some very simple research into breastfeeding will show that her ideas are more harmful to a nursing pair than good, and will permanently damage a breastfeeding relationship and milk supply.

Actually, i would love to read the apology for writing this trash more. Oct 04, Martine rated it really liked it. I would recommend this book to my friends. It was a really quick read and helped a lot. I started the book when my son was four months old. Within a couple of weeks he was sleeping through the night from 8pm to 8am with a 1 hour nap at It's a great book to help you and reassure yourself that you aren't harming your baby by letting him cry for 5 minutes before going in and checking on him.

I couldn't do the Ferber method of I would recommend this book to my friends. I couldn't do the Ferber method of increasing the wait every time-- this was a good happy medium for me. Just keep in mind you can be as strict or lax with your schedule as you want. I always try to get him to bed on time but some days his naps get messed up due to errands or social visits. I plan on checking the book out from the library when we have our next kid. Just finished this for our daughter who is 6 months now. It took a really long time to check it out from the library.

I should have just bought it so I could have started training her earlier. I still highly recommend this book. Jul 15, Michaela Johnson rated it it was amazing. Excellent, easy to read, book that takes a lot of hodge podge internet websites on "sleeping strategies" and actually puts some clout to a decent game plan. A lot of the ideas that Suzy shares I had heard from various Mommys, or read on blogs and magazine articles.

She gives the "why" behind it and takes the wonder out of the game. From the moment we brought my baby home, we were a "no shush" household. People immediately wanted to whisper and we said, "talk and bang all you want, crank up the mu Excellent, easy to read, book that takes a lot of hodge podge internet websites on "sleeping strategies" and actually puts some clout to a decent game plan.

People immediately wanted to whisper and we said, "talk and bang all you want, crank up the music, but whatever you do, don't be quiet. He turns 6 weeks on Sunday, just in time for me to begin the training I will report back in 6 weeks on how we fared. I'm one of those she talks about that has an "angel baby" so I'm curious to see how this benefits us as we continue through life and go through the bigger challenges like teething and potty training. Feb 03, Mallory rated it it was amazing Shelves: What more can I really say?

The take home points of this book for me were to get down baby's eating schedule first - 4 feedings a day, and slowly cut out any night time feedings.

The Baby Sleep Solution: A Proven Program to Teach Your Baby to Sleep Twelve Hours a Night

Once that is done, focus on getting baby down to two naps a day - 1 hour in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon. The next step is the most difficult - putting baby to sleep when he is drowsy but still awake, and helping him to learn to put himself to sleep. It took us a solid month of baby crying and get It worked! It took us a solid month of baby crying and getting very upset, and me reminding myself that I'm really not doing him any favours by going in his room and rocking him to sleep - or even worse allowing him to stay up all hours of the night. A well rested baby is a happy baby after all.

It was literally one month from start to finish, it was hell sure but now it is so amazing! I love how even his baby sitter can put him to bed with no problem, and he is much better off for it too. Aug 06, Juliann rated it did not like it. I was given this book by a my best friend and Mom of two whom it worked for.

My son is post colic when I started at 9 weeks. He met all the requirements set forth by the author. The 4 hour feedings actually helped his gas so much and he seemed happier without all the gas.