Discovering Your True North: Letters to Erin

Discovering Your True North: Letters to Erin - Kindle edition by Randall Thoms, PJ Johnston. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or .
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Erin Hart Manuscript Critique

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Erin Hart Query Letter

You have the option of accepting the new turnaround time with no discount or rebate , canceling the product and receiving a refund, or transferring to a different reviewer which may involve a partial discount or supplementary payment. The turnaround time applies only to the written review or annotated manuscript; additional coaching that occurs face-to-face, by telephone, or by web conference may occur after the cutoff time, depending on when it can be scheduled. This is a critical aspect of going from I to We and becoming a servant leader. If leaders focus on empowering others, than those that follow them will do so happily and everyone will prosper in the end.

All in all, a great read. The most important tip I have is to actually write down answers to the questions at the end of each chapter. The self-reflection is very useful and will immediately result in the book becoming relevant to your daily life. I also highly recommend his book on authentic leadership by that title.

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Mar 06, Geoff rated it liked it Shelves: Likewise, if you're going to be in management, you might as well do it for a reason beyond wealth, short term stockholder value, and employee exploitation. While this book is a little too heavy on vague anecdotes and glittering generalities, it's at least consistent in its message that you shouldn't become a leader unless you have a well thought out moral code and a strong pu read for a work book club If you're going to read a business book, there are far worse and far more vapid bools to read.

While this book is a little too heavy on vague anecdotes and glittering generalities, it's at least consistent in its message that you shouldn't become a leader unless you have a well thought out moral code and a strong purpose and that you should try to work for an organization that is consistent with those morals and that purpose. May 28, Sara rated it liked it Shelves: Sigh, this book was supposed to change my life, according to my mentor. But, despite its best attempts it's really written for men, and beyond that I find myself lacking the things this book takes as a given, and chock full of the things this book suggests that everyone is seeking.

So, I'm not finding myself radically altered, but the points are well taken. Mar 31, Osamah rated it liked it. Last year while at HBS we had a session with Thomas DeLong which I found very profound and powerful while many of the alpha males who were in the program with me thought it was just fluff. I finally got around to reading it now. I totally believe in the concepts in True North. It is important for a leader to be able to frame his life story and [3. It is important for a leader to be able to frame his life story and fine tune his self awareness, without which you will not be able to continually succeed neither in career or life.

This book is a very good base to begin from. The first step is to accept the need for change or improvement. I'm not sure reading through dozens of short stories from known global leaders is the way though. However, if you stick with the main concepts and use them as a foundation to conduct an impartial self-assessment of your life and career, it could be very helpful.

One constant that comes up a lot in this book is the need for spirituality, be it religion or otherwise. If that's not your thing, don't let it stop you. It's not overly emphasized but it comes back again and again because the author and many of the leaders he chose to include in the book hold religion and spirituality as an important part of their life and guiding values. The book is a very quick pages, but you'll probably have to read it another time and make notes if you're going to use it as a guide.

Jun 07, Jo Miller rated it it was ok. Put your family first Except when you are goaded into taking a global role a world away from your spouse. This book was just not for me. Feb 07, Harley rated it it was amazing Shelves: An excellent book on leadership. Bill George has interviewed numerous leaders and allows them to speak for themselves in this book.

This is a must read for those who are supervisors, managers and business leaders. Jan 02, Keith Madsen rated it it was amazing. I began reading this book because my daughter Kayla had read it as part of her Master's Degree work in human resources management. As a retired pastor, I found it to be an excellent book which integrated business principles with spiritual awareness. George does well in establishing that a business leader who only focuses on the bottom line financially, will often fail. Rather the best leaders are those who work toward a higher purpose which integrates their own giftedness with providing a servic I began reading this book because my daughter Kayla had read it as part of her Master's Degree work in human resources management.

Rather the best leaders are those who work toward a higher purpose which integrates their own giftedness with providing a service to the world, a view which he terms "finding your True North". With all that is happening today politically, with many businesses seemingly only trying to serve their stockholders and increase already high profit margins, I found this view refreshing. I also found it heartening the number of business leaders whose stories were told, who are seeking to serve a purpose in this world beyond making money. The author also speaks of the need for a greater global consciousness in business leaders, which includes learning about foreign cultures.

