Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Advances in Research and Practice

In the last decade, tremendous progress has been made in understanding and addressing generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), a prevalent yet long-neglected.
Table of contents

Expect some discomfort here. As a psychologist specializing in treating anxiety, Generalized Anxiety would have to be potentially the hardest to treat as it is so fluid and hard to pin down unlike other anxiety disorders such as specific phobias.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

The author is regarded as one of the leading experts in the area of anxiety. This book is accademically based so if you are wanting a light read then this may not be for you. Witht that said it's easy to read and is grounded in the latest research for treating GAD.

  1. David Copperfield (Modern Library);
  2. No Pissing in the Pool (of Consciousness).
  3. .
  4. Categories.

I have found it very useful for working with worriers in my private work. If you like reading about cutting edge research and are feeling frustrated with not being able to help clients who are the typical 'Worry warts' then this book is a must for your library. The author has also written a fantastic book on running 'anxiety groups' for practioners - brilliant. Turn Your Fears Into Success. Good book for anxiety disorders.

Very good book but way above what I was looking for.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Advances in Research and Practice

The book is very technical and not for ordinary person like me. This is a remarkable book.

Even if you have forgotten your undergraduate statistics, despair not. There is plenty in this book that is easily consumed by the non-specialist.

  1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Advances in Research and Practice | Psychiatric Services.
  2. Letzte Stücke (German Edition);
  3. Navy Lane.
  4. Avaliação de clientes.

This book is useful to the sufferer in that it so clearly describes the experience of living daily with GAD and explains so specifically the mechanisms that drive anxiety and the development of the disorder. That goes a long way toward helping the sufferer begin to restructure their thinking about their disorder.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Advances in Research and Practice

Instead of seeing it, as they always have, as a major character flaw, they can begin to examine it as a cognitive response that can be retrained through cognitive behavioral therapy; a skill that the client learns that they can take with them through the rest of their life. A more accessible book for laypeople is "The Anxious Brain," which is written for clinicians and is targeted at treatment. That book is smaller and leaves the expansive details to the citations.

It's an excellent reference for both clinicians and clients. But the book for which this review is written is a marvelous compilation of the latest in the field. This comprehensive, empirically based volume brings together Guilford Press Bolero Ozon. Advances in Research and Practice.

Detalhes do produto

Heimberg , Cynthia L. Turk , Douglas S.

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In the last decade, tremendous progress has been made in understanding and addressing generalized anxiety disorder GAD , a prevalent yet long-neglected syndrome associated with substantial functional impairment and reduced life satisfaction. This comprehensive, empirically based volume brings together leading authorities to review the breadth of current knowledge on the phenomenology, etiology, pathological mechanisms, diagnosis, and treatment of GAD.

Provided are psychological and neurobiological models of the disorder that combine cutting-edge research and clinical expertise. Assessment strategies are detailed and promising intervention approaches described in depth, including cognitive-behavioral, interpersonal, psychodynamic, and pharmacological therapies. Also covered are special issues in the treatment of GAD in children, adolescents, and older adults.