First Exposure to Internal Medicine: Ambulatory Medicine (LANGE First Exposure)

First Exposure to Internal Medicine: Hospital Medicine (LANGE First Outpatient Internal Medicine Clerkship Director, Department of Internal Medicine.
Table of contents

Forensic Toxicology Principles and Concepts

As a reference, the Blaxter Library at Children's Hospital also rents copies of selected major pediatric textbooks, e. A combined Neuroscience Clerkship that integrates the teaching of Psychiatry, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Neuropathology, and Neuroradiology. The clerkship is structured within an eight 8 week block with five 5 weeks devoted to Psychiatry and three 3 weeks dedicated to Neurology.

Clinical teaching will be within the inpatient and ambulatory settings. Students will also attend integrated teaching sessions on Wednesday afternoons. Teaching sessions will consist of psychiatry and neurology core material as supported by evidence based medicine along with integrated case conferences, involving psychiatry and neurology topics that highlight clinical conditions common to these areas of medicine. More emphasis will be placed on performance-based evaluation of the student's clinical performance.

Criteria for grading are explicitly provided to students at the beginning of each experience and to those faculty members responsible for their evaluation. This is an eight 8 week rotation, possibly the most time-consuming of all third year rotations. Both disciplines of general surgery six weeks and anesthesiology two weeks will be covered during this time period.

First Exposure to Internal Medicine (eBook)

Margaret's, and Children's Hospital. Teaching with attending physicians and residents occurs in conferences, on rounds, in the operating room, at the bedside and in small groups.

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The goals of the clerkship are to allow the participants to develop skills to evaluate patients in the perioperative period and optimize their medical conditions in preparation for surgery. Students will learn the natural history of common surgical diseases and the proper operative management and postoperative treatment for these diseases. To assist in the determination of correct diagnoses and management of the surgical patient, radiology and pathology services will be utilized.

MED 5322 - Adult Inpatient Medicine Clerkship (AIMC)

Additional objectives include developing skills in the management of acute pain and postoperative complications. Overall the course is primarily designed to prepare students to assume the role of a primary care physician and familiarize themselves with the clinical presentations and management of common surgical problems.

Students will be required to take service and trauma on-call nights throughout the eight 8 weeks. Two exams will be given at the end of this rotation, a National Board subject exam for the surgery portion and an in-house exam for the Anesthesiology portion. Family Medicine is a 4 week rotation in a primary care discipline that encompasses the comprehensive and longitudinal care of patients with a special emphasis upon care of individuals in the context of families and communities.

The structure of the clerkship has four components:.

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Multiple evaluation tools will be used for assessing student performance during this rotation and assigning a grade, and all of those will be fully explained on the first day of the clerkship. In addition to four weeks of clinical time, students will also attend weekly lectures, workshops and lab activities. The Clerkship begins with orientation and a suturing and splinting session the first morning followed by a simulation-based session in phone communication how to best communicate medical information over the phone to patients.

Following those, the students will go to their clinical responsibilities. Students are evaluated by each specialty area based on clinical performance and will take an on-line proctored examination. My mentors are the current fourth year students, who managed to balance academic and clinical responsibilities with their lives. They just matched and did an awesome job! During premed and the first two years of medical school, I stayed motivated by thinking about my future career as a physician.

What is curriculum like at your school? New York Medical College does the classic two preclinical years followed by two clinical years. NYMC also has a very strong standardized patient program, which I believe made a huge impact on my clinical skills. How are the topics of burnout, wellness and work-life balance addressed at your school? How can medical students better support each other inside and outside the classroom? Medical students learn that you need to ask the right questions in order to get all the information.

You also learn about practice management and how to keep people out of the hospital. What was your approach to studying for shelf exams? Interim Associate Dean, Medical Education: Student Right to Know and Consumer Information. Course Objectives The Medicine Core Clerkship is designed to introduce the third-year medical student to the field of internal medicine. Objectives for the Internal Medicine Core Clerkship: Patient Care provide compassionate treatment for all patients, respecting their privacy and dignity conduct patient centered encounters, perform and document both complete and focused histories and physical examinations appropriate for level of training and present the findings in a logical and concise manner; develop a problem-oriented method of patient evaluation, evaluate data, identify problems, and plan proper action using scientific evidence and clinical judgment; apply principles of health promotion and disease prevention; work effectively with other health professionals in order to provide patient-focused care; improve basic skills in routine technical procedures: Practice-Based Learning and Improvement develop a medical curiosity which will stimulate life-long learning and self-education and use information technology in support of your own education.

Duty hours will be limited to 80 hours per week averaged over a four-week period, inclusive of all in-house call and patient care activities. Continuous on-site duty, including in-house call, will not exceed 30 consecutive hours. Students may remain on duty additional hours to participate in transferring care of patients, conducting outpatient clinics, maintaining continuity of medical and surgical care, and attending required didactic activities.

Students will be provided with one day in seven free from all educational and clinical responsibilities, averaged over a rotation, inclusive of call. One day is defined as one continuous hour period free from all clinical, didactic, and administrative activities. Students should be provided with a 10 hour period after in-house call during which they are free from all patient care activities.

Call the Hospital Epidemiology Unit day or by beeper , ext. Report the injury to Occupational Health formerly the Primary Care Clinic at the Medplex as soon as the exposure occurs or the next business day if occurring on weekend or holiday at Veterans Administration Medical Center: During normal business hours 8: After hours, report to the Emergency Room and report to Employee health the next business day.

IP-адрес данного ресурса заблокирован в соответствии с действующим законодательством.

Notify the Chief Resident, senior resident, or Dr. Report to the Emergency Room. Fassler Report to the Emergency Room. The student is also accountable for his or her behavior in each of the following areas: Professional and Ethical Conduct: The welfare of patients and their families is of foremost concern. Students must show respect and courtesy for patients and their families, even under difficult situations such as being challenged or provoked.

Students must safeguard their patients' confidentiality. There are to be no casual communications regarding patients in public places, such as hallways, elevators, cafeterias, gyms, etc. Punctuality, Responsibility, and Reliability: Students are expected to be available and present for all scheduled Clerkship activities.

The Science of Learning

Any absences must be approved by the Clerkship Director in advance. Make-up assignments will be determined by the Clerkship Director; absences due to illness may require a physician's statement. Chronic tardiness is unacceptable. A clerkship typically does not run on an 8: Good relationships with nurses, aides, ward clerks, security personnel, and anyone else involved in the care of the patient are absolutely essential. Students are expected to be courteous to all hospital employees.

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  5. Getting Along with Clerkship Staff: Students need to be polite and respectful to people other than the patients, faculty and residents, and hospital employees. Much of the daily work in keeping a clerkship going falls on the shoulders of administrative assistants, secretaries, receptionists, and other staff.

    Memphis Clerkships

    Students are expected to be considerate of and courteous to all of these employees. Getting Along with Peers: Students are expected to have pleasant working relationships with their fellow students. This includes an equitable sharing of the workload and helping and supporting each other.