So, it would seem that being a global business leader can actually dovetail nicely with being a Christian who believes in the multicultural aspect of the kingdom of God. May 09, Stefan Coburn rated it liked it. An interesting book covering a wide range of ideas on how to an "authentic leader". It discusses such topics as "understanding your past" to "how to become more self-aware". It is full of stories of successful world leaders and anecdotes about successes and failures.

It provides a number of thought-provoking questions and ideas to ponder. Simply stated True North is about gaining a grounded sense of direction in one's life and holding fast to critical personal principles. If you enjoy thinking a An interesting book covering a wide range of ideas on how to an "authentic leader". If you enjoy thinking about strengths and weakness, ethics, priorities, empowerment, team dynamics, and leadership mantras It is a strange paradox to study leaders and preach that there is no one way to be a good leader. Perhaps some stories and accounts will resonate more than others.

To me, the book was too fluffy. I like actionable ways to implement positive attitudes, behaviors, and processes. May 27, Rodica rated it really liked it.

Michael Youngblood: Discovering your true north

Overall, I believe this book is an excellent read if one is interested in authentic leadership. By using real-life stories of many influential leaders, Bill George manages to illustrate the importance of self awareness and self reflection in different contexts. It is nearly impossible to become a true inspirational leader if one doesn't allocate enough time to understand oneself and the team one leads. The book is a good starting point to understand what it requires to identify ones True North.

In Overall, I believe this book is an excellent read if one is interested in authentic leadership. In essence, it implies a lot of hard work. One needs to embark on a life time journey to learn and practice leadership principles which are universally known, but which are incorporated in a unique way to each of us.

The only downside of the book is its structure. I think it is slightly boring and some ideas are presented in a lengthy manner. Feb 12, Jacob Thomas rated it it was ok. Bill George is so full of shit that I had to wipe my hands off with toilet paper after I finished his book. He has to update this book periodically because so many of the "authentic leaders" he interviews are arrested for fraud. His "insights" are mostly applicable to living a life of unbelievably extreme privilege and wealth none of which he acknowledges even for a second , and the exceptions to this theme are universally people who've grown completely cynical about capitalism and left industry Bill George is so full of shit that I had to wipe my hands off with toilet paper after I finished his book.

His "insights" are mostly applicable to living a life of unbelievably extreme privilege and wealth none of which he acknowledges even for a second , and the exceptions to this theme are universally people who've grown completely cynical about capitalism and left industry entirely. If I hadn't had to read this for a class, I wouldn't have finished it.

Jun 12, Mary rated it liked it. The main thing I learned from this book is that I will never be a high-powered billionaire executive. I do like the concept of understanding yourself and your priorities and using that to navigate your career. That's much of what we focused on during my recent leadership training at work.

Discover Your True North

It's important to understand who you are and to stay grounded in that rather than getting caught up in doing what you think you need to do to get ahead. All that said, I think I'm going to stay The main thing I learned from this book is that I will never be a high-powered billionaire executive. All that said, I think I'm going to stay away from the business books for a while.

Books are an escape from work. May 31, Becky rated it really liked it. How do you have a meaningful life? It depends upon knowing who you are, and being intentional. Bill George walked you through exercises to look at lessons learned from your life, crucibles, and helps you look at your values, and strengths to find what your sweet spot is. The writing can be cumbersome - but the exercises and the journey are worth the read. Aug 29, Jty rated it liked it.

Book is written for CEOs and leaders in a business sense. I liked the connections made between a leader's personal story and her chosen leadership path. Leadership is defined as turning personal values and a real intrinsic desires into concrete actions and ways to help others. Everyone's path is different and there are many ways to do meaningful work.

Discover Your True North by Bill George

Aug 30, Megan Larson rated it it was ok. Had to read for class. Jan 11, Michael Altenburg rated it really liked it. Read it for class. They use a lot of libtatds for examples thou. Sep 12, Francheska Escalera rated it liked it. Has really good stories of succesful and non succesful leaders, a lot of rags to riches inspirational stories but it is sooooo repititive!

Honestly this book could have been pages! Mar 17, Karen rated it it was amazing. Oct 01, Inga Springe rated it liked it.

See a Problem?

Too general and shallow. Jun 07, Igor Razumnyy rated it it was amazing. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. This quote resonated with me the most: John Mackey Whole Foods Market founder. Dec 01, Primo Flores rated it really liked it Shelves: I recently got into management, about a year now, but read this about 6 months ago , the main difference from my previous jig is that there is no clear guide as to how to do your job well, and there is no on-boarding, it seems that becoming a manager creates an expectation that yeah, you can manage; So what did I do to ensure success on th Leadership non-fiction?!!!

I recently got into management, about a year now, but read this about 6 months ago , the main difference from my previous jig is that there is no clear guide as to how to do your job well, and there is no on-boarding, it seems that becoming a manager creates an expectation that yeah, you can manage; So what did I do to ensure success on this new role? It's funny 'cuz the guy who wrote it was the CEO of the company I used to work for, it made me wonder if I'm going backwards. But then again, I'd rather be where I am right now, the opportunity to create something original and better than Medtronic is far more attractive than just following an established system and enforcing status-quo.

So what did I got out of it? Some obvious shit that I neglected to see because of the mist and uncertainty that is a change in role, things like: Those are the things that kinda stuck, every now and then I check myself to see if I have not lost it, I hope that it's working. Jan 24, Marcelo Bahia rated it liked it Shelves: I was in the middle of this book when I watched an actual lecture by Bill George. He must be a terrific mentor and coach.

I wished I was more like him in many dimensions. The dichotomy of both experiences puzzled me. They are entertaining to read, as they would be entertaining to listen to in a lecture, but the author could have done a better job of getting the meat out of them and develop a more insightful conclusion. I wished he would have gone deeper. This is the part where I can clearly see why people tell me that this book changed their lives. It indeed puts you to reflect upon some aspects of your life and could be life-changing in some ways.

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  7. And well, buying the book or not, definitely go see Bill George speak if you have the chance. Nov 17, Rachel Blom rated it really liked it. When True North came out in , it became an instant classic on authentic leadership in business literature. Discover your True North is the updated version of that book that was just released. True north is also something many leaders are missing, even in the church or in Christian organizations—as evidenced by sad tales of fraud, overspending, moral failures, and more. Author Bill George wants to convince readers that sticking to your true north, to the values and the sweet spot that define you, is the only way to real, long-term success.

    And he makes a convincing case. This book shows you how to find and define your true north, and how to let it guide you in your leadership. Discover Your True North is chock full with stories from real-life leaders, both successful ones and big mistakes though the latter are definitely in the minority. And these are crucial in making the theoretical concept of authentic leadership so practical.

    Time and again, Bill George shows how leaders have let their true north dictate their decisions, and with success. Of course, those still trying to find their sweet spot and true moment will benefit most from this book, though for them it may necessary to reread it a few times over times to let it all sink in.

    Sep 23, Gene Babon rated it it was amazing Shelves: This book does not contain six easy steps to discover your True North or other simple formulas. Instead, it contains profiles of leaders, mostly in the business world, and their struggles to learn and practice leadership principles that are universally acceptable, yet unique to the individual. Y "Much like iron is forged by heat, your most significant challenges and your most painful experiences present the greatest opportunities for your personal growth.

    Your journey toward authentic leadership, and discovering your True North, typically passes through three phases: Preparing for Leadership, when people act as individual contributors and character forms. Leading, which begins the rapid accumulation of leadership experiences. Generativity, which involves forgoing retirement to share leadership knowledge and wisdom with multiple organizations.

    Many leaders have been shaped by severe trials in their lives. These events, called crucibles, can be used to shape leadership style and identify True North. Think back on the crucibles of your life and you may uncover your motivation for making a positive change and desire to make a difference in society. The greatest challenge in the journey to find True North occurs when you transform from I to We and become a servant leader. The stories of dozens of business leaders help to illuminate the key concepts presented about how others became servant leaders.

    Of course, if you have no interest in leading others, then this book won't add much value. If however, you are struggling to advance your career or identify your true calling, then the journey to Discover Your True North is an adventure worth taking. Feb 18, Steven Freeman rated it really liked it. Outstanding book on authentic leadership. A great companion to the Servant Leader.